2 THE BATTALION R.V. FESTIVITIES BEST OF SEASON Many Visitors Present for Annual Celebration. Those who were lucky enough to stay on the campus this last week end witnessed one of the best R. V. celebrations that has ever been held. Many of the State’s prettiest girls were here and with the full moon and three nights of dancing and the Virginians to play there was nothing lacking to make a perfect week-end. The festivities were opened on Thursday evening with the Queen’s Ball and the crowning of the queen, Miss Helen Colglazier, by the king, Allen Monger. The R. V. Banquet was PAT MURPHY AT COLLEGE. (New Student Service) Pat Murphy is personna grata at the University of Arkansas. In fact there are rumors that the fraternity brother who introduced him to the so ciety of the campus has suffered mightily from the swinging barrel staves. Pat Murphy registered at the Uni versity in February. His Cadillac, golf sticks and pet bull dog soon won him seductive advancements in the big fra ternities. They floundered after Pat a local correspondent to the Kansas City Star wrote, “like depot taxi driv ers after a lame man with heavy grips.” And of course addresses of local bootleggers were showered upon him. A few days ago twenty-five stran gers arrived in Fayetteville and pounc ed upon eighteen bootleggers. They were taken before a United States given in the main Mess Hall after the ball game on Friday afternoon Commission. A crew of abashed young when the Aggies trounced the Ponies 12-2. The banquet was featured with dancing between courses and speech es by Dr. Walton and Col. Turner. The toastmaster, “Preacher” Durst, reign ed and fun was not lacking. The girls favors of boudoir dolls made the fem inine hearts miss a beat at the pleas- collegians were also present. “What do we do with these pa pers?” the students asked. “Those are witness subpoenas. That means you testify against these fel lows who have been selling liquor to you college boys. A bad gang they are. Eighteen of ’em. We missed some. The ant surprise. The Grand March for j universit Y authorities sanctioned our the R. V. Hop Friday night started the night that was really the best of all because everyone was just getting acquainted good and the spirit of the dance held forth in all its glory. The R. V. drill was held on the baseball field Saturday evening at 8 o’clock. The Corps Dance started at 9:30 and everyone enjoyed it after having made the two formal dances. Some of the dancers looked more like Toreadors than cadets with their many colored sashes. As Home Sweet Home was being played it saw many a weary foot but still more sad hearts because it had marked the end of a gay sea son that would be no more for an other year. Under the law of England a man may marry his son’s mother-in-law or his deceased wife’s sister; but he can marry neither his aunt by mar riage nor his niece by marriage, let alone his wife’s mother. investigation and- Here one of the students interrupted with: “Look, there’s old Murph over there writing on a typewriter. Hey Miurph! Hey, Pat! Wonder what he’s doing here ?” “Murphy, eh? Pat Murphy? one of the prohibition agents drawled. Boys, that’s Wallace from Louisville—prohi bition agent de luxe. De Luxe with a capital letter is what I mean.” CANTON, N. Y.,—More than 250 students of Lawrence university here have signed a petition protesting the action of the town board in prohibit ing the showing of Sunday movies. The petition demands that the matter be referred to a vote of the people, those circulating the petitions believ ing that the voters will abrogate the board’s decision. If the board prohib its such a vote, the town will be forc ed to continue without Sunday picture performances. PALACE D. W. GRIFFITH’S Sorrows of Satan” Xn □EX X X> -A.Y QUEEN BEBE DANIELS xisr A Kiss in the Taxie AGGIELAND SHOE SHOP Located in New Casey-Sparks Bldg. First Class Workmen and All Work Guaranteed. Also Bryan Shoe Hospital Next to Telegraph Office At Bryan, Texas Frank Kohout, Proprietor E. L. Struwe, Agent $ New Materials for Uniforms. Uniforrms, Pants, and Shirts Made to Measure. Alterations. NEW LINE OF SPRING SUITS UNIFORM TAILOR SHOP ALSO CLEANING AND PRESSING Mendl & Hornak, Proprietors Located in New Casey-Sparks Bldg. AGGIELAND BARBER SHOP Try Us For Real Service We Will Serve You What You Call For. No Grafting Allowed 11 ;; Located in New Casey Bldg. R. W. IVY, Prop. ;; THE MODEL TAILORS Henry Locke, Proprietor DRY CLEANERS AND DYERS THAT KNOW HOW 11 BRYAN E. W. CRENSHAW JR., INSURANCE !i AGENCY SOLICITS YOUR LIFE INSURANCE ACCOUNT Rooms 27-28, Astin Building Bryan, Texas “SCRIPT” MITCHELL ED CRENSHAW .. THE CAMPUS SHOE SHOP QUALITY SERVICE Have those boots full-soled and heeled at the Campus Shoe Shop. $2.75 and $3.25. ALL WORK GUARANTEED READ BATTALION ADVERTISEMENTS