The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 17, 1930, Image 13
- r 1- \ A izji >• } 1 ¥ •4 1 I I A |*<S II ml a l- i! — • ’ b * W I « ' V' ft i L U,« v*V , t 4J r li ■ t* : * ‘h i ^ i t h- . ,T! ' THE BATTALION I College Comic Editor—Where [did you steal this joke? (Contributor—From Life, and they’ll never know it either, for \ it came from a 1912 edition. C. C. E.—It must have. Ml | * ] \ - V Sweet Young Thing—Oh hello there cousin. Figure in Khaki—Hello, baby, but say, where do you get that “cuz” stuff?! j S. Y. T.—Why, didn’t sister just say that you were one of , t T ncle Sam’s boys? * \ m i ■ iii * „ Absent-minded sales girl (as date kisses her goorfnight)—Will r that be all? — , Yes, girls, the honeymoon is over when the husband chucks you under the bed instead of the chin. 4 I, - CpI.. '■ Whither away, my pretty maid? r - IN She—What happens to Mor- :r t ^ r "^ -- - i « Domp-rWhy does Santa Claup \' ‘ ! ' I • J 1 i you Santa Claus? rT icemen. —Belle Hop. pumber .(bluahing) _ r m tk-. L afraid to uy. Then P* Daftib—hbiw get your mind * * f ‘ (— ive my stocking alone. Pete—Come on. Baby, let’s get ^ li » u ’ i | , * ; like a coal mine. . . > ni * n ^ Ao lL. - : Repeat—How’s ’at? 1 dut of Je fitter. Ho wears ’em A Scotchman asked the West- p ete _o h , ju8t kinda hot. low to match hii coat. • ern UnlA operator if there was down , and dirty. «ny chaijge for the signature. . j[_ ! . .*7 i . ! tWk** iwpMed the operator. Our railroad is so well arraag. “Well, believe it cr.-aot. Pm ed that an impossi- an old Indian chief and my name The Old Maid—Has the canary k* mi. _» l J.\»L i . t— 1 < " hief ‘ De l*y e <i will arrive had ita bath yet? .•Mtut be u^-tb-datef j | Wednesday’.- replied the Scotch- The Maid—Yes. has Ma’m. You can come in now. —Yellow Jacket. Naw, justione train runs on- man ,t - II I I