STRENGTH and RESISTANCE for each "Leg” of a hard days work XT’S A LONG leg from morning A’till lunch-time so you’ll need a bracer at ten. The afternoon legs are shorter but an even greater strain to the nerves. That’s why you drink for courage at two and four o’clock. Sure enough! No foolin! Your resistance does get low. It’s the high speed and hard work of this modern age that burns up the old energy and runs your batteries low. That’s what causes slight nervous exhaustion at the mid-meal hours of the day. Don’t let it get you down. Dash out for a recess at 10, 2 and 4 and drink a bite to eat. Dr. Pepper’s the ticket—-a little shot of sugar (in vert) spiked with acid fruits; spiced with the tang of herbs. It’s a tonic— a food—not "nerve whip”—and really it does put you —"on vour toes.” IT’S A GOOD HABIT TO GET IT’S ONE THAT WON’T GET YOU