The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 14, 1928, Image 9

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(Continued from Page 4)
would only be reverting to the ani
mal stage so coming ultimately to
the perpetuation purpose.
To live a right life, define right
. . . .the standards of right are as
many as the waves on the ocean
and as changing, but a right life is
one that does no harm to another
life, some will argue that bringing
another life into the world is harm
ing it, others, that such a right life
would lead to a mere automatom.
Then cut loose and drift. Drift
wherever fancy and hunger le
love and ambition
and death. Who is there omnipotent
enough to say he lost, who is there
wise enough to say he won. . . .and
who is there that will follow such
a course? The fools of the world.,
and who judged them fools.... the
men who had and to whom were
The entire cadet corps is looking
forward to an annual event which
occurs at about this time every
year; one which is always eagerly
welcomed. The exact date this
event will occur is not known, but
by the law of averages, it is due
within the next few weeks, and it
will be a red letter day on which
the student body of A. and M. will
all rejoice, for it will mark the
Long enough have we been dis
turbed from our peaceful sleep by
the harsh sound of the bugle on
chilly mornings, summoning us to
come forth and partake of our daily
dozen or circle the drill field many
times in attempts to learn the right
eous ways of a soldier. It is indeed
time that we should be allowed to
increase our beauty sleep by a half
hour of early morning slumber, made
more enjoyable by the knowledge
that we are partaking of a privilege
formerly denied.
So rejoice and be exceedingly glad,
all cadets who nod and doze in the
classroom, for in a short while time
for sleep will be plentiful, and you
may lie in bed and laugh at the
alarm clock. But remember, also,
that it will not always be thus,
for with the coming of Spring the
Colonel never fails to become griev
ed at our lack of exercise, and again
issues orders that we tramp upon
the drill field every morning.
With Flying 1
Colors I
And all are proud of the
results. You - will be
proud of the Thanksgiv
ing' and Holiday (Clothes
that we have just re
ceived for your selection.^
College clothes for Col
lege men “from a College
$35 & $40
Two Trousers.
For your dress suit
a Tuxedo from Schloss
with the popular
peak lapel.
Plain or Satin Collar
$6 to $10
IT. K.
, INC. i
Half a brew, half a brew
Half a brew onward.
All in the stupor of death
Staggered the sick hundred.
Forward the Tight Brigade,
Fill to the gums they said,
Into the stupor of death
Sank the sick hundred.
Forward the Tight Brigade!
Was there a man delayed,
Not though their bellies blew,
Yes volleyed and thundered.
Theirs not to reason why,
•»* v
Theirs but to drink and sigh,
Into the stupor of death
Sank the sick hundred.
Bottles to the right of them,
Bottles to the left of them,
Bottles in the front of them,
Bubbled and grumbled,
Poured out and foaming well,
Bursting bubbles to cast their spell,
Oh how our stomachs rose and fell.
When can their story fade.
Oh what a belch they made,
All the world wondered.
Honour the beer they prayed,
Honour the Tight Brigade,
Noble Sick Hundred!
Soldiers get your Diapers.
Dumb Lou thinks the U. S. Infan
try is the government home for un
fortunate girls.