The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 14, 1927, Image 3
THE BATTALION 3 ST. NICHOLAS REQUEST (Continued from Page 1) boots and a velocipede in each of our socks? We need the velocipedes to go to classes and if we don’t get the boots we’ll all be webfooted by April. For myself I’d like to have some cold cure, too. I haven’t been able to smell a test tube since Nov. 1st and I’m about to flunk all my chemistry. Thanking you in advance, I remain, Dooly Hardin, Maj. 3rd Bn. P. S. Maybe you’d better just send Nunez a Kiddie-Kar. He’s already webfooted and I don’t think he could learn to ride a velocipede. —o— Dere Sandy Klaws All I wants is a new magic wand. Dan Jackson. A. & M. REPRESENTED AT STUDENT CONVENTION A. and M. will be represented at the Tenth Quadrennial Student Volunteer Convention to be held at Detroit, Michigan, December 28 to January 2. This convention was last held at In dianapolis in 1924 where 6,000 stu dents from colleges of the world as sembled. The purpose of this gather ing is to discuss the question of Christian Missionary work in foreign countries. Prominent speakers, rep resenting most of the missionary fields of the world will present their plans and opinions on missionary work as it should be conducted today. Students from colleges all over the world will attend this convention, ex changing views and opinions on this work with the hope of reaching some plan that will solve the missionary problem. Mr. M. L. Cushion, Secretary of the Y. M. C. A., states that A. and M. will have at least one representative and he hopes others will attend if possible. Anyone wishing information regard ing the convention as to rates and ex penses should get in touch with Mr. Cashion at the Y. WEEK’S NEWS At a meeting in Dallas of the Southwest Conference last Thursday, Coach Bible announced that Joel Hunt would return to Aggieland next year as an assistant football coach. Gerald Mann will return to S. M. U. for a law degree, he said Thursday. As the proposed post-season games with the University of Georgia or the winner on the Pacific Coast did not materialize, Joel Hunt, Gerald Mann, J. V. Sikes, and Rags Matthews will leave Wednesday for San Francisco, to play on the All-West team against the All-East team on Dec. 26. This game will be played for the benefit of the Crippled Chilarens’ Hospital. •i- '.*■ 'k Our English teachers do not seem to think that we are bothered with enough books to buy and carry around ,so they have organized a pub lishing company of their own to en able us to have a thoroughly com plete library. Charter has been grant ed by the Secretary of State to the English Publishing Company, of Col lege Station, capital stock of $1,000 with $500 paid in. Officers of the company (everything they print will be held against them), are Dr. George Summey, president; D. B. Gofer, ex ecutive vice-president and treasurer; and E. K. Spahr, secretary. The purpose of the company is to encourage publication by members of the English Department of the col lege of textbooks and manuals in Eng lish studies, and the stockholders, who are all members of that department, include: Dr. Summey, Mr. Gofer, Mr. Spahr, P. G. Gunter, C, O. Spriggs, P. C. Key, T. H. Chapman, F. W. Plunkett, J. B. Abbott, and last but not least, Mr, Richard L. Stevenson. * * * With the resignation of Charles H. Alvord as head of the Extension Ser vice on Dec. 1st, he was succeeded by Oscar Baker Martin. Mr. Martin is by no means a stranger to Texas, hav ing visited this state annually, some times three times a year, for many years. At the time of his appoint ment he was regional director for the Southern Region of the National Ex tension Office, U. S. Department of Agriculture, a post he has held since 1921. He started work with the National Extension Office at Washing ton in 1909, and is well acquainted with the organization and personnel of the extension service of A. and M. College. * :1c 5j« The boys’ debating team of T. C. U. has arranged for three triangular debates, the plan being for each school to have two teams, one stay ing at home while the other goes vis iting. Thus there are three debates in one night, but in different places. The subject of each of the three de bates is, “Resolved, that the United States should cease to protect, by force of arms, capital invested in for eign lands, except after formal dec laration of war.” The dates and sides of the debates are as follows: First debate, February 17, 1928: T. C. U., affirmative; Baylor, nega tive. Simmons, affirmative; T. C. U., negative. Baylor, affirmative; Simmons, nega tive. Second debate, March 23rd: T. C. U., aermative; Trinity, nega tive. Trinity, affirmative; Southwestern, negative. Southwestern, affirmative; T. C. U., negative. Third debate: T. C. U., affirmative; S. M. U., negative. A. & M., affirmative; T. C. U., nega tive. S. M. U., affirmative; A. and M., negative. ❖ * * Texas University students can drink no liquor, especially at dances under supervision of the “social calen dar, no matter what extent or to what amount,” Robert Eikel, president of the student association, announced Saturday in the campus paper. Floor managers of dances are bound to report evidence of drinking, rep resenting either mild, happy or fully (Continued on Page 8) BRYAN NURSERY AND FLORAL COMPANY Telephone 266 IB. R. SVl. DIXON Student Representative FOSTER HALL The New York Cafe solicits the patronage of old and new students. BRYAN, TEXAS Phone 460 I I A Full Line of Drugs, Magazines, Candy PLATE LUNCHES and Cold Drinks REED & POWERS Confectionery and Drugs FRANK KOHOUT’S BRYAN SHOE HOSPITAL AGGIELAND SHOE SHOP Sparks-Casey Bldg. * * ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ * * ❖ * ❖ ❖ * W. B. CLINE, M. D. ♦ ❖ Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat ♦ Reffraction and Glasses ♦ ❖ Office, Third Floor City Na- * tional Bank Building + •fr Phones: Res: 622; Office 60d ♦ *■ Bryan, Texas ♦ <$• 4'4*«* , *<fr* < J * i ‘4'*** t< **<l* + •fr**************!*** ❖ DR. LAMAR JONES, Dentist * ^ Second Floor City National Bank + ❖ Building 4* 4* Phones: Office 693; Residence 464 ♦ ❖ X-RAY * 4 BRYAN, TEXAS ♦ ♦J* 4* ❖ ■•J* ❖ 4* 4* 4* 4* 4- ❖ HAVE YOUR EYES * ❖ EXAMINED * ❖ and Your Glasses Fitted By 4* ❖ J. W. PAYNE, Optometrist ♦ ❖ Phone 35 * * Masonic Bldg. Bryan, Texas 4» 4* 4* 4* 4*4 > 4 > 4 f 4'4 t 4>4*4 > 4*4 , 4»4*4**fr , l» 4* DR. W. H. LAWRENCE * 4 DENTIST ♦ 4* Fourth Floor, City National ♦ 4* Bank Building * 4* Phones: Office 348, Res. 568 4* 4 X-Ray Equipment ♦ 4>4'4'4>4'4’4 f 4’4>4»4>4’4>4>4>*