THE BATTALION t ^•jiiiiiiiiiiiiuimiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiiiHiiniiiiiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiiiiiiiE^iiiiiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiiiiiiiEiiiniiiiiiiicjiniiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiiiiiiiEiiiiiiiiiHiiraiHg BRAEBURN’S Jill-Collegiate is all that the name implies —a style determined by col lege men, made for college men from fabrics specially designed by Braeburn for that exclusive purpose. | 1 WALDROP & CO. Now on display in our Bryan store. ^IIIOIIIIIIIIIIIE]llllillllHIE]lll STUDENT OPINION * ❖ *> «f» *t» »$* ♦t* ■*?* ♦I- *!♦ '•i* •i- Last Sunday in chapel (I had not been to chapel for some time) I no ticed an odd condition. All the boys on the lower floor of Guion Hall kept their uniforms fastened and at least faced the front while the speaker was talking. Not so in all of the balconies, both rear and sides. Up there, the majority of the boys shed their blous es entirely or flapped them open, showing those conspicuous white shirts. Surely there is a cooler breeze in the balconies than on the ground floor. That is not all. They sat in scat tered twos and groups all over the seating space. They slouched indolent ly in their seats, reading a newspaper openly on the front row or else took as comfortable a position as possible and composed themselves for a quiet nap. In simple respect, for common de cency, for modest politeness, that is no way to regard the speaker. It would be a good plan if the organizations occupying the balconies were seated in definite groups along several front rows along both the sides and back of the balconies. Then the boys should simply have the self consciousness to keep their clothes on the same as those on the lower floor now do. “Some feat” remarked the skipper as “Suitcase” Tibbals leaped on the Toonerville.