The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 05, 1927, Image 16

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Well we are off on that THOUS
AND MILE WALK and before we get
started good I wish to call your at
tention to the beacon that Colonel
Nelson thinks will brighten the way
down Championship Avenue. It is a
good motto and says the whole thing
in a nutshell: SMILE. Regardless of
what happens—smile.
* Si* *
It was easy to smile after that
game Saturday. The Aggies sure look
good this early in the season and
thoughts of the future are certain
to bring smiles.
* * *
An old Aggie custom resulted in a
rather humorous incident after the
game Saturday. When the cadets
started to carry the visiting players
off the field one of the Trinity play
ers thought he was about to be mob
bed, so he set out for the gym as hard
as he could run. He had a hard time
evading his pursuers but he reached
the gym before any of his teammates.
That night he was subjected to a lot
of good-natured razzing by the other
Trinity players.
Hs * *
It was noticed that a number of
students failed to make use of the
new student entrance to Kyle Field
thereby causing too much congestion
around the main gate. The manage
ment will highly appreciate it if the
students will enter and leave by the
gate on the east side of the field.
* *
Another thing that looked bad was
a bunch of students leaving before
the game was over. Always bear il\
mind that “church is not out until the
last hymn is sung” and the team needs
your support just as much in the last
few minutes as at the beginning of
the game.
❖ * *
The cadets are to be complimented
on the sportsmanship shown toward
the visiting v team. That is one reason
why the athletes at other schools like
to play on Kyle Field. We have the
c;l eanest-playing team in -fhe Con
ference and the cleanest bunch of gen
tlemen supporting it.
* ^ 5ls
Captain Joel Hunt made the first
touchdown of the season. He started
off the season in the same brilliant
manner in which he played all last
year. Every man that got into the
game Saturday played well and Coach
Bible is going to have a hard time
deciding who to use each game.
(Continued on Page 12)
Freshman football has started, with
two hundred candidates answering the
call of Coach Higginbotham. As in
the past years there are more men out
for the team than there are uniforms,
only one hundred uniforms being
available this year. Fifty men have
been issued uniforms and there will
be fifty more given out this week.
Definite plans have not been an
nounced, but the coaches intend to
have one hundred men out for prac
tice every afternoon. There is a mis
taken impression among the “Fish”
that they will not be called but as
elimination of players takes place in
the first two squads, others that have
signed up will be given a chance to
show what they have.
The Fish tea mis fortunate in hav
ing four of the best Freshman coach
es in the conference. Anderson, Eitt,
and McIntosh are well known, but
this is Coach Higginbotham^ first
year at A. and M. He is well known
however over the state because he is
an old Ex-Aiggie football star from
“way back yonder.”
The “Fish” will not have a sched
ule this year. Only one game being
played, and that with the aneielnt
enemy Allen Academy on November
11. There are six all-state men and
lots of other likely material that un
der the efficient coaching staff should
develop into good Varsity material
that will be valuable next year.
Mr. Thomas will be the Coach again
this year. With two lettermen back
from last year, and four crack play
ers from last year’s fish squad, he
intends to put the Aggies on a par
with the other conference teams.
Hyland ,Aggie star from last year,
will be back. He has developed into
a smart tennis player, annexing the
Beaumont Singles Championship this
past summer. The team will feel the
loss of W. Davis and Ross, but with
Gill and Kelly from last years squad,
and with Darby, Storey, Moss and
Cates from the Fish squad the Ag
gies should give the rest of the teams
in the Conference a struggle. Darby
and Hyland should make a doubles
team that is unbeatable.
Texas University will have the Con
ference meet this year, it being here
last year. This will be one of the
five matches played by the team this
year. Although the Conference race
does not start till some time in the
spring, every evening finds the play
ers practicing hard and the team de
serves the support of every loyal Ag-
Hard Battle Expected.
With the opening game of the sea
son now history, the Texas Aggies
are pointing toward next Saturday,
October 1, when they will meet Coach
Lefty Eden’s Pirates from George-
town-on-the San Gabriel. The game
will be played on Kye Field. Since
Southwestern flashed across the grid
horizon last Saturday with a 19 to 6
victory over | Baylor, a Gonjferlenoe
eleven, the coming clash may be a
bit stiffer game than the Aggies
found with Trinity. In defeating the
Tigers, the Biblemen ran up one of
the largest first game scores in their
history, 45 to 0.
■*$*• -*£*- +X* +J+ •>$«■ +£*• -*£*• ■*$*•
*> Texas A. and M. 45, Trin-
ity 0.
*> Texas University 43, Okla-
Southwest Teachers 0.
*** S. M. U. 69, North Texas
*** State Teachers College 0.
++* Rice Institute 0, Loyola 13.
* T. C. U. 27, Daniel Baker 0.
Baylor 6, Southwestern 19.
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