I ■I THE BATTALION r>v‘ v4 shakedown test, a rescue, and a hundred thrills yt SCORE of carefree Coast Guard _/jl sailors, and with them a Westing- house man from the Boston Office, headed in a “bum boat” for the cutter Chelan peacefully at anchor in the harbor of Hamilton, Bermuda Islands. It had been an exciting shakedown test-cruise. The Westinghouse turbine generator, motor and condensers had functioned perfectly, the sea had yield ed up its bag of tricks, the Bermudas had fascinated every soul. And soon they would be bound for home. But fate held new experiences in store. Five hundred miles off the Azores, the Newport,New York State training ship, had lost her propeller. The Chelan was called to the rescue. And with her, of course, went the Westinghouse man. WHAT YOUNGER COLLEGE MEN ARE DOING WITH WESTINGHOUSE M. D. ROSS Generator Design University Toronto, '22 R. A. ALLEN Headquarters Sales Alabama Polytechnic Insti tute, '24 W. SCHAELCHLIN Propulsion Control Engineer State College, '19 Zuerich, Sivitzerland The Chelan, like four other Coast Guard Cutters recently completed, is equipped with Westinghouse turbine electric drive. H. R. GOSS Molar Design University Minnesota, '20 C. M. WILLIAMS Auxiliary Switching Design University Illinois, '21 Three days at top speed on tropical waters, the excitement of rescuing a helpless crew, twelve days at a lazy towing speed, men overboard and a res cue at sea—thrills like those come to many Westinghouse men in line with their work at electrifying the world. For Westinghouse, in a commanding position in electrical development, enters every field of industry where electricity is or may be employed. And Westing house men get a taste of every brand of human activity. (®) Westinghouse • THE THINKER. And tramples it under heel. Back of the motor’s humming-, Force of the engines thrust. Back of the beating hammer By which the steel is wrought, Back of the workshop’s clamor The seeker may find the thought; The thought that is ever master Of iron and steam and steel, That rises above disaster The drudge may fret and tinker Or labor with lusty blows. But back of him stands the thinker The clear-eyed man who knows. For into each plow or saber, Each piece and part and whole Must go to the brains of labor. Which gives the work a soul. Back of the belts that sing, Back, of the hammers drumming, Back of the cranes that swing, There is the eye which scans them Watching through stress and strain, There is the mind which plans them, Back of the brawn; the brain. Night of the roaring boiler, Strength of the sweating toiler; Greatly in these we trust. But back of them stands the schem er. The Thinker who drives things through; Back of the job, the dreamer Who’s making the dream come true. TSSssAlii