THE BATTALION 7 ^4? They say P A is the worlds largest seller I DON’T doubt it, nor do I wonder why. Just open a tidy red tin and get that full fragrance of Nature’s noblest gift to pipe-smokers. Then tuck a load in the business-end of your old jimmy-pipe. Now you’ve got it—that taste—that Lead- me-to-it, Gee-how-I-like-it taste! Cool as a condition. Sweet as making it up. Mellow and satisfying. Try this mild, long-burning tobacco, Fellows. I know you’ll like it. Fringe albert —the national joy smoke! You can pay more but you can’t get more in satisfaction. © 1928, R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C. SPALDING 1 ATHLETIC GOODS Tennis Golf Track Base Ball Basket Ball Foot Ball I A. M. WALDROP & CO. BRYAN AND COLLEGE I . large thermometer which described each of Dr. Walton’s remarks as “lie,” “funny statement,” or “hot air.” The musical and dancing program would have done credit t© any vaude ville circuit. The dancers centered their attention on Coach Bible—much to the delight of the other men. Among the crowd of about 400 were members of the Aggie football squad and the Athletic Department, Dr. Walton, Col. Nelson, E. E. McQuillen, Dean Friley, Dean Kyle and Ike Ash- burn. ^ THREE DANCES WILL FEATURE MID-TERM HOLIDAYS. (Continued from Page 1) of the hicks in their annual merry making. The “One Buttoneers” Club will have their dance on the first night of mid-term holidays, Thursday, in the Mess Hall Annex from 9 to 2, and the Barnyard Dance will be Friday, Feb. 3rd, from nine to two. The usual Corps Dance will follow on Saturday. Caldwell’s Jewelry Store Junior Pins - Sophomore Pins Fish Pins. All kinds of Club Pins and Jeweled A. M. C. Pin and Pen sets. We make Senior Rings and Miniature Senior Rings for any year. HEADQUARTERS FOR TEXAS AGGIES. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. Bryan Phone 5 Texas BANQUET GIVEN AGGIES HOUSTON A. & M. CLUB By direct wire from the College Sta tion “Bulletin”: The Amalgamated Association of Female Stenographers and Secreta ries of the A. and M. College of Texas announce that they have created a fund to provide tin cups and dark glasses for cadets who lose their eye sight by too much staring. The presi dent of the organization states that she has arranged to buy moustache cups for “Limmie” McBride, “Swede” Pratt, and other bewhiskered mem bers of the cadet corp. H7IVE MUSIC! VICTOR AND BRUNSWICK TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS R. C. A. AND ATWATER KENT (Continued from Page 1) riment which greeted his most serious remarks. Upon turning around he found M. H. James, president of the Houston Aggies, was operating a RADIOS PIANOS Haswell’s Book Store