The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 12, 1927, Image 3
THE BATTALION 3 BAT SUBSCRIPTION. (Continued from Page 1) CHARLIE PADDOCK. (Continued from Page 1) in school has an equal chance with the largest to have the honor of edit ing a special edition of the Battalion. Company D, Infantry, won that hon or last year. Battery B won the two previous years. Both organizajtiofris are out for another win but there is splendid opposition from other com panies. If every man works with his top kick he can help put his company on top. Send your girl, sister ,or mother a birthday present that will last. Or if she has no birthday soon, send a subscription to the “Bat” as an early Christmas present. But remember to subscribe now, as this is the last week of the contest. The standing of the different com- panies Tuesday was: Inf. 1st Sgt. A 7.8% Bauer B 13.13% Beatty C 4.76% Weatherly D 33.6% Fanner E 15.4% Fuller F 18.1% Fields G 20.2% Bunton H 17.1% Farrish I 6.36% Singleton Cav. A o% Johnson B 12.3% Carter C 2.56% Gibson D 4.12% Varner Bat. A o% Bradley B 20.5% Lagow C 4.8% Jelinek Sig. A 12.21% Porter B 49.3% Boykin Air Corps A 12.5 % Sommers B 8.9% Davidson Band 5.6% Sweatman several feature pictures on the Holly wood movie lots, his latest being “The Campus Flirt,” a Bebe Daniels pro duction. He toured the world in 1924 in free competition with the leading athletes of eight countries. Paddock will run an exhibition race with the Aggies’ leading sprin ters. Buck, the best 220-man in the South, will be wearing the Aggie colors and he has traversed the space in 21.4 seconds. Bob Graham from Jasper, W. C. Huccaba from Mount Pleasant, who was the best sprinter on the Fish team last year, and O’Neil, our 440-man will run in this race. The race will be run at 4:15 on October 18. At 7:30 Paddock will speak in the Assembly Hall on a subject that is close to every Aggies’ heart—clean sportsmanship—in the battle of life, as well as on the athletic field. He is a fluent speaker, with a keen ap preciation of humor Don’t fail to see and hear him. A. & M. HONOR STUDENTS. (Continued from Page 1) and tactics. These students are eligi ble for commission in the U. S. Army with only the physical examination necessary. The list of A. and M. graduates who merited such distinction includes: C. A. Alternbern, Savanna, 111.; J. D. Amend, Ideal; D. C. Arnold, Del Rio; W. G. Boyd, College Station; S. PALACE THURSDAY FRIDAY - SATURDAY MATINEE—THURSDAY - FRIDAY 1:30 P. M. No Advance in Prices, 50c. QUEEN s F ~ A r MARION DAVIES - IN — “The Fair Co-Ed” It’s a Riot! | CAMPUS BARBER SHOP | HI IN THE SOUTH END OF THE Y. M. C. A. ^ For Real Service by All Union Men. All kinds of Face j||| HI Lotions. Hair Tonic for sale reasonable. = 55= Yours for Service, = HI J. F. LAVINDER. Hi = WHEN IN BRYAN VISIT | THE METROPOLITAN BARBER SHOP | H THEY WILL GIVE YOU THE BEST OF WORK ||= == P. G. GAYLE, Manager = F. Brewster, Belton; P. A. Cunyus, Longview; C. B. Donovan, Cleburne; M. T. Lewis, San Antonio; K. H. Scott, Floydada; George Selman, Dal las; E. E. Umlang, Utopia; E. A. Vance, Texarkana; J. R. Wood, San Antonio; G. A. Youngs, Slidell, La. Why build more dormitories ? So some of the cadets can get the valu able experience of living in a house. Why did I come to college ? No one will ever know. A. & M. LIVESTOCK. (Continued from Page 1) at the El Paso expositions last spring. One heifer being shown was the junior champion at the exposition in Fort Worth last spring. Six Ramboullet and three South- downs make up the sheep showing. Fourteen senior A. H. students, candidates for the livestock judging team that will go to the American Royal at Kansas City and the Inter national Show at Chicago, will be at the Fair for practice this week end. A. K. Mackey, associate professor of animal husbandry will coach these students. WHY— Some one is always asking why this and why that . . well here is an attempt to answer a few of those very pertinent whys. Why must ev ery one go reg? The seniors are the only ones on the campus allowed to wear leather so the rest are forced to go reg to cover up their leather necks; and army officers are gentle men, so you must become accustomed to covering up that manly growth of hair on arms and chest for no “gentle man” wears them, of course you know “she” does not. Why are “fish” the goats for every one ? They haven’t been here long enough to get used to the shower baths. Why can’t sleeping be done in class ? Because the iron cots are sup posed to be better for that purpose. Why, do we have a hospital? To frighten bad boys from eating green apples. What’s alive about Bryan ? The ca dets are when they first get there. What is genetics ? A study of the ancestrage of the mess hall beef, also known as geology. Where are the Brazos County coal mines ? At the laundry. Where is the laundry? There isn’t any. What is English ? Stuff put on billiard balls in the Y basement. What is military science ? The proper manner to use the knife and fork. Are girls foolish? Only about a uniform. Why do cadets go wrong ? Because their instructors went right. Now girls were made for loving And if you miss your share, Some one will take it for you Nor ask you when or where. For love is a passing fancy Believe it or not it’s so. It can’t be saved like money When it comes right then it must go. As to finding an ideal flapper Why they all think they are that. And so will you for a moment, But will you when she’s fat? So meet ’em, love ’em and leave ’em Even marry them if they’re rich, For love ... is only hearts racing, And slow ones are pushed in the ditch. True love sounds great as: an idea, You may say long marriages prove it. But it’s only convenient habit Of souls too tired to remove it. We have one deity to honor, Omnipotent, wise, and just. Why worship a slip of a girlie For sake of animal lust? j* ♦j* *»■<■ ■►k 4* *** & ’■** EAT A BURGER AT * DAD COLE’S * When You Are Hungry * l* Between Leggett and Bat- i* Roost Halls »$* >> ♦j* :*]iimiiiiiii[]iiiiiiiiiiiiE]iiiiiiiiHiiuiiiiiiiiiiiic3iiiiiiiiiiii«iiiiiiiiii<; I $ 4.50 O. D. Wool Shirts . . $ 2.95 | i $10.00 Wool Serge = Breeches $ 9.00 = 1 $15.00 Whipcord 5 Breeches $12.50 5 | $12.50 Gabardine 1 | Breeches $11.00 | | Regulation Ties 45 |j | Calfskin Dress Shoes $ 6.00 | | Cordovan Dress Shoes... $ 8.00 || I $ 7.50 Serge Dress i Shirts $ 3.95 g | Officers Serge Shirts.... $13.50 | | Officers Gabardine g |j Shirts $13.50 = KUPPENHEIMER | GOOD CLOTHES STACY ADAMS AND | SMITH SMART SHOES PHONE 152 | WILSON BRADLEY I B DEPENDABILITY I I BRYAN, TEXAS ^iiiiiimiuiimiiiiiiiciiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiHiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiic*