The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 12, 1927, Image 9
LION that the only ones present are the competing' teams. Every man in each unit that is not playing should be at the gym and support his team; show them that you appreciate their ef forts to make your unit a leader in intramural sports. Come out the next game your team plays and help them win. Three Leagues got their schedules under way. The rsdlts so far are: Company A defeated Battery B 12 to 2 and Company E -^as beaten 13 to 1 by Troc^ C. In “BjJ’ League Com pany B loo'- to \C6mpany F 8 to 11. Battery C then defeated Troop D 21 to 3. The most excilfng and best games were played in League “C.” Troop B won from Cordpany C 12 to 10. The horsemen looped a field goal in the last 10 seconds to win. An ex tra period was necessary to decide t’ battle between 2nd Flig'ht Air an Co. G. G company lead inost of th way but Jones went wild a^id the bird men won 12 to 10. This Week Is Fire Prevention Week CROSS-COUNTRY (Continued from Page 8) to bring back a Championship this year, because although they were not beaten in a dual meet last year they did not win the title. ♦J*- ■*$*- ■*$* *%*- ■*£«• +J* ■*$»- •*$«■ ■*$+ LAST WEEK’S CONFER ENCE SCORES. A. & M. 18; Sewanee 0. Texas 20; Trinity 6. T. C. U. 16; Texas Tech. 6. Arkansas 13; Baylor 6. S. M. U. 12; Centenary 21. Rice 0; St. Edwards 0. +4+ ■*$*■ -*£♦ +$*- +$+ -►J*- Willie Bartlett was the outstana- ing defensive player on the field last Saturday. If he continues to play in that manner his name will go down in sport history as the sensation of the 1927 football season. Willie play ed center in his high school days but last year he played guard on the Aggie team. Now he is back at his old job again and he certainly is making good. Mr. Jardine’s ‘typewriter farmers have gone and raised theirselves a crop, all right. Coats Coats Coats Slickers Suede Coats Gaberdines Sheep Lined Rubber Coats Top Coats Over Coats Leather Coats THE LARGEST STOCK AND THE LOWEST PRICES IN BRYAN A. M. WALDROP & CO. TWO CONVENIENT STORES BRYAN AND COLLEGE But there is no law against firing up a PIPE We have everything in the pipe line from the 10c cob to a $ 10.00 Meer schaum, including Kaywoodie, Milano and Virginians. CASEY’S In the “Y ! STOP! Have you protected that loan with a Life Insurance Policy? Rotary clubs require it. Proted your loan the same way. S. D. (“SI”) SNYDER, The INSDRANCE MAN Offers you this protection through the UNION CENTRAL LIFE, a low net cost commpany. P. O. BOX 1555 PHONE 509F2 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS “Hard as concrete, you say?” “Yeh. Fact is, I took her for a walk.”—Ex. He—Got a two cent stamp ? She—What are you goin’ to do, play post office?—Ex. Black—My girl bawled me out last night—told me that I was no true gentleman. Bottom—And what did you say? Black—I told her never to forget that she was only a peroxide blonde herself.