the battalion 7 A Good Smoke Jl REAL BUY. La Corona De Cuba Regular 1 5c Cigar. 8c, 2 for 15c while they last. CASEY’S CONFECTIONERY ♦I* •I* *1* *1* *1* •I* *1* *1* •I 11 •I* •I* •I* *1* •I* *1* »X* *X« »X* *1* •I* •I* "I* •I* *1* •I* •I* *1* *1* *1* »I* *1* *1* •I* *1* »I« >1* »X- *X* •I* •I* "I* •I* •I* •I* •I* *1* •I* *i* *}• >X* *1* Newlfork Cafe THE BEST PLACE TO EAT IN BRYAN PHONE 460 HOWELL DRUG CO. JUST OFF THE CAMPUS Agents JACOBS CANDIES DRUGS, SUNDRIES, STATIONERY PHONE 188 THE EXCHANGE STORE ;; Welcomes all Old Boys Back to Aggieland and Extends the ;j Freshmen a Cordial Welcome THE EXCHANGE STORE IS YOUR STORE Everything New and Modern READ BATTALION ADVERTISEMENTS —4:9.1 (new conference record). Shot put—Won by Hargis, Texas; McKenzie, Texas A. and M., second; Pickle, University of Arkansas, third; Bartlett, Texas A. and M. fourth. Dis tance 44 feet 7 and 3-4 inches. Javelin throw—Won by Smith, Uni versity of Texas; Boone, Rice, second; Crabaugh, University of Arkansas, third; Wilkerson, S. M. U. fourth. Dis tance 176 feet. 220-yard dash—Won by McCorkle, T. C. U.; Cockrell, University of Tex as, second; Landa, University of Tex as, third; Buck, Texas A. & M., 4th. Time—22 flat. Pole vault—Won by Hammond, Uni versity of Texas; Brown, University of Texas, second; Patterson, Univer sity of Texas, and Cabiness of Rice tied for third. Height 12 feet 11 in ches. (New conference record). 880-yard run—Won by Hooper, S. M. U.; Bronson, Rice, second; Crump, Texas A. & M. third; Donohy, S. M. U. fourth. Time 1:57.9. 220-yard low hurdles—Brown, S. M. U. first; Kennedy, Texas A. and M. second; Stalter, University of Texas, third; Toler, T. C. U. fourth. Time— 23:7. New conference record. Two-mile run—Chitwood, Rice, 1st; Childress, Texas A. and M. second; Yarbrough, Rice, third; McKamy, Rice, fourth. Time—10:05.9. Mile relay won by University of Texas. (Wysong, Vestal, Cockrell, Daniels.); A. and M. second; Rice, third; S. M. U. fourth. Time—3:18:9. (New conference record). Discus Throw—Won by Gooch, Tex as University; Taylor, Baylor, sec ond; Bartlett, A. and M. third; Bell, Baylor, fourth. Distance 141.95 feet. Broad jump —won by Smith, Texas University; Young, Baylor, second; Shepperd, Texas University, third; Smiley, Rice, and Ashley, A. & M. tied for fourth. Distance 23 feet 4 in ches. High jump: Shepperd, Texas, first; Appleman, A. and M., Ashley, A. and M., Cunningham, T. C. U., and Lyn, S. M. U. tied for second. Height 5 ft. 10 inches. NEW RULINGS. (Continued from Page 6) 220-yard hurdles—Brown, S. M. U. 23.7. New conference mark. Mile relay—Texas, 3:18:9. New con ference mark. Broad jump—Smith, Texas. 23:4”. * m DR. LAMAR JONES DENTIST t 9 Second Floor City National Bank Build kir Phones: Offiee €93: Residence 484 X-RAY BRYAN TEXAS 4 COLLEGE CLOTHES ^ FOR COLLEGE MEN Here’s a great stock to select from. New Colors. Smart Models. Moderate Prices. Come in and look them over. A. M. WALDROP & CO. BRYAN and COLLEGE ❖ Edgeworth is always good on the draw