THE BATTALION THE BATTA.LICN Student weekly publication of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas. Subscription by the year, $1.75. EDITORIAL STAFF ROBT. L. HERBERT Editor-in-Chief C. V. ELLIS ...Managing Editor J. A. BARNES Associate Editor FRED L. PORTER Associate Editor G. M. WRENN Associate Editor W. G. CARNAHAN Associate Editor J. L. KEITH —Art Editor RUSTY SMITH Associate Art Editor FRANK W. THOMAS JR Sports Editor BUSINESS STAFF R. N. WINDERS Business Manager W. F. FRANKLIN Assistant Business Manager W. J. NEUMAN ...Circulation Manager THE NEW SENIOR COURT If the proposed actions of the Senior Court are realized, the impeached student will have realized his justice and the originator or originators of the plan are to be highly commended for making the changes. It has long been desirous both on the parts of those brought before the court and the unaffected students that some more rea sonable and loftier method be installed to take care of the offend ers of the regulations; so any change, whether wholly desirable or not, just so it is an improvement, will hit the students with open arms. The tentative changes seem acceptable in their entirety. A & M graduates are unfortunately notorious for crimes commit ted at the dinner table. A responsible person among us has had an idea. It has been suggested that we institute a course in the fundamentals of eti quette—this course to be taught by women. Ideas and sugges tions, however, do very little good unless some action is taken. The question is, if this course were offered, would you take it? And will you help get it started? For purposes of diplomacy, tea-sipping was not mentioned in this article. If it had been, probably the entire student body would have rejected the idea instantly. We admit that it is an unusual change, but we must change one way or another. We cannot stand still very long, and it breaks no worthwhile tradition to move forward. To be eligible for this course you will not have to be a member of the Knights of the Pink Tea Table nor will your little finger have to be habitually dislocated. —Two who have been embarrassed. New York—IP—Milton H. Thomas has announced plan for an endow ment fund of $100,000 to provide im portant additions to the Columbian collection of books, manuscripts, maps and other memorabilia now in the possession of Columbia University, and to make these available to stu dents, alumni and scholars in all parts of the world. THE NEW LIBRARY Care of the new Cushing Memorial library building and equip ment is imperative not because it is college property, but because it is a gift to us students, invaluable to each of us irrespective of our frequency to it. It is a sturdy and architectural structure sel dom excelled. This is particularly true of its interior finish. The striking of matches on the walls and the unequal distribution of cigarette butts on the floor will be the more likely ornamental student contributions to the building. For no better manner of approach, we sincerely appeal to you to exercise more thoughtfullness while in the building so that its present beauty may be maintained. Bethlehem, Pa.,—IP—After a care ful study, Dean Max McConn, of Le high University has found that only one in eight of the lower half scholas tically at high school manages to complete his college course. The dean believes that admission to college should be as highly selec tive as the circumstances of each particular institution will permit. Urbana, O.—IP—Not more than 24 undergraduates were expected to register at Urbana University when it opens here this fall. The univer sity boasts the smallest student body of any higher educational institution in the United States. The size of the student body was swelled somewhat by the institution of a new course in music. To perpetuate the Hawaiian race, the United States government has ap proved a second appropriation of one million dollars which is to be used to establish natives on farms on the island of Molokai. INTESTINAL FORTITUDE NEW EXTENSION WORKER Regulations are regulations and it so happens that here at A & M the regulations are military. Occasionally we have the de sire to break one or more of these; oft times we carry out the im pulse, but to the end that we are caught and sentenced. More of ten, though, we are not caught, and even if so, the sympathy in the man usually overrides his better judgement and he smoothes it out for us. But that is not the point! If you have to have rebellious in stincts and see fit to carry them through, that is all right; but to plead