AGGIES See “ Si "Hi INSURE THEN LET THE UNION CENTRAL f WORRY. S. D. “SI” SNYDER District Agent PHONE 509 F2 College Station •3> <®xS>^>^>^x®^^®><^^xgxg>^S>^>^xSxi>4x8xSxgK^> A Full Line of Drugs, Magazines, Candy PLATE LUNCHES and Cold Drinks REED & POWERS I < ► i Confectionery and Drugs % > * * BRYAN NURSERY AND FLORAL COMPANY Telephone 266 IB. R. M. DIXON Student Bepresentative FOSTEB HALL * * * FRANK KOHOUTS ♦ BRYAN SHOE HOSPITAL ♦ 4* ♦ + ♦ * ♦ * AGGIE LAND SHOE SHOP * * Sparks-Casey Bldg. ♦ * ♦ + 4.+ + + + ++ * + ** * + + + + «****♦♦♦*♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ DR. W. H. LAWRENCB ♦ ♦ DENTIST ♦ ♦ Fourth Floor, City National ♦ «fr Bank Building ♦ ♦ Phon®*: Office 848, R«a. 568 ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ The New York Cafe solicit® the patronage of old and new student®. BRYAN, TEXAS Phone 460 THE BATTALION KBea®H«H®9«HMBHHHRnM£89BBEBHBa® STATE NEWS IN BRIEF San Antonio , Boy Wins Science Post San Antonio, Texas.—Friends of C. H. (Gus) Haycock were electrified yesterday to learn that young Hay cock had been appointed to the chair of zoology in Crooke’s Electrical School at Kansas City. Members of the boy scientist’s closer circle of friends declare that although they are astounded that a post of such import ance should be given to one so young, they are not surprised that Gus, as they playfully call him, should make good in zoology because he has per formed operations on cats and house flies since babyhood. Haycock’s lat est research is displayed in a sti’ik- ingly original paper on the nomen clature of the human eye turned in too the Zoology Department of the A. & M. College of Texas. * * * From the society page of the Temple “Tempus”: Another name was added to the long- list of celebrities produced in Temple recently when it was learned that Joe D. Seifer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Seifer of this city, has won re- ^ “ " ‘ t . Super Value With Good Style In Men’s Spring Suits S launch worsteds ; greys, brown and blue; de pendable fab rics and tail- o r i n g. Big values at our low price of— '$19.75 Extra Pants if Desired, $4.98 JCPeNneyCo nown at the A. & M. College as an impersonator. People who are in a position to know maintain that Sei- fer’s mimicry of Jack Duffy and Ernest Torrence rivals the work of Lon Chaney and Dan Jackson. For his diligence in keeping up the spirits of men in the chemistry laboratory Professor Marmaduke Thornton has dubbed Seifer “Colonel of Chem. En- gineex*ing.” It is said that in his in spired moments Joe D. is able to give a fairly creditable impersonation of a human being. * ❖ * Square Headed Mexican Discovered in College Station Colleg-e Station, Tex.—Phrenolog ists (experts on skull structure) are mystefied to find opposite racial char acteristics in the head of one Geronimo Augustine Shattenberg, ag ricultural student here. The scientists claim that Shattenberg’s is the most contradictory case on record; his head is a perfect example of the Four- cornered Teutonic, yet his speech and other physical characteristics proclaim him to be Mexican. Another mysti fying factor is the subject’s inordi nate love of sauer-kraut, commonly thought to be an individual German trait. Since Mr. Shattenberg has lit tle, if any, use for his head, a move ment is on foot to remove it and send it to the Smithsonian Institute. * * * Campus Celebrities Interviewed in Hirsute Investigtion In pursuance of its policy in keep ing up with the trend of the race at A. & M. a reporter was sent out last week to discover the reason for the epidemic of hirsute foliage on the lips of prominent men about college. The following statements were collected: “All great ukelele players have moustaches. McBride and Dean Pee Wee both have them.”—Ted Krauel. “Dr. Lee said that he thought blond whiskers were cute and I’m trying to graduate.”—J. H. Surovik. “Well, I wanted to give the coulombs something to play around in and then too my voice is so big that I have to strain it through some thing.”—A. E. Nichols. “A nice bushy black beaver will go Switches Back to Favorite Tobacco Peoria, 111. Aug. 26, 1926 Messrs. Lams & Bro. Co. Richmond, Va. Dear Sirs: Just a confession and an appreciation. A number of years ago I was a user of your Edgeworth smoking tobacco. But like some others, perhaps, I was led by alluring advertisements to change. A few days ago I went into a drug store to get some tobacco, and on the case was the familiar can of Edgeworth. I bought it and since then I have en joyed old-time comfort. So my confession is that I made a mistake in changing to other brands, and my appreciation is such that Edge- worth will be my Smoke Pal while life lasts, which may not be long, for I have passed my “three score years and ten.” Very truly yours, (signed) E. P. Fishburn Edgeworth Extra High Grade Smoking Tobacco well with my green eyes and give me a more manly air. Not that I have an air like a goat now, but you know what I mean—the Fish will have more respect for me maybe.”—Henry Grammer. “I’m playing intramural football now and have to do exerything I can to look ferocious.”—John Maize Hill. Neither the reporter nor anyone else has been able to discover why a person should try to raise a mous tache on a face like Johnny Mitchell’s except to try to hide part of it. That’s her sixth dance with him to night. They must be engaged. That’s no sign. But you don’t know how she dances. * * * Charley: “Girls, you know we are such sheiks that we just can’t make our hands behave.” Mary: “Don’t worry. We’ll tell you where to get off.” What Shakespeare says about CoeiCdla Drink Mr Delicious and Refreshing mm 8 million a day — it had to be good to “Your name is great in mouths of wisest censure” — Othello had his faults. But we can forgive him everything because he gave us a perfect caption for an opinion the United States Supreme Court was one day to hand down on Coca-Cola: "'The name now characterizes a bev erage to be bad at almost any soda fountain. It means a single thing * :i coming from a single source, and well known to the community.” The Coca-Cola Company, Atlanta, Ga. GET WHERE IT IS