The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 30, 1929, Image 10
THE BATTALION Send Her a Box HALLOWEEN CANDY AND IT WILL BE WHITMAN’S FAMOUS CHOCOLATES (©)(©) CASEY’S CONFECTIONERY . X r '*4* v A T. C U. Co-Ed Speaks. This is an; expression of opinion of a member of the T. C. U. stu dent body received by the editor shortly after the corps trip to Fort Worth. The feeling seems to be fair ly general; it is such things that tend to remove some of the sting of defeat. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Dear Senior, Junior, Sophomore and Freshman Aggies: Who lost what game? Not you! Believe me, you played a wonderful game of sportsmanship that can not possibly be equalled. I like your genuine attitude in general. What could have been more impressive and attractive than your military discipline and your beautiful forma tion in the grandstand in perfect rhythm with your leaders? O Boy! If I could be privileged to shake the hand of every Aggie who participat ed in the big hit Saturday, I’d be willing to face any obstacle. Your grip and strength is invigorating. Your physical vigor is the substan tial material basis for your “go- gettum” spirit and your “keepum” smile of defeat shining before that strength of character and will pow- er. Physiology may teach its lessons, but psychology has had its effect and response. Here’s to ya. Aggies, "American Heroes of our Genera tion of Youth,” you’re made out of the real stuff, and I like you for your spirit. You’re grand losers, but glorious winners! I’ve learned my lesson from you, and you deserve praise. No doubt, every T. C. U. student is repeating a similar feel ing in his heart for you. Keep the fires burning and the flying colors waving on top is the desire of a T. C. U. student. THE CAMPUS BARBER SHOP Hi THE “V” Where Service and Friendship Meet BERT SMITH, Prop. ’ ‘-yi *%■ ef* ^ eg« oft o%8 ofe »%• aft •Jp »%> •'%€ •J* 4* SUNDAY INSPECTION Sunday morning inspection, ac cording to Lieutenant McCullough, has been revived from the dead past. Some ten or twelve years ago, this formation was a regular part of the military program just as it is now. It was referred to by the member* of the enthusiastic corps as S. M. I.” and listed by the cadets in the same category as drill, tooth ache and one’s "fish year.” Despite this, the lieutenant is cer tain that the boys will appreciate this opportunity to inspect the mili tary staff each Sunday morning, and that in so far as he could see, the only one suffering as a result of the new regulation is Mr. Duncan. And that, we believe, is a happy thought. The skeletons of two monster ani mals, a diplodocus and a brontosaur us, believed to have lived in this country 80,000,000 years ago in the Jurassic period, have been discovered in this vicinity by Barnum Brown, curator of fossils and retiles at the American Museum . of Natural His tory atr New York. Brown is planning to return here with an expedition in the near future to dig the valuable bones out of the sandstone rock in which they have been preserved for these ages. It is estimated that the work will require two months. V^hat’s ^WYong "With Me He Wondered The sad story of one who was not «aware». Some day a sweetie will tell him what the little birdie said to the Congressman about life; then he will sport a Braeburn and be a changed young man. Meantime he will just sit and think — mostly sit, we think. For those keenly aware of what it is really all about NEW FALL BRAEBURNS $35 $40 $45 with two trousers •rsv % A / - A. M. WALDROP & CO. Two (Convenient Stores: BRYAN AND COLLEGE