THE BATTALION S JUNIOR PROM. CATTLE RAISERS. 0»inAmii!ii[]uiHiimn[]iimiimituiiiiiuiMU[]iitiiiimii[:uaiimiiic]iiiiiiiiiiiic]iiiimiiiii[3i]iiNiiiiii[iiiiiiiiiiiiic]Hiiiiiiimt}iiiiiiiHni[3ii«:'< (Continued from Page 1) (Continued from Page 1) that about 300 will be present. Plates will cost $1.50. The prom will be staged in the main mess hall, and will last from 9 till 2. The R. V. decorations will be used, but they will be changed up to a con siderable extent. About 500 are ex pected to attend the affair, but favors will be given out only to juniors. Plans for the final ball, which is given by the junior class in honor of the senior class, have also been work ed out by the same committees. The main mess hall will again be the scene of one of the best dances of the year, when the final ball takes place on Monday night May 30th. The final ball is always enjoyed immensely, es pecially by the underclassmen who have three months of leisure ahead of them; the seniors realize that it is their last night here, and they us ually try to make the best of it by having an extra good time. The sen iors will receive favors which will always remind them of the good times they have had in Aggieland. Plenty of young ladies will be on hand for the commencement exercises and near ly all of them will attend the ball. Music for both the Junior Prom and the Final Ball will be played by the Aggieland. All Juniors are reminded to get dat es for the prom and banquet, and to be sure to make arrangements for their tickets as soon as possible so that Mr. Duncan will know how many to prepare for. May 2,0. This committee of the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers’ As sociation is composed $>f about fifty of the Tnost prominent cattle men in the Southwest. A step looking toward closer coop eration on the part of the Associa tion with the A. and M. College of Texas in behalf of the livestock in dustry of Texas is pointed out by Dean Kyle in citing resolutions recent ly adopted by the Association. The resolutions in question provide for the appointment by President Richard Kleberg of the Association of a com mittee of three to visit the College annually for a thorough inspection of the Animal Husbandry Department. The resolutions set forth that after such inspection the committee shall “feel free to offer constructive sug gestions to the Dean of the School of Agriculture and the head of the de partment on any matters looking to the good of the department.” This committee is also to keep the mem bers of the Association posted as to conditions existing in the Animal Hus bandry Department of the College. The resolutions set forth as the rea son for the authorization of such a committee that “the Dean of Agri culture of the A. and M. College of Texas has expressed a desire to have the advice and counsel of the practi cal livestock men of this state in the conduct of their efforts in behalf of the livestock industry of Texas.” * W. B. CLINE, M. D. * * Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat **• Reffraction and Glasses * Office, Third Floor City Na- * tional Bank Building 4* * Phones: Res. 622; Office 606 * Bryan, Texas * ❖ *** ♦t* *1* ♦I" *•!* *•*-* ‘f* ‘J* ■*!» 4*4******4>4’*4*? ••n S pUM IP*0 <9* 4* DR. W. H. LAWRENCE ♦ 4* DENTIST 4- 4* Fourth Floor, City National 4 > 4> Bank Building ♦ 4* Phones: Office 348, R«s. 658 4* 4* X-Ray Equipment ♦ 4*4*4‘4'4‘4»4 t 4*4‘4»4 f 4»4»4‘4»4 > 4»^