The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 30, 1929, Image 1

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    Published Weekly by the Students of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas
Twenty-Six Seniors are Added to Or
ganization. Juniors to be Elect
ed November 10th.
The Ross Volunteers held their
Senior election last Sunday afternoon
in the “Y” chapel and took in twen
ty-six new members.
There are fifty-two old men back
nominate one Senior and was entitled
nominate on Senior and was entitled
to as many votes as there were new
members being taken in, casting
each vote for a separate person. The
first twenty-six with the highest
number of votes were elected. Since,
according to the recently adopted
Constitution, the ratio of new mem
bers to be taken into the Company is
two Juniors one Senior, there will
be fifty-two Juniors added to the
organization at the Junior Election
which will be held November 10th.
This will bring the Company's quo
ta up to 125 active members. In
such cases, inactive members are
those who have served more than
two years in the Company as ac
tive members. They will, however,
be allowed the same privileges as an
active member and must abide by the
Judging from the twenty-six pil
lows brought to the Mess Hall Sun
day night, the following received
the Congratulations: B. L. Marshall,
L. B. Dunlap, W. Y. Anderson, G.
R. Schumann, E. W. Studderth, R. E.
Biffle, “Tack” Smith, W. L. Markle,
H. C. Hamilton, W. N. Marshall, M.
L. Harris, J. L. Foxall, H. A. Miller,
E. C. Miller, A. J. Watson, R. R.
Coward, D. L. Moody, A. E. New-
some, J. C. Oliver, N. H. Nanney,
John Kaper, R. G. Bogle, R. D.
Maxwell, T. B. Thompson, B. R. Pet
rie, and C. B. Northrup.
A. S. C. E. PLAN
At a special meeting next Friday
night the A. S. C. E. will attempt
to decide a question which has long
been buffetted to and fro by the
professional world. The settling of
this question will be accomplished
by debate, Resolve: that a Sanitary
Engineer is of More Benefit to
Humanity than a Structural Engi
neer. The affirmative is to be up
held by S. A. Roelofs and Prof.
(Continued on Page 5)
How would you feel if you had not been warned and were
awakened by the thud produced by a section of gypsum hitting the
dome with a force of w]g x a? Then you can’t appreciate the un
controllable emotions, with fear as its nucleus, which caused a
certain faction to change quarters in a few hours following the nite
of October 24th.
The exodus followed the sensational climaxing of peculiar
shrieks and groans, which have been unlocatable in the building for
some time, into an intermittent and diffused downpour of the ceil
ing covering on the floors below and a cracking of the walls of the
building in general.
It all came about when age had reduced the strength of the
materials of Ross Hall to or near its failing point.
Dr. Walton has asked the college architect to draw up plans for
a dormitory to be erected in the place of Ross Hall and indications
point to the probable erection next year of a new building on the
present location of the ill-fated hall if the board of directors deem
it necessary.
Members of Battery F of the Artillery unit are now occupy
ing the lower floor of Pfeuffer Hall, made vacant for the occasion
by the altitude seeking Casuals, and some are occupying each of
the four horizontal sections of Goodwin Hall.
Abbey to Head ’32 Students.
Artist’s conception of new Cushing Memorial Library now under con
struction. The approximate cost will be $250,000 including furnishings. The
building will be ready for use by June 1, 1930.
Campus Serenaders
Play for Dance
The Nine-Piece Campus Serenaders
is the Union Orchestra that has
been selected to play for the Corps
dance Saturday nite in the Mess
Hall Annex.
The orchestra, under the direction
of Podge Reed and management of
Frog Reichert, has been working hard
all year with one ambition and aim:
to put out a good hot band that
(Continued on Page 2)
Industrial Students
Club Formed
A movement to promote industrial
arts within the college and through
out the state was started with the
organization of the A. and M. Indus
trial Arts Club at a meeting of the
students of the lindustrial Arts de
partment Monday, October 7.
E. O. Cox was elected president
of the new club and N. B. Read, vice-
president; with J. V. Parker being
(Continued on Page 3)
Dan R. Abbey, Del Rio, hand
some sophomore center on Coach
Matty Bell’s Aggie grid team, was
elected president and William Wolf,
equally handsome backfield man on
the same eleven, was elected vice-
president of the sophomore class at
a meeting held for the election of
officers Sunday.
Homer D. Abernathy, Dallas, sec
retary-treasurer of last year’s fresh
man class, was re-elected to that
(Continued on Page 2)
Major Delemeter leaned back
in his chair and grinned a grin.
He had just heard this one
and passed it on to the Bat
talion reporter:
. Two farmers met on a sandy
country road and one drew his
Ford to the side of the road
and motioned for the other to
stop. After a little barter and
£ an exchange of the coin of the
* realm one passed a bottle to
the other. Some of the yellow-
white fluid spilled to the
% ground bespattering an indus-
•I* trious tumble-bug. The insect
.*♦ shook itself and backed up ro
^ the rear wheel of the farmers
t Ford -
❖ “Tumble, big boy,” he said,
!£ “start tumbling.”
T Then we grinned a grin.