2 THE BATTALION Merit IS SURE to rise.” Make a cigarette of better quality, of richer aroma and finer fra grance — and all the world will find it out. Witness Chesterfield’s popularity, growing every day. No flash in the pan, but enduring popularity — earned by giving smokers the one thing they want: TASTE above everything MILD . . . and yet THEY SATISFY field FINE TURKISH and DOMESTIC tobaccos, not only BLENDED but CROSS-BLENDED '■’ S ToiiAmo On. TWO PROFS. (Continued from Page 1) invitations to serve as members of a jury of awards for the South western architectural exhibit to be held over a period of two weeks in San Antonio, beginning March 30. The exhibit in question, sponsored by the West Texas Chapter, at San Antonio, of the American Institute of Architects, will have as its pur pose the stimulating of interest in types of architectui'e particularly adapted to the Southwest and will be the first of its kind with that particular object in view in the Southwest, according to announce ment. Mr. Langford and Mr. Vosper will act as members of the jury to judge exhibits and make awards for the best work submitted in institutional buildings, public buildings, eccles iastical buildings and domestic ar chitecture. In addition to inviting these two members of the A. and M. architec tural department to act as judges, the exhibition committee has in vited the department to submit rep resentative work by students of the college for exhibition. ARCH. DANCE (Continued from Page 1) with rich decorative designs into a Japanses palace for the pageant and dance. The ball will begin at 9:30 o’clock, following the banquet, and the pageant will begin at 11 o’clock. ! Theme for the pageant will be the j the participation in spring festivals and ceremonies of the ancient Jap anese. Costumes of this race will be worn by all members of the royal court, which will include a bevy of ladies in waiting on the queen and their escorts, court jesters, slaves and a host of other court attendants. A special dance number by Miss Mary Louise Bowen of Houston will be incuded in the pageant program. Chairmen of the various commit tees for the banquet, ball and pa geant are: J. E. Teague, Mexia, dec orations; F. L. Holmes, Waco, en tertainment; G. G. Smith, San An tonio, finance; J. L. Foxhall, Mem phis, program; and E. B. Jones, East- land, director of the pageant. BOONE WILL SPEAK (Continued from Page 1) “Awakening of Spring; ’ typifying j evening at eight o’clock in the phys ics lecture room. The subject of the speaker: “The Limits of Our Mater ial Universe,” is one in which both technical and non-technical men will be interested. It is understood that the lecture will be a discussion in three ways in which the universe is limited, one of which concerns astronomical lim its and will necessarily be technical. The remainder of his lecture will be a non-technical but scholarly varie ty. ENGINEER CHIEF (Continued from Page 1) banquet room and Wednesday morn ing he spoke to the three upper classes of engineering students.