s THE BATTALION Shrip, successor to ink, makes all pens •A write better, and 'A the Lifetime pen '•v\ write best. Identify the Lifetime pen by this white dot A £,ood sport No matter what it is called upon to do, from the making of three clear carbons to answering the lightest TOUCH of a feathery handwriting, the Life time 0 pen is always a &ood sport. A dependable performer! And that’s why the Lifetime pen is a picked favorite in forty-one per cent of the lead ing colleges and universities of America. Perfect form in every event, plus the economy of the life time guarantee and the thrill of its brilliant beauty have made it a winner everywhere. And its Titan pencil twin shares the honors—a pair of &ood sports. "Lifetime” pen, $8.75 Lady "Lifetime", $7.50 Others lower "Lifetime” Titan oversize pencil to match, $4.25 At better stores everywhere SHEAFFER’S PENS* PENCILS* SKRIP W. A. SHEAFFER PEN COMPANY • FORT MADISON. IOWA *iut U.I hi OJ ★ * ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Tlr * ★ * THE NEW YORK CAFE New Throughout and Modern in Every Respect. SOLICITS THE PATRONAGE OF OLD AND NEW STUDENTS Next Door to La Salle Hotel Bryan, Texas Phone 460 -MmHiiuiiiniiiiiiiiniiuimii.'iminiDiiiitiiuoHiiimiii’uiiiiiiiimiciiiiuiHMirriiiniiiiiMtumii’.minuniimuniuihiiimiHuimmuinnm!^ 1 • i I I I WE WANT YOU TO KNOW OUR SHOP AND THE = E 1 KIND OF WORK WE DO— I OUR PLACE IS CONVENIENT TOO. The Campus Cleaners & Tailors (OVER EXCHANGE STORE) (Operated by Former Students Ass’n. for Student Loan Fund.) facts that in the last analysis merely provide them with a slight advantage in the scramble for mon ey and power. It is the result of the colleges being forced, through financial con trol by the business men, to train the students along these lines that will make them most useful, not to society but to industry. The men who have done this thing probably did so with good motives, but they were blinded by the glare of “Progress.” Whether you agree with Socrates’ criticisms or not you will enjoy read ing the book. The author has so smoothly woven his criticisms into the fabric of the story that some times a sharp eye is needed to de tect them. The unfailing good hu mor of the book is another strong point in favor of the author. Not once does his temper run away with his pen, as in the case with so many critical writers. It is a book I think you will like. The ideas it contains and the en tertainment it furnishes are excel lent. “Fifty years from now,” says Booth Tarkington, “woman’s skirt will have disappeared altogether.” But surely it won’t take so long as that to go such a short distance. Art should be preserved! Don’t waste assthetic effort on the kind of slicker that won’t last. Use a genuine Tower’s Fish Brand Slicker—a background worthy of your masterpiece. Fish Brand Slickers are not only joking—they stay that way. built to take any sort of beating you or the weather can give better looking- TheyTe built ating them. The “Varsity” model is a big, handsome, roomy coat, full-lined. It has a corduroy-faced collar, with or without a strap. Buttons or buckles as you choose, and the patented “Reflex” edge that keeps water out of the front. The pockets are wide and deep and rip-proof. Your choice of colors. a bit more than others. And yc can buy it anywhere. A. J. Towi Company, Boston, Mass. ROWER’S OiiimmiiiiummmmumwmiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiimimnuiiiMiiii *: Service and Safety at Your Rexall Store. 3 | Pure Drugs 1 | AND Pharmaceuticals I TOILET GOODS | | AND A COMPLETE LINE OF | | Drug j Sundries | YOUR TRADE SOLICITED | I E. R. EMMEL ! | DRUGGIST THE REXALL STORE 1 I