V THE BATTALION 1 I phen F. Austin Teachers’ College, Nacogdoches, Texas, and will close the tour March 18, at North Georgia State Agricultural College. FISH BAT STAFF (Continued from Page 1) Plans for the publication are be ing slowed up considerably by the scarcity of prospective staff mem bers and the class president urges every member of the class to make known any student who is a likely prospect for work of this type. EXES MEET (Continued from Page 1) the directors chose the first week end of April. This date will corres pond with the former commencement date. Good tobacco in a pipe That’s what you want! "T X THY do you hunt high and low V V and everywhere, when all the time here is good tobacco waiting to be smoked in your pipe? Why not dis cover Edgeworth and be done with your hunting? Light a pipeful of Edgeworth. Roll on your tongue the full-bodied smoke that never bites and is always cool. Taste the Edgeworth flavor—the flavor that never changes. Learn for yourself why Edgeworth is the choice of so many critical smokers all around the world. You simply must meet Edgeworth somehow. Buy a can of it, or borrow some, or let us send you several pipe fuls, free, just to taste. Use first the coupon and then restraint until the postman comes with the Edgeworth. You’ll bless the day, for good tobacco in a pipe is what you want. Edgeworth is a careful blend of good tobaccos —selected especially for pipe-smoking. Its quality and flavor neverchange. Buy Edgeworth any where in two forms— “Ready Rubbed” and “Plug Slice”—15c pock et package to pound hu midor tin. EDGEWORTH SMOKING TOBACCO LARUS 8s BRO. CO. 100 S. 22d St., Richmond, Va. I’ll try your Edgeworth. And I’ll try it in a good pipe. Name Street Town and State Now let the Edgeworth come! V21 >*1.AS I S / M. H. HOLLOWAY Austria has no national language, but speaks German and her entire Dr. Arthur MacDonald, of Wash ington, has bequeathed his brain and population is Teutonic. Union with body to the anatomical laboratory of Germany was prevented only by the j the medical school of Western Re objections of the Allies. I serve University at Cleveland. < > The Campus Cleaners and Tailors HENRY LOCKE, Manager Alterations, Cleaning, Pressing and Repairs Hats Cleaned and Blocked. Caps Cleaned. Ties Cleaned and Pressed. OVER THE EXCHANGE STORE A blending of blue, yellow, and green jersies on a highly polished floor, radiating the colors of the rainbow; uncontrolled masculine de motions mingled with deep sighs; 1 dozen fair maidens energeticly striving to put the round, leather ball through the basket; confusion, and the rumble of an approving crowd; the sound of a whistle, blow ing at irreg-ular intervals; a scuffle, a fall, a scramble and a long yell as the ball g’oes through the basket— such, in brief, was our impression of the basketball game between the “Boswell Dairymaids” and r the “Southern Pacific Queens.” Expressing it mildly, the game was unique (for us), altogether charming and well worth the money. Our only objection is that it should have been a double-header—the more, the mer rier. The Aggies experienced a keen disappointment (probably) in being unable to see the Burleson team play the winner of the Dairymaid-Queen game. It would have made the night a complete success for the cadets. Serene, we fold our hands and wait for the next game of this kind. Like the rest of the Aggies, we are fo them. Now that the ice has been broken in staging- them, it should soon become an established custom. (Not an “old Spanish custom”—just a new Aggie one.) We are of the opinion that it will meet with no op position. The opposite sex usually are very kind,, considerate and latentive to the fine specimens of manhood that are spending their time and money at this erstwhile collitch of ours. Nevertheless, they will always be an enigma to us. What we least expect is forever the thing that happens. For the purpose of illustration, lamp this: While collecting data for an E. E. experiment in the metropolis of Nav- asota Sunday afternoon, a certain good Samaritan of the tribe of broth er Aggies had occasion to walk down the highway a “fur piece.” A high ly polished vehicle (the latest a- chievement of Henry Ford) cometh by ratehr fastly and slams on its brakes, stopping quickly. A fair occu pant sticks her head out of the car riage. Sez she, “Are you tired of walking?” Sez he, “Well, I guess.” Replies she, “Then run awhile.” The good Samaritan falls, fainting as he does so. “There ain’t no justice.” Further more, children of the house of Jacob, you need not look for it. 1855 • SEVENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY • 1930 A Harnessing Niagara Falls to the washing machine Cheaper power! Groping after this modern touchstone to wealth, deluded inventors slaved over perpetual motion machines . . . informed inventors evolved the turbine... broad visioned men harnessed the rush of waters ... engineers raised pressures and temperatures to produce more power without corresponding increases of cost. While, step by step, this progress has taken place, the many men who have contributed to it could not know what far-reaching results it would have. Now the ultimate boons grow clear. Water power development becomes a national policy, steam bids fair to rival water power for cheapness, economically produced power brings more plentiful goods, lights houses and hauls crowds in cities, is carried to rural sections to lift washday drudgery from farm women’s shoulders. Among the many industrial victories that are behind this revolution, none is more important than wider knowledge of piping materials and better materials. One of the highly prized chapters of our history is the contribution that Crane research and valve engineering has made to the general advance. The results of this research are embodied in a Crane book, Pionee?-- ing in Science. It is a fascinating story of engi neering development and a valuable reference work for engineering students. A request will bring you a copy. tCR A N E Fittings PIPING MATERIALS TO CONVEY AND CONTROL STEAM. LIQUIDS, OIL, GAS, CHEMICALS CRANE CO.. GENERAL OFFICES: 836 S. MICHIGAN AVE., CHICAGO NEW YORK OFFICES: 23 W. 44TH STREET Branches and Sales Offices in One Hundred and Ninety Cities