THE BATTALION Collegiate World PENNSYLVANIANS NOT FROM PA. Ann Arbor, Mich.— (IP)—Waring’s Pennsylvanians got their start at a university, and it wasn’t Pennsylvania either. It came to light here just recently that the famous jazz orchestra was so broke back in 1921 that the members decided to bust up, and would have done so had not Fred Waring been invited to come up and play at the University of Michigan. Here’s how it happened. One of the boys went to Ann Har bor, where a friend told him that the University of Michigan committee was looking for a small band to play in an old gymnasium for the overflow crowd at the annual Jay Hop. The committee already had two famous bands for the main dance. The or chestra member telegraphed to Fred. Fred wired the committee and the band assembled. “That was the greatest night ever,” Fred tells the story himself. “We stole the crowd right away from un der the Big Names. All our successes started in that old gymn. And we didn’t even have hotel money. A fraternity put us up on condition that we play free ‘for their house party the next night.” From there the band went to a De troit theater and radio station and after one night they got an eight- week stage contract. They’ve been going ever since,. MUSIC AIDS STUDY Minneapolis, Minn.,— IP — Tests made by students of the University of Minnesota in cooperation with Radio Station KSTP have proved that stu dents can do their best studying when listening to jazz music on the radio. Less distraction was found to pre vail when the loud speakers were vi brating than when the absolute sil ence reigned in the student’s room. ACCIDENT SHAPES CAREERS Yellow Springs, O.,—IP—Accident instead of aptitude is shaping the careers of far too many college stu dents, according to Dr. Arthur E, Morgan, president of Antioch college here. “In the practical administration of our colleges,” he said recently, “far too little attention is paid to the na ture and significance of student in terests. They are commonly looked upon as being determined by nature, like the color of the eyes.” Wellesley, Mass.,—IP—What is to be the largest map in the world, to cost more than two million dollars, is under construction here. It will meas ure 63 feet from east to west and 46 feet from north to south. The map was begun about five years ago, and is expected to take 50 years to complete. When finished it will be a perfect likeness of the coun- Did You Know By J. A. Barnes During the four days of registra tion $826,504.77 passed through the fiscal office? ? ? ? There have been as many as 4000 students checks written in one day? ? ? ? During the past two weeks approx imately 2310 telegrams have passed through the Western Union office on the campus ? ? ? ? A carpenter’s saw was used to cut the limestone now being used in the new agricultural building? ? ? ? There are least five, instead of two, graduates of the 1930 class, now teaching in school here ? try which makes up the United States and Canada. A gallery 15 feet high will encir cle the map, and viewed from this any section reproduced on the work will appear just above as it would if act ually seen from an airplane at a height of 12 miles. Major In “Thrift” AND PICK J. C. PENNEY AS ADVISOR! "THRIFT”, under the expert tu telage of the J. C. Penny store, is a practical course in Economics. It will show you how you can make j your allowance go much farther than even your Dad thinks it should! Summing up the course: you'll find | j that you can dress better for every : occasion, if you shop here! I J. C. PENNEY CO. 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Green or Black Lifetime 0 pens, $8.75; Ladies’, $8.25. Black-and-Pearl DeLuxe and Marine Green Lifetime 0 pens, $10; Ladies’, $9.50. Petite Lifetime 0 pens, $7 up. Golf or Handbag Pencil, $3. Others lower. *A recent survey made by a disinterested or ganization showed Sheafier’s first in fountain pen sales amon& the 100 leading American col leges having registration of 1,700 or more stu dents. Documents covering this survey are avail able to anyone. SHEAF FERN! V«-/ PENS PENCI LS DESK SETS SKRIP W. A. SHEAFFER PEN COMPANY • FORT MADISON, IOWA, U. S. A. IK.SKR FILLED, 50c to $1 Leak-t l P- $10. - proof, practi- cally unbreakable. Carry it tr classes! °Rcfr. U. S. Pat. Off. © W. A. S. P. Co., 1930 ¥ 1 I I Your good deed for today l % 'm m liM _ MM' » • —•—^-USTEN II*-*-. Geantland Rice Fcuhoom Sports Champions—*— Coca-Col* Orchestra Every Wednesday 10:30 to 11 pm. 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