The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 24, 1928, Image 5
THE BATTALION 5 A. H. RODEO (Continued from Page 1) specifically Del Rio, a regular cow- puncher with an itching palm, was elected Business Manager and we not attend, for the excitement will he too great for the weak hearted to withstand. For this reason Love the fairest of Texas. Oh, boys, won’t that be a grand and glorious feeling for that King? Oh, well, every dog Rodeo of this great institution of learning. Yessiree, plans are already under *vay and those ambitious juniors of that famous Saddle and Sirloin Club (we say juniors because they are the ones promoting it) have elected officers for that gorgeous rodeo and they are as follows: Ralph Howe was elected Ringmaster and he prom ises to be the type of ye ole time circus master with ye long tail coat and hob-nailed boots. If there are any wild bronchoes and steers to be found and brought here, Howe certainly knows where to find them. George Love, from the Rio Grande, know now that the club will make money with Little George handling the cash. For decorations, Spud Tatum was made the goat but Spud is going to show us hoW artistic he can be, and we don’t mean may be. “Ma” Ferguson has the adver tising and “Doc” Farmer is head of the Social Committee. These fellows mean to put it over big and that means that they are going to make it better than ever. Last year the rodeo was a knock out and by all indications it seems that the one this year will not only be a knockout but also a dragout. Promoters have agreed that if one hasn’t a strong heart he had better will have a large sign barring the poor little weak hearted. (The in side dope on this is that Love does not want to get sued in case a fatality happens. Now don’t tell any one.) The rodeo always has its King and he is elected from the student body. There is something, after all, for you wonder shieks to look forward to. It is simple to be the ONE. The only and sure way to have a cinch for the crown is to go around and get a “drag” with the officers of the affair and have them to elect you. Simple isn’t it? The King chooses his own Queen and he has the privilege to pick from has his day. The date for the rodeo has been set for November 16th., Friday night, the eve of the Rice game and that means that we will have to get right on that night or make it mis erable for Business Manager Love by suing him for breach of promise. THE NEW La SALLE HOTEL Just what the Aggies and their friends have been needing. Barber Shop Coffee Shop IN CONNECTION Dupree Fountain Manager BRYAN, TEXAS THEM GOOD MALTEDS WE STILL MAKE ’EM Candies, Cigars, Confeetions Cadets and Campus People Invited to Call HOLMES Confectionery BRYAN, TEXAS T. here areGoaWosts in industrial fields, too ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Must the exhilaration of contests waged and won die out of life on Com mencement Day? It must not. And it does not — not for many a college man who has discovered that the world out side of college walls is no less col orful than the world within. For industry too has her five yard lines to mark a man’s progress—her team play—and her goal posts. There are always victories to win—achievements to attain! Sub-atomic secrets to be wrested from Nature; temperamental Commerce made to conform to consistent and sci entific laws; mechanical, chemical and electrical forces made to lift the burden of Production from men’s ^ backs—these are everyday victories still waiting to be won by men in college today. ecmc SINCE 1882 MANUFACTURERS FOR THE BELL SYSTEM © (§> <§) (§) (g) <§> d>) SEE OUR AGENTS (§> (§) <§) (®) American © ®) (§) Steam (§> © (<§) <§) Laundry © (§) (§> % DRY CLEANERS, © © DYERS, (§) (§) © HATTERS <§> <§) <§) Phone 585 (§) d>) <§) <§) <§) BRYAN (§) <§) <§> ©