The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 04, 1929, Image 1

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They Make
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Published Weekly by the Students of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas
NO. 13
This last week our Almighty Father called to His side,
John L. Losey, "one of our beloved friends and classmates.
Early Saturday night, November 30, Cadets Losey and Chris
tensen were walking near the railroad by Boyett’s filling sta
tion with the intent of catching a ride to Bryan. A car driven
by a negro ran them down, hit Losey, and killed him instantly.
Christensen was unhurt.
Losey’s home was in Louisville, Ky., and he is survived
by his mother, Julia B. Losey. Losey was 23 years old, and
a sophomore engineering student in C Company, Engineers.
His record in the Commandant’s office was flawless. He was
liked by his instructors, and was loved by his classmates. He
was also working his way through school.
It is not ours to question the wisdom of the Diety and we
do not, but his absence adds greatly to the emotional feeling
in the Heart of Aggieland, for its loved ones who have passed
to the Great Beyond.
Joseph J. Davis, assistant professor of drawing at Col
lege, was taken ill at his home in Stovall, N C. on Wednesday,
November 13. After a brief illness, he passed away on Sun
day, November 20. Professor Davis had taught drawing and
descriptive geometry during his five year stay at A. and M.
He is survived by his parents in Stovall, and in his passing
we know that we have lost a good companion, a competent
instructor, and a dear friend.
Brought Here Under the Auspices of
the Y. M. C. A.
Norman Thomas, socialist candi
date for President in the last elec
tion and more recently socialist can
didate for Mayor of New York City
is scheduled to appear at the As
sembly Hall at 8 o’clock the night
of December 6 under the auspices
of the college Y. M. C. A, M. L.
Cashion, secretary of the Y. M. C.
A., has announced.
Mr. Thomas, Presbyterian minis
ter and pastor of what is known as
the Presbyterian “Brick” church in
New York City, is a graduate of
Princeton and Princeton Seminary.
Dr. John Dewey of Columbia Uni
versity was has campaign manager
in his recent campaign for election
as mayor of New York City.
Mr. Thomas is expected to speak
on “Why I am a Socialist.” The lec
ture will be free. Mr. Thomas is
quoted as being in favor of changing
the name of the Socialist Party in
order to rid the organization of
some of the opposition that the
name has engendered. He is in Tex
as as the result of engagement un
der the auspices of the Dallas For
um and will speak here and else
where in Texas.
Clyde T. Reed of the South Texas
College of Arts and Industries, Kings
ville, was re-elected president and H.
B. Parks of the Texas Experiment
Station, San Antonio, was re-elect
ed secretary-treasurer at the meet
ing of the Texas Academy of Science
held at A. and M. last Friday and
New officers elected were: Dr.
O. W. Silvey, A. & M.; Dr. B. C.
Tharp, University of Texas; and Dr.
W. J. McConnell, College of Indus
trial Arts, first, second and third
vice-presidents respectively.
The annual meeting at A. and M ,
which was the first since the reor
ganization of the academy in San
Antonio in November of last year,
was attended by forty members, rep
resenting five leading educational in
stitutions of the state, and was fea
tured by papers on various scientific
subjects by the leading scientists
of the state.
Annual Affair to be Sponsored by
Professor Mitchell.
Freshman and sophomore students
of the A. and M. College are invited
to compete for mathematics prizes
offered through the efforts of Pro
fessor John W. Mitchell by friends
of the college to stimulate interest
in mathematical scholarship, accord
ing to an announcement by Dean
Charles Puryear, head of the de
partment of mathematics.
The prizes are divided in two
classes, one for freshmen and one
for sophomores, a first and second
prize being offered to each group.
The first freshman prize of thirty
dollars cash is offered by John P.
Garrity of Corsicana, and the sec
ond freshman prize of twenty dol
lars is offered by L. D. Royer of
San .^mtonio. James Sullivan, busi
ness manager of athletics at A. and
M., offers the first sophomore prize
of thirty dollars, and the second
prize of twenty dollars is offered
by Tyree Bell, Corsicana.
Those eligible to compete for
freshman prizes are students who
are classed as freshman and who
(Continued on Page 5)
Four Debates are Scheduled—More
Debaters are Needed.
With four debates already schedul
ed, and plans under way for several
more, the A. & M. Debaters are
showing much enthusiasm for the
work this year. At their regular
meeting last Tuesday evening, a reg
ular debate was held on the ques
tion: Resolved: that the nations
should adopt a plan of complete dis
armament, except for such forces
needed for police protection. The af
firmative was upheld by W. A. Por
ter, W E. Morgan, Fort Worth;
and W. O. Alexander, Gulf. The neg
ative was defended by E. C. Wer
ner, San Antonio; H. M. Secord,
Bryan; and W. G. Carnahan, Center.
J. J. Woolket, assistant profressor
of Modern Language, was chosen
to point out the weak points in the
speeches so that they can be per
fected for the next meeting, which
is Tuesday December 10. Wanted:
More debaters as well as audience
at that time.—Be at the “Y” par
Hundred and Fifty Room Hall to be
Started Soon.
F. M. LAW, -
President of the Board of Directors.
With the coming of Thanksgiving
new life has come to the building
program started at the beginning
of this year. It just comes to show
us that the people throughout the
state are vitally interested in the
progress and welfare of the student
body at A. and M.
While in their pleasure trip to see
the game, the board of directors
made spare time for a meeting with
F. M. Law, president of the board,
presiding. SeA^eral important ques
tions for the advancement and up
building of A. and M. were dis
cussed. The important resolutions
passed upon tended to increase living
The board authorized the state
forester to close an oil lease on 1200
acres of land owned by his depart
ment, the proceeds of which will be
added to the dormitory fund. The
construction of a one hundred and
fifty room dormitory on the site now
occupied by the old armory was au
thorized at an approximate cost of
$210,000 The old armory will be
wrecked at a cost of $2500. A new
dormitory will be built where Ross
Hall now stands at an approximate
cost of $116,000 as soon as this
dormitory can be torn down. It will
cost $3100 to wreck Ross Hall.
Part of the materials for the
construction of the new one hundred
and fifty room dormitory are already
on the grounds; the structure will
be erected as soon as the old armory
is removed.