The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 11, 1928, Image 9
V THE BAT T A L I O N 9 Look at Your Shoes OTHER PEOPLE DO. Officers dress shoes in heavy calf from Florsheim in light tan or Cordovan— fl 1 Officers dress shoes from Bea con in plain or crease vamp with broad toes in calf skins— $7 Fellows you can’t beat a $7 or 11. So let your next pair be a Florsheim or Beacon. T. K. LAWRENCE, INC. Outfitters for Young Men and Men who Stay Young FRESHMAN BASKETBALL. (Continued from Page 8) Smith, with three years experience with Port Arthur; F. Broiles, another Fort Worth boy, who has three let ters to show for his high school ex perience, and J. A. Cotton, one-year- man from Abilene, compose the list of candidates from which the guards will be chosen. Competition has been kept at a high pitch since practice began in De cember and the fact that the seven teen men now on the freshman squad were chosen from more than sixty, all of whom had experience, either high school or academy, speaks well for their ability. AGGIES HAVE TWO GAMES THIS WEEK. (Continued from Page 8) it may turn out to be more than the usual practice game. The Teachers have always had a good team and should put one out on the floor this week that will give the Farmers plen ty of competition and the Cadets plenty of thrills. Jinx says: “S. M. U. on its return home will stop in College Station for a game with the Aggies. As the noisy Aggie Cadets crowd the gym the Farmers and Ponies will mix it one week from Monday. That also should prove a splendid game.” And so it should. Monday, Jan. 16, the Ponies will be the invaders for the second time during the college year and our chances for victory this time are just about the same as they were in football, depending on the start. Of course the dopesters have it that S. M. U. will win, but of course dope sters are often wrong. The Ponies will have the slight edge on the Ag gies, in that they have played more conference games and had the added experience; but this should be over come by the contest between the Ag gies and Teachers next Thursday and Friday. Apparently the greatest fault that one can find with the Aggie team of this year is that they were a little self-conscious and it can never be said of any Aggie that self-consciou- ness remained with him long! *$*■ ■»£* CONFERENCE STANDING -*■ P W L Pet. b b Arkansas . .2 2 0 1,000 b b S. M. U. . .1 1 0 1,000 b b A.&M. . . . . .1 1 0 1,000 b >£«■ Baylor . . . .0 0 0 000 b b Rice . .1 0 1 000 b Texas ... . .1 0 1 000 b b T. C. U. . .2 0 2 000 b k* ♦b >b »b ■*$•* v£«- ■>£*• ->£♦- ♦j* •>£<- LAST WEEK’S CONFER- SCORES ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ *b *b *;* >b »b *b -i-b ❖ *b ^b ^b *b -b Arkansas 23; T. C. U. 18. Arkansas 28; T. C. U. 24. S. M. U. 39; Texas 23. A. and M. 27; Rice 23. *b *b »b *b b b b b b b b b b b b b WHERE THEY PLAY NEXT WEEK. Jan. 11—S. M. U. vs. T. C. U. at Dallas. Jan. 13—Texas vs. Arkansas at Fayetteville. Jan. 14—Texas vs. Arkansas at Fayetteville. Jan. 14—S. M. U. vs. Rice at Houston. Jan. 14—T. C. U. vs. Baylor at Ft. Worth. Jan. 16—-A. and M. vs. S. M. U. at College Station. b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b The man who can hide behind a woman’s skirt isn’t a coward, he is a magician. BOYS—Get a Swing Frame FREE With a half dozen Portraits. AGGIELAND STUDIO Official Longhorn Photographer* North Side of Campus — Phone 16. 1 '@“3><$ > <§> < $><8><§><$><§><§><$K§x§><§><§><$><$><§><§><§><8><8><§><S><$><8><$><S><§><$K§><$><g><$><$><§*$><^ " ♦><! SI CASEY’S For Nifty Pipes and Choice Smoking Tobacco THE CAMPUS SHOE SHOP QUALITY—SERVICE Have those boots full-soled and heeled at the Campus Shoe Shop—$2.75 and $3.25 Above Exchange Store ALL WORK GUARANTEED HAVE MUSIC! VICTOR AND BRUNSWICK TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS R. C. A. AND ATWATER KENT RADIOS PIANOS Has well’s Book Store