The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 19, 1930, Image 9
THE BATTALION 9 ICE CREAM IS A FOOD Cultivate the Habit Cream Everyday. Records and Portables Victor, Brunswick, Columbia and Okeh. Come in and bear the latest hits. JOE KAPLAN & CO., INC. “If its new, we have it” THE NEW YORK CAFE * New Throughout and Modern in Every Respect. SOLICITS THE PATRONAGE OF OLD AND NEW STUDENTS Next Door to La Salle Hotel Bryan, Texas Phone 460 COLLEGE TAILOR SHOP BEN YOUNGBLOOD, Proprietor CORRECT DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING Get the New Cits Suit Here t t I | T i t 4* t ± ... t t J» il The Campus Cleaners and Tailors „ HENRY LOCKE, Manager Alterations, Cleaning, Pressing and Repairs < i Hats Cleaned and Blocked. Caps Cleaned. Ties Cleaned and Pressed. OVER THE EXCHANGE STORE \ ( l MWBWMW—■—II—IMI liminyKJ—O—■ INTRAMURAL FOOTBALL (Continued from Page 8) evened by the sound beating the First Artillery handed the Second Infantry. Buckman, O’Dowd, Rowley and Caswell, with Hewit going over for three touchdowns were outstand ing for the Artillery team. Watson, Stone, and Blodgett were the Infan try’s mainstays. The highly touted Cavalry outfit caught it on the chin again when the first Infantry walloped them by a 6-0 count. Snurr, Wright, Nolan, and Ellis were outstanding for' the In fantrymen while Harlan and Bryant took the Cavalry honors. NEW COURSES (Continued from Page 8) Hygiene, as listed above. The other courses in Physicl Education will be given in the Junior and Senior years, where ample provision for electives has also been made. Mr. W. L. Penberthy of the Depart ment of Physical Education will have immediate charge of the work, and he will be assisted by other members of the Department, all of whom are well qualified in this important field. Detailed information regarding the major in Physical Education may be secured from Mr. Penberthy or from Dean Charles E. Friley. BAYLOR SOPHOMORE LEADING HIGH SCORER OF S. W. C. By scoring 12 of his team’s points against the Rice Owls, R. Alford, brilliant sophomore forward went in to the lead of the high scorers of the S. W. C. with 81 points. Buster Kee ton is 15th on the list with 40 points to his credit and Hoke is 18th with 35. The following is the present standing: Alford, Baylor Eg. .'27 Ft. 27 Pts. 81 R. Hart, Rice .28 17 73 Eury, T. C. U. . . . .22 26 70 Hess, Rice .24 20 68 Rose, Texas .27 17 67 Strickland, Baylor . .21 22 54 Pickren, Ark .18 25 61 Prewitt, Ark . .24 12 60 Schoonover, Ark. . .21 14 56 Roberson, T. C. U. . .20 11 51 Fomby, Texas .20 10 50 Atkins, T. C. U.... .17 10 44 Reynolds, S. M. U.. .16 10 4l2 Camp, Texas .16 9 41 Keeton, Aggies . . . .13 14 40 The much-sung cricket, classical music maker of the traditional hearth, has been pronounced a pest by the United States Bureau of En tomology. When hungry the insects eat qlothes and boc(k-t«indings ajnd other articles, the specialists have found. The Bureau calls their music “noisy chirping.” All contributions mailed to the edi tor of the Battalion will be given due consideration and greatly appre ciated. Pipes save no midnight oil TTF PIPES made the man, anybody at all could rise in the world just by smoking a few pounds of Edge- worth. But pipes do not make the man. Men make the pipe—most men do. Somewhat depends on the individual, more on the pipe, and the tobacco is most important of all. Things must be congenial. Edgeworth is a congenial tobacco, cool, slow-burning, fully flavored. Edgeworth has poise, kindly good nature, real tobacco personality — Edgeworth welcomes new friends. Many a good man has been pledged to pipes by Edgeworth alone. Like to meet Edgeworth? Just ask with the coupon—and the postman will bring your first few pipefuls of the genuine, three years seasoned if it’s a day. Our treat, if you please. Others have found Edgeworth and quit their discontent. So may it be with you! EDGEWORTH Edgeworth is a careful blend of good tobaccos — selected especially for pipe-smoking. Its quality and flavor never change. Buy it anywhere — “Ready Rubbed” or “Plug Slice”—ISt pocket / package to pound humi- p dor tin. Larus Gs Bro. Co., Richmond, Va. I’ll try your Edgeworth. And I’ll try it in a good pipe. (Witness my seal) (and my seat of learning) (and my postoflice and state) Now let the Edgeworth come! V