The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 05, 1930, Image 1

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Do Your
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Fish Bat
Published Weekly by the Students of
the Agricultural and
Mechanical Coil ege of Texas.
NO. 24
MAGAZINE NAMED Juniors Selected to
D. H. Team Leaves
Sunday for Contest
Deane, Winner, Will Receive Prize;
Burton Second in Contest.
At a meeting’ of the new engineer
ing publication staff, the name
“Technoscope,” suggested by Bill
Deane, was selected as the title for
the magazine. Because of this choice,
Deane will receive the two prizes of
fered in the contest which are a six-
dollar tailor ticket from Ben Young
blood’s College Tailor Shop and a
Wahl Eversharp pencil from the Ex
change Store. The very nifty name
“Equation” was suggested by M. S.
Burton, ran a close race with “Tech
noscope” but fell a second choice and
can thus receive only honorable men
The one volume which will be pub
lished this year is intended to be fifty
pages and already both the business
and the editorial staffs are busy in
trying to make the first issue of the
quarterly a dvnamie success tc cor
respond with the newly arranged for
“Engineers’ Day” which it will in-
augurate on March 10.
The editorial staff as selected at
the time of voting on the magazine
include S. A. Roelofs, editor-in-chief
H. D. Maples, associate editor; M. C.
Easterling, B. W. Farquhar, I. L.
Williams, W. E. Collins, B. H. Holt,
P. M. Honnell, and J. W. Donahue as
assistant editors, representing each
of the engineering departments of
the college. The faculty sponsors are
Dr. L. E. Grinter of the Civil Engin
eering Department; C. W. Crawford
of the Mechanical Engineering De-
(Continued on Page 7)
Committee Announces that Plans are
Ready for Dance.
Tuxedos and the last word in mil
itary uniforms will blend with sweep
ing gowns of vari-colored hue when
the letter men of the college meet
with their guests for the annual “T”
dance to be held at the Bryan Coun-
try Club Friday night, March 7.
Joe Brown, president of the “T”
Club, announced that the following
men would compose the dance com
mittee: F. L. Holmes, Waco, and R
L. Hunter, Fort, Worth, decorations;
Brooks Conover, Dallas, music; H.
U. Bible, Jefferson City, Tennessee,
floor; H. B. Lackey, Fort Worth, and
(Continued on Page 7)
Number Reduced This Year From
Fourteen to Eight.
Each year there is a select group
of Junior chemical engineers taking
advanced military science, given the
opportunity to choose between their
regular camp and the Chemical War
fare Service Camp at Edgewood Ar
senal, Maryland. After attending - this
camp each must accept his commis
sion in the Officers Reserve Corps
in the C. W. S.
Last year there were sixteen rec
ommended for the camp and fourteen
attended. This year, however, the
number has been reduced to eight
out of the sixteen recommended.
Those who will attend are: D. F.
Cheaney, E Company, Infantry, from
Electra; W. T. Askew, E Company
Infantry, Fort Worth; L. C. Baker,
A Company, Infanrty, Dale; R. E.
Bland, C Engineers, Dallas; J. B.
Clark, B Battery F. A., Fort Worth;
T. A. Francis, B Troop, Cavalry, El
Paso; J. C. Ward, D Battery, F. A.,
Weatherford; and J. E'. Latta, D Com
pany, Infantry, Tyler.
All Freshmen Interested Are Urged
to Make Themselves Known.
Plans for the publication of the
annual “Fish Battalion,” special edi
tion of The Battalion by the members
of the freshman class, are being made
according to J. L. Cunningham, class
The “Fish Bat” is traditionally
published by members of the fresh
man class every spring and its ap
pearance on the campus is awaited
eagerly by members of all classes,
for it is often the source of much fun
and pleasure.
Members of the freshman class
who wish to assist with publication
this year should see Cunningham in
23 Foster. It is desired that all fresh
men who have had any expeirence in
work of this kind or feel that they
would be interested in such work
make themselves known at once, for
in order to make the special edition
a success it will be necessary for the
entire class to be behind it.
Until two years ago a “Fish Bat”
had never paid for itself and it was
usually expected that personal sub
scription would be necessary with
(Continued on Page 7)
First Stop to be Fort Worth; Thence
to Tyler for Practice Judging.
The Dairy Plusbandry Department
has announced the selection of the
dairy cattle judging team, which is
to leave Sunday, March 9, to parti
cipate in the Southwest Student
Dairy Cattle judging contest, held in
association with the Southwest Fat
Stack Show and Exposition at Fort
Eight men have been working out
three times each week since February
I, and the following men will com
pose the team selected by A. L. Dar
nell, coach: J. L. Allen, El Campo;
J. D. Sellers, Mexia; J. H. Taylor,
Dublin; J. J. Willingham, College
These men will attend the East
Texas Dairy Show, Tyler, for prac
tice judging Wednesday and Thurs
day of this week, returning to Col
lege Station Friday. Foaoh TJa-rnell
will accompany the team to Tyler and
go from there to Fort Worth to as
sume his duties as superintendent
(Continued on Page 7)
Annual Journalism Society Meeting
in Fort Worth This Year.
Plans for the program for South
western Journalism Congress, which
will be held April 4 and 5 at Texas
Christian University, Fort Worth,
were made at an executive board
meeting at Baylor College.
In attendance were: President J.
Willard Ridings, Texas Christian
University; vice president, Paul J.
Thompson, University of Texas; sec
retary-treasurer, Miss Ailese Parten,
Baylor College; executive members,
Miss Helen Zene Wortman, Baylor
College, and Curtis Vinson, A. and
M. College.
Already several social features for
the two-day convention have been
planned by the Fort Woi'th Press and
Fort Worth Star-Telegram, which are
co-operating with T. C. U.
The convention met last year with
College of Industrial Arts at Denton
with Merle Crowell, editor of the
American Magazine as the principal
Schools which hold memberships in
the Southwestern Journalism Con
gress are': A. and M. College, Baylor
(Continued on Page 7)
Second Meeting of Juniors Proves
Decisive on Ring Question.
With the overwhelming vote of
150-37, members of the junior class
voted in a meeting called for that
purpose last Saturday to return to
the old style ring which was official
ly discarded by the members of the
preceding class last year.
The meeting Saturday followed one
held the previous week for the pur
pose of discussing the problem, and
the quiet orderliness which was evi
dent in both gatherings bespoke the
sincerity of the class in their con
sideration of the matter. Advocates
of both rings were allowed ample
time for arguments for and against
each ring in the first meeting, but
only the matter of voting was taken
up in the second.
Members of the ring committee are
-t —.7drnvnng 'bp specifica
tions for the new ring and will prob
ably consider bids from several com
peting companies before the week
is out.
It has been pointed out by mem
bers of the committee tnat the spec;
fications to be drawn up will likelj
call for a better class of engraving
than has ever been given in an A. and
M. ring and several other require
ments are being made which will
improve the quality of this year’s
product. It would be wise, then, mem
bers of the committee believe, to
await until the contract is awarded,
before placing orders for rings with
Major Sloan .<> Speak on Naval Ques
tion at Next Meeting.
Professor S. S. Morgan of the De
partment of English, idelivered a
very interesting paper on “Vitalism”
before the Scholarship Society at the
regular semi-mothly meeting last -
Thursday night.
Major J. E. Sloan will deliver a
paper on “Some Aspects of the Naval
Requirements of the Five Great Pow
ers” at the next meeting of the So
ciety on March ISth.
The meetings are held in the “Y”
parlor at seven o’clock every other
Thursday night and the members of
the teaching staff are cordially ^in