The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 11, 1928, Image 2
2 THE BATTALION HOLMES BROS. Bryan’s Popular CONFECTIONERY STORE Where the Boys Get the Best Malted Milks on Earth Come to See Us Agency for King’s and Whitman’s Candies Don’t Forget THE 1 UNITED CIGAR ■ AGENCY All of the popular HI smoking supplies— HI and many that you Hi will not find at any == other store. 1 PIPES = Uh-hunh! Oodles HI of’em! I SMITH DRUG CO. HH “On the Busiest Corner” TY/TOUNTAINS blocked the trail of -fVA the pioneers who opened up the far west. But that impelling urge of the true pioneer — to explore and know the country beyond — spurred them to sur mount these barriers. In office and laboratory, mountainous problems in management, in methods and in scientific research confront the men of the Bell Telephone System. Yet that same pioneering instinct—the urge to better the known and attain the unknown — will carry them through. Just as it has brought them through the difficulties in achieving nation-wide uni form service, efficiently engineered and wisely administered. To the modern frontiersmen who carry on this work to still greater developments will be given the thrill of adventure that lies in discovery. BELL SYSTEM t/f ?iation-wide system of 18,000,000 inter-connecting telephones OUR PIONEERING WORK HAS JUST BEGUN session in that they are equipped On the same team is Kendrick, an other former A. and M. star, who is on a visit to his home in Waco' and WEEK’S NEWS Those cadets who are contemplat ing the purchase of a “car” for their personal convenience next summer, especially Juniors going to summer camp, will be interested in the Nati onal Automobile Show which opened last Saturday in New York. The ones on display there, however, are of slightly better quality than the wrecks which will be wending their way to ward San Antonio, Galveston, etc., next June. The 1928 automobile is described as a fast low^hung, small wheeled brightly colored machine, with narrow radiator, sleek lines and interior fittings of greater luxury than ever 1 before. The cars on display differ greatly from the average cadet’s proud pos- with hidden side pockets, ingeneously placed memo pads, chaufons, dia mond-shaped side lamps, vases, smok ing equipment, receptacles for smell ing salts and assorted accessories. But even the more violent colors which clothe the sport models cannot compete with the variety of color in the external decoration of the row of lizzies at a summer camp. The Juniors and Seniors will re member the captain of the Aggie football team of 1925 as a great foot ball player in spite of the handicap of his face. Mule Wilson led the Ag gies to the championship in his last college year and has since been play ing professional football with the New York Giants, who were profes sional champions this last season. who declares that Mule Wilson is the greatest football player in the world today. Kendrick said that Wilson’s speed and power is the talk of the football fraternity of New York. He declared that Wilson was a great player at A. and M. but that he has improved so much since 1925 that he would not be recognized as the same player; that it was nothing for him to punt the ball 70 yards, and that he can run 100 yards in ten seconds in football togs. He believes that “Mule” starts faster and runs faster than any back in pro fessional football, where there are many All-American stars. Another version of the huddle sys tem—three couples in a Ford Coupe. BAYLOR UNIVERSITY TO CELE BRATE EIGHTY-THIRD ANNIVERSARY The eighty-third anniversary of Baylor University will be celebrated by the annual Founder’s Day program, and alumni and ex-students will be able to listen in over Radio Station WJAD, it has been announced. The program will be from 9:30 to 10:30 on the night of February 1st. The Baylor Band, playing “That Good Old Baylor Line,” and the “long yell” from the cheering section will open the broadcast. Morley Jennings, head football coach, will make his annual football talk, and Dr. Brooks will deliver his annual address at 9:50 p. m. The rest of the program will be devoted to specialties and acknow ledgments of the telegrams and tele phone calls from listeners. Bonny Anxiety Tenth, Hereford steer bred by the college, took the grand championship over all breeds at the American Royal Livestock Show, and Charles Watson, who had charge of its care and feeding, has been awarded purple ribbon as grand champion herdsman. Mr. Watson was a student at A. and M. for three years but transferred to Iowa State Col lege, where he completed his college work in 1926. He has been here as *******❖«****♦♦♦♦ * EAT A BURGER AT ♦ * DAD COLE’S ♦ ^ When You Are Hungry ♦ * Between Leggett and Bat- ♦ * Roost Halls ♦