THE BAT TALIGN 7 MAGAZINE NAMED (Continued from Page 1) partment; N. F. Rode of the Electri cal Enineering-, and Ernest Langford of the Architectural Departments. The business staff of the “Techno scope” includes L. B. Dunlap, busi ness manager; E. R. Rankin and -W. O. Ray, as associate business man agers; W. D. Staples and J. Burks, as assistant business managers. In cahrge of the circulation of the magazine will be J. M. Tommie, Jr. manager, and E. C. Miller as his as sociate in the task. The art staff is composed of the largest number of representatives, J. L. Keith being the head and the associate head of this department. This list includes only the senior members; each of these however, has a junior assistant or is desiring one. The staff as a whole is also desirous of obtaining junior members in or der to have a competent senior staff for the four publications next year and they wish the point to be stress ed that anyone interested in such work for the bonefits they derive therefrom should let such be known to some member of the staff listed above. The Executive Board of the publi cation is the same as the Executive Committee for Engineers Day and are the presidents of the many stu dent engineering societies on the campus. The first and only issue of the “Technoscope” for the 1930 class will | ATHLETIC GOODS | j OF ALL KINDS Baseball I Tennis Golf T rack j Basketball I j WALDROP & CO. j College and Bryan be for sale on Engineers’ Day and the fifty-page edition will sell for twenty-five cents. PRESS CONGRESS (Continued from Page 1) College, Baylor University, College of Industrial Arts, Southern Method ist University, Texas Christian Uni versity, Texas Technological College, University of Texas, Trinity Univer sity. D. M. TEAM LEAVES SUNDAY (Continued from Page 1) of the Dairy Department of the Fat Stock Show. The dairy judging contest was or ganized by Mr. Darnell in 1923, and since that time Texas A. and M. has won every contest except two. One set of the permanent trophies offer ed now rests at A. and M. Oklahoma A. and M. and Texas A. and M. have each won the second set twice, and a win by either this year means per manent possession of the coveted cups. Four teams are already entered in the contest, Oklahoma, Louisiana, New Mexico and Texas are all rep resented. Over two hundred and fif ty dollars is offered in cash prizes in addition to the beautiful trophies. “T” CLUB DANCE (Continued from Page 1) J. B. Michael, Fort Worth, programs; and C. A. Tracy, Houson, finance. The officers of the “T ’ club elect ed the first of the year are: J. E. Brown. Alvord, president; H. B. Lack ey, Fort Worth, vice president; and C. A. Tracy, Houston, secretary and treasurer. PLANS FOR FISH BAT (Continued from Page 1) each edition but the classes of the last two years have proven that by dent of hard work the publication will not only pay for itself but will place a nice surplus in the class treasury as well. A woman in Los Angeles won a battle royal for the recovery of a cigar stub thrown away by former president Calvin Coolidge. She put the stub in her hand bag and hurried away without giving her name to reporters who rushed to get it. Typing by wire—an adventure in communication The telephone typewriter, a new Bell System service, has commercial possi bilities as yet barely realized. Forexample,a business house can type write a message over telephone wires, anJ this is retyped instantaneously and simultaneously in any number of branch cflices. The advantage is obvious — in knitting together far-flung organizations and in quickening the pace of business. Here is still another extension of telephone service which has already proved its value. The telephone type writer promises even greater things as industry discovers new uses for this in strument of convenient communication. YOUR MOVE| Your friends can’t buy your photograph. That’s why it makes such an excellent gift or remembrance! AGGIELAND STDDIO EVERYTHING IN PICTURE LINE Films Kodak Finishing Frames BELL SYSTEM t// nation-wide system of inter-connecting telephones “OUR PIONEERING WORK HAS JUST BEGUN”