like a bleeding sheep and bename your captor a feather-leg just because he found you out, instead of standing your punishment without a whimper, shows the lack of guts—the outstanding char acteristic of a real man! The highest temperature during the past summer season was recorded in Death Valley, Eastern California, wherle the thermometer registered 130 degrees one day. The latest busts to be place.' in the Hall of Fame include those of James Fenimore Cooper, Elias Howe, (.eorge Bancroft, Horace Mann, Joseph Story, Patrick Henry, John Lothrop Motely, James Russell Lowell and John Quincy Adams. New York State has the largest single supply of radium in the world. CAMPUS SHOE SHOP Serving A. & M. Since “91” STUDENT COMMENT A MATTER OF POLISH Do the students of Texas A & M lack polish and refinement ? Do we need such things here on the campus? Just a minute fel lows—Who needs electrical engineering, horticulture or economics here on the campus? Obviously nobody. Serious students, how ever, would like very much to have some knowledge of these things after leaving. Polish and refinement? The mechanics of table manners? Tact of approach, the ability to entertain by smoothness of con versation in formal, mixed company? Let us, if we please, be dif ferent and original for a moment and look just a little into the fu ture. Just to the Christmas holidays, for instance. Nearly every one of us will attend, during that time, a more or less formal af fair of some sort. After three and one half months of the cat and dog environment enjoyed so hilariously in the mess hall, will you feel natural and at ease in such a position? Be frank with yourself and the answer is obvious. To the more mature students who are able to look ahead pos sibly five or six years, we offer this situation. You are invited out to dinner by the president of the company. You are seated between the manager and the chief engineer. Will your conduct so impress them that you will be given the retiring manager’s position ? We wonder. Instances on record point to the opposite. Miss Elizabeth D. Terrill, of Culpep er, Va., was recently appointed nutri tion specialist in hte division of rural home research, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, succeeding Miss Emma E. Sumner, resigned. Miss Terrill becomes a co-worker with Dr. Jessie Whitacre, chief of the division of rural home research, in nutrition projects under way which include the adequacy of diet and growth in height and weight of Texas school children. Miss Terrill received B. A. degree from Hollins College, Hollins, Va. in 1917 and M. A. degree in the chemis try of foods from Columbia Univer sity in 1924. During the past year she took work in graduate nutrition courses at Columbia toward her Ph. D. degree. She has had considerable teaching experience also, including grade and qunior high school work and work at the Girls Preparatory School, Chatanooga, Tenn. and St. Mary’s College, Raleigh, N. C. She also served as head of the laboratory for research in oil extraction of the Southern Cotton Oil Company at Sa vannah, Ga. Senhora Bernardina Conrado da Silva Guimaraes, of Pernambuco, Brazil died recently at the reputed age of 113. She had 129 direct de- cendents. CURRY’S PLACE The Root Beer Stand WE SERVE THE BEST EATS AND DRINKS Next to Blue Moon Filling Station We are sole representatives for the designers and man ufacturers of the new model 1931 Senior Ring. (This ring can also be made with any numerals on it.) A. & M. Jewelry Watch Repairing J. P. Davidson, 40 Puryear, Representative SANKEY PARK JEWELER WHEN YOU WANT A-t-t-e-n-t-i-o-n You can get it here J. E. CONNELL Company C, Infantry College Agent See Our Representa tive In Your Or ganization Cloud & Tucker DRY CLEANERS and DYERS Where Service Is A Pleasure 3813 E. 26th St. Phone 223 Bryan, Texas nfiniQi |\\\ CanJzfji Will PEN € PENCI PENCIL SET for only $fy.00 Any prodigal son can write home with this Conklin pen and pencil set. It was designed for the ones who “hought too many other things first. Made with the utmost care of highest quality, heautiful, non— hreakahle materials in two colors. Glossy 13lack and Green and Gold, with gold mountings. The non— leakahle pen has generous ink capacity. The pen nit is 14-kt- gold, tipped with iridium. The automatic pencil includes all the exclusive features that provide smooth, easy action. It is com plete with lead magazine and eraser. Both pen and pencil handsomely toxed for only $5.00. . . Leading college stores will have plenty. The Conklin Ten Co. TOLEDO, OHIO Chicago San Franciaco