THE BATTALION 3 A. H. Team Given Farewell Barbecue Tex- Student tickets to the annual Uni versity of Texas-Texas Aggie clash in Austin Thanksgiving Day may be obtained Sunday, November 23, at the offices of the Fiscal department in the Main building, according to James Sullivan, athletic business manager of A & M. The tickets will be issued accord ing to classification at a time which will be announced through the bulle tin at a later date- Coupon No. 32 and $1 will be exchanged for a ticket to the game. Mr. Sullivan advises that all stu dents obtain their ticket on that date if possible as all unsold tickets will be returned to Austin early in the week. Definite round trip rates to Austin have not been announced yet, but it is probable that the rate will be $2.30. BASKETBALL LETTERMEN Several faculty members and the A & M live stock judging team were | the guests of the juniors of the Sad dle and Sirloin club at a barbecue supper last Tuesday night in the Ani mal Husbandry Pavilion, honoring the team prior to its departure to the meets at Kansas City and Chicago. Several interesting facts were brought out in a short talk by Dr. Mark Francis, in which he compared the live stock industry of Texas with that of other states. “The value of live stock in Texas,” said he, “exceeds $8,000,000.” A report of the financial condition of the team was given through which it was announced that owing to the efficient management of the rodeo, whose crowd this year was not as large as in the past, they had raised $120.00 for each member of the team ! to help defray his traveling expenses. 1 It is the custom for the juniors to have charge of the rodeo each year, and turn over all profits to the team for its expenses on the annual trip to the American Royal Stock Show at Kansas City, and the International ' Live Stock Show at Chicago, which j are held the latter part of the month. The members of the team who will lie sent are: N. G. Schuessler, K. W. Tottenham, Russell Couch, H. E. Smith, D. H. Taylor, and L. H. Burns. -A & M Tickets On Sale Nov. 23 BEAU BELL CHARLIE BEARD Because of the large demands for financial aid this year on the part of college students, loans to students by colleges are being put more and more on a strictly business basis this year, reports from colleges and universities throughout the country indicate. The athlete is an actor. He is vain. He requires throngs and cheers to perform, to excel and to win.—Parke H. Davis, in the North American Re view. In Russia ther