*r \ 17. 1930 f X \ ^ (at scene of mur- Hotel Clerk—I be? your -You can’t corae into this don, but what is jfcMr 'v Kappa—Name? Don't you r—But I have been my signature there on the to do the murder. X, ister? jn—Well, you're too H. C.—Yea, that’s what arom - latej the murder's been done. ed my curiosity. —Ranger. I i P '1 * j I ( ■li i . , -I'm afraid I have bad The Man—But my dear lady, for you. You will never be why didn’t you signal? to work again. Flapper—There is no signal Student—Wadda you for what I wanted to do. bad news? —Jack-O’-Lantern. . ' J . _ jlJ In I What happened to your face ^ ib—That is a snappy gown The girl friend cracked a r e on. smile. Yes, this is the tp>wn You mean she laughed? to teas. | . ' No, no. It was my smile, ib—To tease whom? 41M Do you sleep with your wii this is your dream mar.’ dow up or down ? . I y you ain’t been eating I don't sleep with my heavy lately have you ? at all. —Yale Record. i j 1 < armella we make 1 I :ii She’s say, “No, no,” I say. look aroun’ an’ soon I foun I Jir 9 ' i f*Wt wHk bin Mr sCil. I'* I • .4 cut ' • I"' MM... *> •V7 4, * !■ f % y i • Nr J Right where ^ 1 i* da corner an’ • .i * * j?m‘ take da steamboat to this ee, start da Groc’ Shop. Da I go home last night is bringin* HI wop. I* da comer an* onder da • ( amelia was telHng , 7i**ti * • : | ‘ ? ,\i listen, Jeem. don’t >ou * - - < . more we sell da •A start da J I f !H' I want a pretty red lamp t the latest I iwiuw my OUB- 1 l V 1 * . * . . _ . J i£ 1, \i li I. f j . . v : 'i -4i mi t'li B A _ - 1 ever “Say. look here. I said, what’s your name?” . Watt? i k jt 1 I- Ul . a,_. 1 I i r • m ** ' 4 • *1 ■ y li: