The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 05, 1927, Image 3
THE BATTALION 3 The FOR MEN We feature this famous line of men’s Shoes ex clusively in Bryan. Cardovan Military Shoes $10.00 Calf Military Shoes $8.50 Latest styles in Young- Men’s Oxfords $8.50 W. F. GIBBS & SON. I <S*S><S><l><8><3><e»$><S><S‘<8><S><S*S><$><8><S*^ MUSIC. ‘ The man that hat no music in him self, nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds; is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils.” How true is this quotation from Shakespeare for the man is indeed to be pitied who has no love for music. Among- our numbers here in school are many men who are good musi cians. Some have the opportunity of continuing their music here if they are able to make the Band. Others who arc less fortunate drop [their music altogether and soon the train ing for which they took time and money to obtain soon passes into ob livion. But there are other fellows here who play stringed instruments who think they have no chance to continue their work unless they play by themselves. Each year many good violinists are missed in the canvass for members for the Guion Hall Or chestra just because they think they are not good enough or do not hear about it or even because of indiffer ences toward practice. Every man is given a chance and is encouraged to come out and try for the orchestra, which is of a symphony type. This organization is under the di rection of Mr. Richard J. Dunn, head of music here at the College. It plays for chapel each Sunday morning and broadcasts programs and entertains on various occasions throughout the year. If anyone wishes to try out for the orchestra be at the Alssembly Hall for practice, Thursday evening at 7:45 and lets make more and bet ter music for our chapel services. CONTRIBUTORS LIST STARTED. With this issue the “Bat” has adopted the use of the contributors list. The names of men contributing for each issue will appear directly under the Staff. If the man con tributing desires his name on his ar ticle it will be placed under it, if not it does not have to be published. There are many men here on the campus who have fitful flights of fancy that will bear publication. If you have a literary, poetic, or humor- PALACE Wednesday - Thursday Friday - Saturday The World’s Greatest Motion Picture What Price Glory With Victor McLagen, Edmund Love, Dolores Del Rio. ADMISSION 50 CENTS SPECIAL MUSIC 5EN FRIDAY - SATURDAY DOROTHY MACKAILL AND JACK NULHALL “Smile Brother Smile” DON’T MISS THIS ONE CAMPUS BARBER SHOP ■ IN THE SOUTH END OF THE Y. M. C. A. For Real Service by All Union Men. All kinds of Lotions. Hair Tonic for sale reasonable. Yours for Service, J. F. LAVINDER. Face WHEN IN BRYAN VISIT THE METROPOLITAN BARBER SHOP THEY WILL GIVE YOU THE BEST OF WORK P. G. GAYLE, Manager ous turn of mind get that old type writer busy and submit an article either signed or unsigned. A box will be placed on the door of 40 Gathright for all such contributions. Take a personal interest in the “Bat” and see if it does not give you a thrill to see one of your articles printed that you can send home to the folks and to your girl. The Staff has a hard job of getting out enough ma terial each week and it needs YOUR support so dust that old brain off and lets see some of that hidden ability and ambition which I know is being harbored by some members of the student body. THE MAN WHO KNOWS WHERE HE IS GOING There are but two ways of shaping your career: One is to drift with the tide; the other is to have a definite goal—to steer straight for the mark on the farther shore. The world makes way for the man who knows where he is going, but it jostles the dreamer and the drifter to the side-lines. It is your attitude towards the present moment, your realization of its pos sibilities, which counts more in the fight than any vague, indefinite im aginations about the future. Be thorough. The first step towards the rewards of industry is to do the work immediately at hand with all your might. And remember this: An ounce of determination applied to a specific purpose is worth a ton of genius, which is all latent capacity, without character or ambition. It is better to do one act quickly than talk about a hundred for a day. We have a definite income: and in one aspect at least the universe has been just to us: We have just 24 hours a day income from God; and the wonderful thing about this in come in time is that we can save it only by spending it. If we would save our dollars and cents we must put them away, not spending them in the ordinary routine of life; hut if we would save our hours and our mom ents we must spend them, and the more completely they are spent for ends that are worth while, the more they are converted into capital of character, intelligence and power.— Griggs. One of the things of life which we use the most and value the least is language. It is the distinction of our race, our highest prerogative, the instrument of our progress. It is the bond of brotherhood, too, and the body in which truth becomes incar nate. The thought-history of the race w. is written in the very structure of its speech; and a language or a dialect is as significant of great social forces now long spent as the strata of the earth’s surface are concerning seis mic energies.—Adams. Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information upon it.—Samuel Johnson. Well, if A cup Is the same As a mug, And that Is the same As a face, My girl Has one of The prettiest Loving cups You ever saw. Sleigh Bells Lives of great men all remind us, As their pages o’er we turn, That we’re apt to leave behind us, Letters that we ought to burn. ♦♦♦ ■*$*• -*-£*• *$*- ■*$*■ ■*$«■ ♦J*- ♦J*- +$*■ ❖ EAT A BURGER AT ❖ ❖ DAD COLE’S ❖ ❖ When You Are Hungry ❖ ❖ Between Leggett and Bat- ❖ Roost Halls ♦£«- -#£♦ -*£*• ♦£«- <«]llllllllllllE3!llllllllll|[]|||llimil!nil!IIIIIIIIIDIIIIlllllll!UIIIIII!ll' * I $ 4.50 O. D. Wool Shirts . . $ 2.95 j = $10.00 Wool Serge g = Breeches $ 9.00 1 | $15.00 Whipcord § ^ Breeches $12.50 1 $12.50 Gabardine i s Breeches $11.00 i| | Regulation Ties 45 i i Calfskin Dress Shoes.... $ 6.00 § E Cordovan Dress Shoes... $ 8.00 = | $ 7.50 Serge Dress 1 | Shirts $ 3.95 | = Officers Serge Shirts.... $13.50 1 1 Officers Gabardine tj Shirts $13.50 0 KUPPENHEIMER | GOOD CLOTHES STACY ADAMS AND | SMITH SMART SHOES | PHONE 152 | I WILSON BRADLEY j n DEPENDABILITY | I BRYAN, TEXAS = 5 ❖ iiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiiiinHDiiiiiiimiiDiiuimiiiiDimiiiiiiiiEiiiiiiiiiiin^^