THE BATTALION AT 10-2 CxM 4 O'CLOCK 'ft U *#•; l I Go throv/ a Dr. Pepper party and see how-much "it” you’ll have. There’s no less expensive nor more enjoyable way to be a sport. Frails fall for it. /¥ <■ •o ©!929- DR PEPPER CO.. DALLAS Y La Salle Hotel Barber Shop MODERN SANITARY EXPERT SERVICE Bryan, - Texas | DR. LAMAR JONES DENTIST X-Ray Second Floor City National Bank Building Telephones: Office 698; Res. 464. BRYAN, TEXAS Patronize our Advertisers. They make this paper possible. BRYAN NURSERY AND FLORAL CO. TELEPHONE 266 1 It F. H. REICHERT Student Representative 122 Hollywood THEM GOOD MALTEDS WE STILL MAKE ’EM King’s, Whitman’s and Pang- burn’s Candies. Holmes Brothers Confectionery CADET HEADOUARTERS For the best Eats and Drinks. Package Drugs and Sundries. Newest Pipes and Freshest Tobacco. One 15c can of tobacco Free with each pipe purchased, for a limited time. WM. L. POWERS I (Next to the Dixie) ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ You Can Get the Best Military Clothing Stationery Drawing Material and Toilet Articles at the Jihnre The Official Store of the College mmtmtmmtmmtmtntttntmttmnnm I > II i ll 4> < 51 < >< 11 < >< > < fO <>* > < X ► < X > < x ► i >4 < x ► > < x > < >4> < >4 44 I44 4>< > i > < x > X > ■4 < >4 <►4 4x > < x > < > < X > 4< > 4 i > < >4 <>o < XI- < >0 < 44 < x> < i X > i M ► 4 X > i H ► < M > 4H> 4 >4 > Campus Shoe Shop Serving A. & M. Since “81 ” COLUMBIA, VICTOR AND BRUNSWICK TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS—ATWATER-KENT, EDISON AND VICTOR RADIOS- HASWELL’S BOOK STORE AGGIELAND BARBER SHOP TRY US FOR REAL SERVICE We appreciate any part of your business. (Next Door to Aggieland Drug Store . V7\Y. IVY mmmmmmmmmmm <$^><^444444444 44444<8>444444444<$>4444<$>44444 > 444444444 > 4<$> RED FOX ATHLETIC CLOTHING MADE IN THE SOUTH FOR SOUTHERN PLAYERS Used by most of the Universities, Colleges and High Schools in Texas. Cullum & Boren Co. DALLAS, TEXAS