The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 19, 1930, Image 7
THE BATTALION FLASHES FROM EVERYWHERE Professor Seag’ar, of the Rockefel ler Institute has found that West Indies negroes are old men and wo men at the age of 30 because of the hardships they have to undergo to eke out a living. A historic motion picture depicting the life of George Washington is be ing prepared under the direction of the Washington Society of Alexan dria, Va., one of the oldest patriotic societies in the nation. The picture will begin with the arrival of the boy Washington at Mount Vernon, the home of his brother, Lawrence, and will portray him in successive scenes during the fifty years he participated in the life of Alexandria. The completed film will be avail able to patriotic and civic organiza tions, high schools and colleges throughout the United States. Among the leaders in a new war on smoking, with the idea of bring ing Congress to see its way clear to regulating or abolishing cigarette advertising, are Dr. Harvey W. Wil ey, Dr. William G. Lennox, of Har vard University, Senator Smoot, of Utah, Dr. Danial A. Poling, of the Christian Endeavor, the Christian Science Monitor, the National Child Welfare Council, the Boy Rangers of America, and the northern wing of the Methodist Episcopal Church. JUNIOR CLASS TO HOLD MEETING First Discussion on Ring to be Held This Coming Saturday. A meeting of the junior class for the purpose of discussing the senior ring for the class of 1931 will be held in the Assembly Hall Saturday afternoon, Fred Buford, president of the class has announced. The ring committee, composed of C. H. Swope, chairman; J. A. Cotton, Joe E. Connell, F. E. Bortle, and F. R. McIntosh, which for the past sev eral weeks has been preparing data to present the class, will lay the re sults of their investigation before the members of the class at this meeting. In selecting the five men mention ed above for the committee, repre sentation has been given to every branch of service in the cadet corps, preventing any interference as a re sult of “hat cord” prejudices. PROHimcTWAS DOMINANT ISSUE According to Professor William F. Ogburn, of the University of Chi cago, director of the social survey group recently appointed by Presi dent Hoover, prohibition was by far the dominant issue in the 1928 Presi dential campaign. The University Press Bureau, Pro fessor Ogburn declares, has made what is bel'eved to be the first scien tific analysis of the vote. AG. EDUCATION SENIORS DEVISE PRACTICAL PLAN Program of Mutual Helpfulness Car ried Out by Department. Quite an instructive and practical plan of instruction is being carried on this month by the seniors in Ag ricultural Education, according to word received from that department. An investigation by the department heads showed the urgent need for a practical means of helping the far mers in Brazos county on their per sonal problems. Thus it was arrang ed that the seniors in the Agricul tural Education 401 class should go out into the various communities throughout the county, and hold con ferences with the farmers and help them work out their problems. Four such meetings are being held each week by the twenty-four sen iors, who work in groups of six in each of the four communities, and obviously the plan is meeting with the approval of the more progressive farmers since from twelve to twenty farmers have been present at each c f the community meetings. The farmers themselves are the program sponsors, signifying in every case their own personal problems which they desire aid on. One group wanted help on insect eradication, while another were more interested in the methods of poultry raising for profit. Thus the seniors, having determined the subjects which the farmers are interested in, work out the problems, and at the next meet ing or by a special trip to the var ious farms actually attempt to solve the farmers personal problems in the most practical way possible. In the end it will be rather a mat ter of opinion as to whether the far mers or the seniors have profited mere from the meetings, but it is assured that both will be well repaid for their time. §?® >< ® >< 3 > <3 >< S >< 3 >< $ >< $ >, $ >< 3> < S >< S >< S><S >< 8> < 8> < 3><® > <S><S><S><S> < S><S><$»<S><S><8><$><e><»><S^^ ROBISON CRUSOE LIVED A LONELY LIFE How a photograph would have cheered him. Is your sweetheart a Robison Crusoe P She will appreciate a photograph of yourself and no doubt you have other friends who will like one also. Made from your Lorghorn negative or new. JSTTJIDXO FOSHAY TOWER—MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Magney & Tusler, Architects Unusual Design Feature of Twin City Skyscraper r I ’’HE Foshay Tower, Minneapolis, Minn., is designed along unusual lines. It will be one of the unique landmarks of the Twin Cities for many years. The builders of this novel building have provided for the most advanced form of Vertical Transportation by installing Otis Signal Control elevators, which will provide high speed intensive service throughout the life of the structure. OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY OFFICES IN yVLL PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE WORLD