Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1927)
THE BATTALION ^SX§*§X§K*>^>'3X$> < $>^X*X*><$X$X$ > <*X$X*X*X$>^>^X*X§x$ k $ / J. W. PAYNE Optometrist and Optician. Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Masonic Bldg. BRYAN, TEXAS Phone 35 <$ K §x§x§xtxS><$> < $> < S> < $ > <5> < $> < $> < $ K §><$ >< ^ < €x$> , § > <§ > ^>*€xS >< §> < ® > The New York Cafe solicits the patronage of old and new students. BRYAN, TEXAS Phone 460 *♦* +x+ *** *t+ +i+ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ *t* *■ ❖ * FRANK KOHOUT’S * t BRYAN SHOE J : HOSPITAL : AGGIELAND SHOE SHOP ❖ Sparks-Casey Bldg. ■2* +t+ <i+ *i* +t+ ♦*+ >y ♦♦♦ -*■>■ ❖ +i+ *i* ❖ ❖ ^ +j» ^ ❖ W. B. CLINE, M. D. * *> Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat * >*' Reffraction and Glasses ** +** Office, Third Floor City Na- * »?- tional Bank Building **■ ❖ Phones: Res: 622; Office 606 * ❖ Bryan, Texas * ♦$« +j. *;» >;» »;» >;» »t* *j* ! HOLMES BROS. I Bryan’s Popular CONFECTIONERY STORE Where the Boys Get the Best Malted Milks on Earth Come to See Us Agency for King’s and Whitman’s Candies A Full Line of Drugs, Magazines, Candy PLATE LUNCHES and Cold Drinks REED & POWERS Confectionery and Drugs WHY ROOM-MATES GO CRAZY How many times have you been called from an enthralling pursuit of the coulomb or from perfect concen tration on a letter to that girl by weird and uncouth noises from the roomit’s side of your home? In turn, how many times have you dashed in and, finding him humped over his slide-rule or his bugology, thumped him on the back until he was ready to get up and give battle? Everyone has m«re or less compas sion for dumb animals—why not let it extend to the roomit? Believe it or not, there is a case on record here at A. & M. of a man who intercepted a letter from his roommate’s sweet heart then watched him grow grey with worry and grind his teeth away to the gums before he finally waked him up one morning before reveille and gave him the letter. Feature that if you can—trying to appreciate the romance of your one and only in the cold grey dawn, with a dark green taste in your mouth! What this student body needs is a “Be Kind To Room-mates Week.” When, instead of refusing to speak to your old lady for mixing up the tooth brushes, you’d compliment him on his taste. Can you imagine such a state? All the little homes in Ag- gieland would be brimming over with loving consideration. There would be no more arguments about who bought the last bar of soap or who is wear ing whose clothes. Can you imagine it? Well neither can we, but it’s a beautiful thought all the same! THE INSTRUCTOR You fellows here at college are so used to your advantages that they (the advantages) are sometimes lost sight of. Just to promote a general sense of thankfulness and gratitude on your part and gWe expression to our gratitude in general I am going to show one particular blessing that I believe so far has escaped notice by the students if not by the blessees themselves. In some schools there is a tendency for the students and the professors to become widely separated into classes that have nothing whatever to do with each other. It is almost a rigid caste system. So rigid in fact that there is no possibility of a former student becoming an instructor un less he has served an apprenticeship at some other sschool after gradua tion. The instructors avoid all un necessary intercourse with the stu dents and will “bust” a student quick er for familiarity than anything else. They also regard the students as their game, that is that the student was sent there for the express purpose of being molded according to the morals and customs of the particular pedant that he is under. There is no feeling of comradeship in the better ing of the school’s scholastic stand ing but they prefer to regard each student as having come there with the malicious intent to wreck the scholastic standing both by action and example. The instructor serves also as a kind of petty spy that keeps the authori ties that do not come in daily con tact with them, informed as to what the students are doing that they may be reprimanded for. Therefore I want to say that you here at A. & M. should be particu larly thankful that you have no in structors; of that kind here. <$*$><$><$x8><sxs><s><8x$*$><§><e><$K8xSx8><s><$><e>3xs><s><e><e><s><s><$><s^ FOR THE FRIENDS FAR AWAY, FOR THE FOLKS BACK AT HOME— YOUR PHOTOGRAPH Have it made now. We have a special offer for you. Ask us about it. A. &M. COLLEGE STUDIO Exchange Bldg. AGGIELAND BARBER SHOP Try Us for Real Service FOUR CADETS WORKING WAY THROUGH SCHOOL If Not Satisfied, Your Money Back Located in New Casey Bldg. R. W. IVY, Prop. AGGIELAND STUDIO The ONLY Official Longhorn Photographs. | Frames, Kodak Films and Finishing f North Gate of Campus. When burning the midnight oil smoke Edgeworth IK 1 , | E. W. CRENSHAW, JR„ INSURANCE f AGENCY SOLICITS YOUR LIFE INSURANCE ACCOUNT Rooms 27-28, Astin Building Bryan, Texas “SCRIPT” MITCHELL ED CRENSHAW THE EXCHANGE STORE <*> Welcomes all Old Boys Back to Aggieland and Extends the f Freshmen a Cordial Welcome THE EXCHANGE STORE IS YOUR STORE Everything New and Modern