r 9 .< r V 17. 1930 •Ma with * (Continued from pag* 11) feeling that I was extracting a general revenge Women. Never could I forget Claire; and, hav- ithe seed fsited some savings. the husband. I broke the bank hie savings were r t them penniless. Then I began hounding the Claire was to have a baby in a month. I drove from job to job. I bought grocery stores, *s, bond houses— any place where be found work him without references. Always I remained in ’round. Soon he could get no work but day labor. i been in lied for three days. * I am nearing the end of f. I know not what. I have a strange feeling in my heat! and in my ears there is a tiny bussing. A buzs- . ing whfth slowly, oh so slowly, is growing louder. I have n Reeling tbat when it gets very much louder I won't b#ablt4o 6>ink. I may not be able to think* now. I won der. 1 here at the typewriter and write this. I don't for or why. I serm to have intended writing or something . . . but who or what I can't nurse is looking at me queerly and I just heard the doctor over the phone if it did any harm for me to W|ite. 9 wish she would tell me*what It was T want ed to wMtn. * I can’t think of H for anything. I can 1 that Ml think bioi , t*w. I aflaip*.' Fan*! by the sheet of paper I found in the typewriter ive been out of my head. I don’t remember a >ut it. It is only a warning of what is coming, and I havc.no fear. I must harry on and finish • 1. * j I- i baby was bom without medical attention. I was nmrht 'lie and rob me of completing my revenge i*t Tier husband, weakling that I knew hfth left her to my devices. He was found with burst on a steel rail under the Fourteenth Street I < came from Claire. I ignored it. She went to as she was able In a laundry. I bought the fired her. Soon she was reduced to walking and begging. Then she came to my office. My complete. the ragged clothes she had on. the unkept of her hair. The hair that had set my heart and ilftened to her tale of She did not 4 ► i she eoi had worked Usactl: two persons aa she the utmost and the poet, taking *t my o^m « I fainted. A i i keen, unwholesome delim it as Justified my plans. They had la tended. I teemed to be One who enjoyed her state to like 4 raging beast chained to a and folly. , . i -- ( * 4 j I have Just read Jonathan Thorwald, I have vague feeltigs past, but no who could ha... and found this seemed only nothing to my fingers There's socn this house. Here comes ote of phoae stop. She and I must all the story above, and though I am I remcmbetr nothing of it. Sometimes If something had gone in the ilOB 'tbe above 1 am sure. I wonder k. I wandered into this r<*»m here f paper in the typewriter and it it I write . . . but what? I have Nothing . I didn’t even know over these keys as they do. quite understand about this, ito white . •« there’s something. (From the E Jonathan Thorwi at the Bellevue Ho lingering illness of to the Bellevue H his death. , Mr. interests in South a tropical disease which has kept in the past three for a few hours at Before contract will leaving hii er husband and their though she knew h Thorwald sine^ illness. clad women now. I must of this. It's fun though ' r r k Post, December 8, 1829) I ■WWNiMHtaghtrii banker, died Ital Thursday afternoon following a t months. He had been confined >r three weeks at tl^e time of 1 directing some of his several years ago, contracted affected his brain and puazled to date. It is said that be has been fully conscious only Mr. Thorwald wrote a 1 to Mrs. Claire Rundsee, her Mrs. Rundsen says that al- several years ago she has not seen and was not aware of his 0 .1 v i 11 -1!, i, don’t make me yawn, name ain’t Yohn. a. h\