The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 05, 1930, Image 1

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flic lattmion
They Make
Published Weekly by the Students of the Agricultural and Mechanical Coll ege of Texas
NO. 20
Battalion Picture
Complete Fizzle
First Edition of
Ag. Magazine Out
Treasury Exhausted by Excessive
Demand of Students for Loans.
Seckatary Revak Injured in Photog
raphy Accident.
To be Distributed over Campus and
to County Dem. Agents.
The real value of the loan * fund
of the Association of Former Stu
dents does not become apparent un
til the advent of a new term, and
then to only those few who are un
able to obtain a loan at all or can
not get one of the desired amount.
As is the usual case with the As
sociation, the treasury died out be
fore all were satisfied, but unlike the
beginning of former terms, this fund
became depleted some two weeks be
fore registration for the second term
A total of 173 loans were made and
a total of near the $19,000.00 mark
was loaned, thus giving an average
of a little more than $100.00 per loan.
It is seen by this that the Associa
tion is accomplishing their part in
this educational regime. Their only
handicap is the lack of money in the
fund’s treasury.
Triangular Debate Between A. and
M., T. C. U. and S. M. U. Will
Be Held Here.
The announcement of a triangular
All was silence. Five still figures
huddled closely together looking with
grim countenances upon the dastard
ly result of their intrigue and inge
nuity lying still and white before
them. Off in a corner two more fig
ures stood behind a menacing weapon
mounted upon a tripod, gazing tri
umphantly at the quintet before
them. At last they had them where
they wanted them!
“Alright, Joe, shoot quick before
they move,” one of the pair whisper
ed hoarsely.
A burst of flame, a loud report
and the picture of the 1930 Battalion
staff should have been ready for the
But it wasn’t!
Instead, a frightened photography
director, Monterey Joe Revak, stood
simulating the pose of the Goddess
of Liberty with a burning torch held
high above his head, his hair on fire,
burning bits of wet flashlight powder
on his hands and shoulders, and a
flaming mass of the same powder at
his feet licking out tongues of flame
as if to devour the dim carpet which
covers the floor of the room of the
editor-in-chief and the business man
ager of the Battalion.
Revak is expected to recover from
(Continued on Page 5)
Filling a long recognized need, The
Texas Aggie Countryman, agricul
tural monthly publication of the A.
and M. College of Texas, made its
first appearance on the campus Feb
ruary 3. The first issue of the new
periodical will be distributed among
the extension workers, staff of the
experiment station, the faculty, stu
dents in agriculture, vocational teach
ers and county . and home demon
stration agents.
The publication of’ the first issue
of The Countryman marks the real
ization of a dream and ambition
on the part of Professor Daniel
Russell, head of the department of
Rural Sociology and the completed
work i& largely the result of his ef
forts and that of the members of
the Agricultural Journalism Society,
which was organized on the sugges
tion of Professor Russell.
Editor of the magazine is T. A.
Ketterson, Houston, and business
manager is Paul A. Dresser. The
arrangement of the material in the
publication and the quantity of ad
vertisements indicate the effort these
two officials have made to make
the first appearance of their period
ical a success.
(Continued on Page 5)
debate in which A. and M., T. C. U.
and S. M. U. will participate is the
outstanding ’development of debat- j
ing here this week. The date for the ;
contest has not been definitely de
termined as yet, but will probably be !
sometime in March. Each school will j
send a negative team to invade the j
enemy territory, and will keep the
affirmative at home; thus there will
be debates at each of the three
schools on the same night on the
Cashion Announces Motion Pictures
To be Shown Here in Jan. and Feb.
Nineteen big-time screen-hits will be presented in the Assembly Hall
during the months of January and February, according to the program re
cently announced by M. L. Cashion, general secretary of the local Y. M. C.
Four of the shows include all-star casts, while the others present the
foremost actors and actresses of the screen, Mr. Cashion said. Three of the
presentations will be benefit shows, the pictures for two of which have not
question, “Resolved, that all nations
should adopt a plan of complete dis
armament, except for such forces as
needed for police purposes.”
The components of the team here
are working out daily with Professor
C. O. Spidggs and a real debate is
held each Monday night.
The outstanding points which have
been discovered by the various teams
have been for the affirmative that
we are at present “Up a tree back-
wards,” and must change, while the
negative points out that if one na
tion were to disarm and another fail
ed to, then we would certainly be in
a boll-weevil position. Thus it looks
as if some competition is in store for
the candidates for the team, before
the final selection is made about the
last of February.
yet been selected.
Following is the schedule announced, giving the date, name of show,
name of producer and leading- members of cast:
Jan. 15—The Pagan (Metro) Navarro.
17— (Benefit) Speedway (Metro) Haines-Dane.
18— The Awakening (United Art) Coleman
22—Thunder (Metro) Chaney
25— Four Devils (Fox) Janet Gaynor
29— Illusion (Paramount) Carroll-Rogers
30— The Rescue (United Artists) Banky
31— The Girl in the Show (Metro) Bessie Love-Hackett
Feb. 1—Salute (Fox) All-Star
5—Broadway (Universal) All-Star
8—Lucky Star (Fox) Gaynor-Farrell
12—Green Murder Case (Paramount) Powell
14— (Benefit) —
15— Broadway Melody (Metro) King-Page-Love
19— Dance of Life (Paramount) Carroll-Skelly
22—SO THIS IS College (Metro) All-Star
26— In Old Arizona (Fox) Lowe-Baxter
28—(Benefit) —
Mar. 1—Big News (Bathe) All-Star
Oratorical Contest This Year to Cov
er Subjects Concerning
The Battalion has been authorized
to make the first announcement on
the A. and M. campus of the many
changes in the regulations of the
1930 National Intercollegiate Orato
rical Contest on the Constitution
which have been announced by the
director of this year’s contest.
The ten-minute limit has been a-
bandoned and a word-limit of 1,500
words has been set. The total amount
of the prizes remains $5,000, the
lowest prize being raised, however,
to $4000, but the first prize remains
at $1,500.
A new list of subjects, more in
keeping with the maturity of college
men and women, has been announced.
The 1930 subjects are:
The Constitution of the United
(Continued on Page 5)
Forty Steers Purchased For Experi
mental Purposes in School.
Announcement of the purchase of
40 steers at the Fort Worth market,
10 out of each market type, was an
nounced this week by the Animal
Husbandry Department.
The steers will serve a two-fold
purpose. In the first place they will
serve as an illustration of the four
major market types and will be used
in cattle grading instruction. More
advanced students will study the
feeding effects on the four classes
while graduate students and profes
sors will obtain data on the effects
of the various feeds.
The tests will be continued for a-
bout 150 days. It is hoped that these
steers will serve a very worthy pur
pose both in cattle grading instruc
tion and the giving of data to gradu
ate students and professors in the
latter objective. These four market
types, by being added to the Animal
Husbandry Department increase the
efficiency of this department.
. ^ ^ ♦£* ^ ♦£ 5 ^
There will be a reception for
the Senior Class given by Dr.
and Mrs. T. O. Walton at their
home Thursday night, Febru
ary 6th., from eight until ten.
Uniform for the occasion will
be No. 2.