THE BATTALION 11 meet New York University on No vember 16. * * * The Arkansas Razorback football stock dropped the past week when “Tiny” Gardener, 265 pound tackle, announced that he was quitting school. It’s a good thing for the Ag gie Fish that he quit, for it would probabjy have taken all the Fish class to carry him off the field. * ❖ * Coach Ray Morrison has inaugur ated a new plan at S. M. U. Last, week he sent several of his football players all over the state to scout rival conference elevens in action. Wonder what the boys gleaned from our little walkaway over the Kan sas Ags. ? Sounds funny, but the motto at S. M. U. this year is “beat the Texas Aggies on Kyle Field, as bad as they beat us in 1927.” They had better alter it a little and make it read “try and score a touchdown on Kyle Field.” This humble scribe would like to wager the Main build ing that they couldn’t score 39 points in ten football games on Kyle Field. ESTABLISHED ENGLISH UNIVERSITY STYLES, TAILORED OVER YOUTHFUL CHARTS SOLELY FOR DISTINGUISHED SERVICE I N TH E UNITED STATES (•Tlmrtev Tlcmsc Suits s 40, S 45, S 50 Overcoats <8><$><8><$><8><$><$><$><$><$><3>:« 1 YE MOSIC SHOPPE “ Newest Records | Victor - Brunswick Phonographs. | Needles and Repairs 3 FOSTER S:illllllll|[]||lllillllllUIIIIIIIIIIII[]IIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIIIIIIC<« WELLGANG it’s on to Fort Worth! For a Frog Hunt I But you need not hunt for i smart clothes to make the trip. We are ready with LEARBURY College Clothes 1 built the way college men like } ’em, styled the way university 1 men wear ’em $35 and $40 TWO PAIR TROUSERS ! We suggest that you take along f some weather insurance. There f are different policies—a crav- I enetted top coat, a trench coat, ! rain coat, roll-over sweater— f with prices to please all. FIGHT ’EM, AGGIES! ! T. K. LAWRENCE, i INC. '= f “Outfitters for Young Men f And Men Who Stay Young.” I | BRYAN NDRSERY AND ! i FLORAL CO. : * * ★ TELEPHONE 266 1 R $ * * t F. H. REICHERT | it J a Student Reprasentative ^ ★ 5 * 1 £ 122 Hollywood T I CADET HEADQUARTERS | For the best Eats and Drinks. ^ )|* Package Drugs and Sundries. 2* Newest Pipes and Freshest Tobacco. !j£ One 15c can of tobacco Free with each pipe purchased, for a limited C •J* time. .£. | WM. L. POWERS | if! (Next to the Dixie) ±