f/O v iug-hter singing lessons.’ Judge: “Fifty years.” squad and will also give extra train ing and practice to them. Upperclass men should take part because it givelf id T 7. ose Camels Iker is tokacco (it. He lo scrimping or denial no four-wheel brakes ikes at all. It is full Iglit for quality, or smoking pleasure, [istinguislied company, h smokers have elected |e of superiority. © 1927 * N - S A L E LI , 11 . C . :etbali. A. tournament n and doubles will start October 17. Unit managers are urged to sign men for this sport immediately and get their teams organized. A. and M. has never had a winning tennis club. A varsity man is always found in each sport each year by the intramural system. The more that enter for ten nis the sooner we will have a win ning team. The more that play the keener the competition will be and the more successful the tournament will be. A Volley ball tournament will also be held in the middle of October. Fur ther plans will be announced later for this sport. This year a different point system for determining the championship of each league and the college will be used. The unit amassing the largest number of points will be awarded the flag this year. The sports will be divided into two divisions: major sports and special sports. Major sports consist of basketball, football, speedball, play ground ball, track, and cross-country; special sports, boxing, wrestling, golf, hand ball, and tennis. For the major sports fifty points will be given to each unit for each team entered. The team must play the com plete schedule or forfeit the entry points. 10 points will be deducted for each forfeited game. The league win ner will be given 10 points and the runner up 5 points. The college cham pion will get 10 points and the run ner up 5 points. The team winning the cross country championship will be awarded 10 points, second place? points, third place 5 points, fourth place 3 points, fifth place 1 point. The winning swimming team receives the same number of points as the cross country teams. 50 points will be givei each unit entering men in half the events. The champion team gets 20 points, second place 15, third place 10, fourth place 5, fifth place 1. In the special sports 2 points will be gnven the unit for each man enter ed. In case the man wins the cham- pionship 5 points also will be given the unit. Each year the team winning the championship in the respective sports, receives trophies of some description, well worth trying for. SQUAD WEIGHTS. (Continued from Page 2) 111., 188; Tom Holleron, San Antonio, 187; R. L. Mortellra, Houston, 186; J. G. Holmes, Troup, 185; E. E. Fi- gari, Galveston, 185; E. C. Rowland, Ft. Worth, 185; J. F. Criswell, For ney, 182; J. H. Cuthrell, Navasota, 182; C. T. Decker, Mission, 180; F. Scovell, Dallas, 180.