STADIUM DEDICATED BATTALION’S ALL-CONFERENCE SELECTIONS. First Team Second Team Schoonover (Ark) ....Long (S.M.U.) L. E. Hammon (S.M.U.) ..Morris (Baylor) L. T. Koch (Baylor) ....Sanders (S.M.U.) L. G. Burnett (Texas) . . Adkins (T.C.U.) C Richter (A.&M.). . Van Sickle (Ark) R. G. Brumbelow (T.C.U.) .. B. Jones (Rice) R. T. Rose (Texas) . . Alsabrook (A.&M.) R. E. Grubbs (T.C.U.) Wilson (Baylor) Q Mills (A.&M.) . . Miason (S.M.U.) L. H. Leland (TjC.U.) ..Miller (Arkansas) R. H. Shelley (Texas Floyd (A.&M.) F. B. The last go-round rather ocmpli- cated matters for the scribes that pick the conference’s best. Until the Turkey feast we had Mills and Ma son reversed, but Mills’ work against the Longhorns stamps him as one of the best backs in the conference. Then we were not sure about “Chuck” Richter—not sure that the majority (Continued on Page 7) T. C. U. ON TOP CONFERENCE HEAP. At last seven student bodies can now devote their time to the major thing that they came to college for, because this hectic 1929 football sea son has come to a brilliant close with the Frogs finally defeating the Mus tangs and winning their first title— and the Aggies taking the Long horns into camp. What could have been a better curtain—with the ex ception of the Aggies being in the Frogs position. Anyhow, our gang got together and made people talk. Although Matty Bell loses several outstanding men of the conference, still we think that he is on his way for a championship next year. Final Standing. Team W L Pet Pts. T. C. U 4% y 2 .900 249 S. M. U. . . 4 i .800 172 Arkansas . . . . 3 2 .600 230 Texas 3 3 .500 132 Baylor 2y 2 2 1 / 2 .500 291 Aggies 2 3 .400 203 Rice 0 5 .000 69 MILLS ON N. Y. SUN’S ALL-AMERICAN Captain Tommie Mills was named by the New York Sun as one of its All-American players. Several other Southwestern Stars received the same men tion, with Weir Schoonover of the Razorbacks as end on the first team All-American and Hammon of the Mustangs as a tackle on the second team. Other Southwest stars gaining recognition are: Sanders (S. M. U.), Grubbs and Brumbelow (T. C. U.) ; Shel ley (Texas). Mills will receive a bronze medal from the New York Sun. Sprott was the last Aggie to be mentioned by the Sun. 14 COVETED ”T” AWARDED TO GRIDMEN Varsity letter awards to only 14 members of Coach Matty Bell’s Tex as Aggie grid team and five members of Coach Frank Anderson’s cham pionship cross country team have been announced by the athletic coun cil of the A. and M. College of Tex as. Freshman numerals were award ed to sixteen members of Coach Ros well Higginbotham’s Aggie fresh man football squad. It required 1-4 of the playing time of conference games to secure the coveted T. The Kansas and Tulane games were counted conference games. The following were awarded the coveted Aggie “T” in football: Dan A. Abbey, Del Rio; Pinky Alsabrook, Cisco; Joe E. Brown, Alvord; Jack Christian, Abilene; Brooks Conover, Dallas; Hugh Delery, Houston; Ralph Dorsey, Fort Worth; Graceton Floyd, Rosewood; Otis Magrill, Marshall; Capt. Tommie Mills, Groesbeck; Carl Moulden, Cisco; Charlie Richter, Lar edo; Adrian Tracy, Houston; George Zarafonetis, Breckenridge. The cross country awards were made to: C. Y. Shoemaker, Jack sonville; R. M. Howard, Austin; R. N. Winders, Houston; M. G. Per kins, Mt Pleasant; and Melton Smith, Sulphur Springs. 16 Freshmen Numeral Freshmen receiving football num erals were: J. W. Aston, Farmers- ville; J. M. Barron, Bryan; M. Breed love, Smithville; John Burns, Jr., Brownsville; C. M. Cummings, Bryan; Louie Dulaney, Bonham; G. P. Lord, Jourdanton; J. N. Love, Sherman; (Continued on Page 8) HANDBALL COMPETITION TO START Handball, at present one of the most popular sports on the Aggie campus, will soon get underway on the intramural program. Four years ago this sport was inaugurated with about 15 men competing; last year over 150 individuals took part in the league and tournament play and more than 200 is expected to take part in this fast game this year. Just try to get a court any time of the day or any day of the week and you will have to wait for a considerable time. It is now push ing basketball and playground ball for the popular sports. Practically, every major coach in the United States gives this game as his fav orite pasttime. Entries should al ready be in and managers must have them in by Wednesday night as the leagues will be formed Thursday and mailed out the same day. Competition in Speedball has been hindered by bad weather lately, but the winners will soon be determined. The standing of your team may be had by asking any of the intramural managers at the gym. Standing of Organizations. The following is a standing of the organizations in the intramural com petition for the Intramural Standard. This includes points made in Class A basketball. Class B Basketball, and cross country. It is necessary that every organization enter every sport if they intend to try for this beautiful flag. 50 points are given for the entry in each sport. Company F won the flag in 1927, yet did not (Continued on Page 8) MILLS, CONOVER, ALSABROOK OUTSTANDING IN VICTORY Its history now about the Thanks giving Day game, so we wont be telling any news when we inform Aggieland that we copped the game from those Steers, 13-0, but we add to the glorification of a few Aggies that fought their very hearts out to eke out the victory. It was a treat for sore eyes to watch Captain Tommy Mills perform the way he did. Weaving and bobbing in and out for gains every time he packed the oval, he was invincible against the highly touted Longhorn offense that has held down numer ous backfield stars in past games this season. From the time he open ed the Aggie offensive drive on their first play of the game with a bril liant 32 yard scamper around left end until the final whistle, he was the outstanding player on the field. Being handicapped before the game by being a marked man, Mills soon threw off this weight and was gain ing ground, shooting passes and tackling as he never did before. If Mills is left off the all-confer ence teams, there will be something very wrong in Denmark. There was another man in the backfield who comes in for an equal amount of credit, Brooks Conover. (Continued on Page 7) BASKETBALL REIGNS SPORT WORLD NOW First Game December 15th. Football has passed on and once more basketball will draw the at tention of sport loving fans. Coach Reid, although he is not blessed with more than three real basketball players, has 20 willing Aggies work ing out each day and promises a fighting combination for the season of 1930. The Aggies boast one of the best guards in the Southwest in Captain Buster Keeton who gained All-Conference berth last year and in Konecny, he has a worthy mate for Keeton. Harris, candidate for end on the varsity football team, proved last year that he could handle one of the guard positions and with sev eral of the 1929 freshmen showing promise, the rear positions seem to be well taken care of. Aggies Have Good Centers. With “Shiro” Hoke and Joe Brown (Continued on Page 7)