14 THE BATTALION ESTABLISHED ENGLISH UNIVERSITY STYLES, TAILORED OVER YOUTHFUL CHARTS SOLELY FOR DISTINGUISHED SERVICE INTHE UNITED STATES ome Suits $ 40, S 45, $ 50 Overcoats Some folks are saving money today. They are driving directly to the car for their feed ... to save delivery, warehouse and handling charges. They are paying cash ... to save credit charges. When they call at the dealer’s place of business he is the one who performs these services and, of course, he must ask a fair charge for them. But a much bigger bargain is in store for those who trade at the Checkerboard car today . . . the bargain they buy in a ton of Purina Chows! Perhaps you have already read somewhere of the survey carried on for 12 months among thousands of farmers in both United States and Canada. It reveals that one ton of Purina Chows earns on the average of $25 more per ton than other feeds do. Twenty-five extra dollars . . . that is a bargain! The day the Checkerboard car arrives in your town . . . let you be one of those at the car-door! electric project in the heart of the Great Smoky Mountains of North Carolina. How the contractors were forced to blast ledges along the sides of the mountains for the right of way for a railroad to the site of the dam; how cables, 200 feet above the river, were thrown across a gorge so that men as well as equipment could be swung across in small cars to the hitherto inac cessible operations; how a flume had to be . built to divert the waters of a creek from the tunnel head ings and how ingenious machines were designed so that the lining and driving of the tunnels could pro gress at the same time, are all de picted in the film. Animated graphs outlined the project plans and the same type of illustration made clear to the audience the correct use of explosives in tunnel work. This film is the first of a series of engineering motion pictures re leased by the du Pont Company to be shown by the A. S. C. E. and was well received because of current interest in all hydroelectric and public utilities developments. THE CAMPOS BARBER SHOP in the “y” IVhere Service and Friendship Meet BERT SMITH, Prop. ®®»e®‘e€:Si>©@©®®©«00©©©©©S'C©C‘C'i w )®©©©0®©®»©©® , »©©©®®«-® —and how they do cheer—these 3 Dr. Peppers a day. A little extra shot of energy—just the right kind—at just the right rune to keep you on your toes.