The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 02, 1927, Image 6
THE BATTALION 8 STEERS 36-35 * ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ * ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ * ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ VOLLEY BALL TOURNAMENT * *j GETS UNDER WAY * FREE THROWS * * * | Tumblers Work Out * *■> +t+ ^ ! The saying that a team with the j determination to win cannot be whip- j ped was surely proven Saturday night. It was wonderful to see the way our boys came from behind to win. 5}C ^ * There wasn’t a very large percent age of the cadet corps in the gym Saturday night, but you couldn’t tell it by the yelling. The fortunate few who were here stayed behind the team from start to finish of that hair-raising game. * * * Well gang, it is up to you to make the Interschoiastic League Tourna- ment a success. Our Athletic Depart ment has brought the tournament here and if we make it a success, the State Interschoiastic track meets and basketball tournaments may alternate between the two major State schools. That means that the best high-school a-thletes in the state will become acquainted with Aggieland. * * * * Those Longhorns were sure watch ing “Red” Petty. They guarded him so closely he was unable to make a single field goal. But while they were watching Petty, Captain Baker loop ed a pair of pretty ones. ik * ❖ And while passing around the honors it wouldn’t be amiss to men tion that the tall Texas center cer tainly had the stuff. He could shoot baskets from anywhere. * * * The Aggie eleven will make the long trip to West Texas next fall to give the Texas Tech. Matadors their first big football game at Lubbock. Thp game replaces Baylor on the Aggie schedule. ?k ik * The current basketball season is about the fastest and closest ever staged in the Southwest. Most of the games have been decided by one point and there have been two extra session conference games already. ik * ik The Texas relays will be held March 25. Coach Anderson expects to enter several teams. This will be the third year of this event and the Aggies have always gotten a good share of the prizes. The intramural volley ball tourna ment will get under way next Mon day. Two volley-ball courts have been laid out on the edge of the baseball field and they will be open for prac tice all this week. Balls and nets may be secured from the intramural sports office. It is not generally known, but we have a cracker-jack swimming team working out daily n the “Y” pool un der the able direction of Bill McRea, the life-saver. Anyone interested in this sport should get in touch with him. He may be found somewhere in Gathright Hall. We also have a splendid bunch of tumblers working out in the gym every day. They expect to put on an exhibition between halves of the next basketball game. Tommy Alexander, of E. E. fame, is coaching them and he is anxious to get some more men in his class. Anyone interested should see him at 13 Pfeuffer. The intramural golf tournament is progressing nicely. Some of the second-round matches have already been played. A schedule of the matches may be found on the Y. M. C. A. blackboard. Cadets are reminded that the hand ball courts are open at any time during the day. Balls may be gotten from the intramural sports office. No intramural football games have been played since last Wednesday when the Artillery beat the Signal Corps 20 to 0. The schedule will be resumed February 5. GYM. TO BE SETTING FOR BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT Fish to Play Waco. The gym will be the scene of much basketball activity this week-end. In addition to the varsity putting on some finishing touches before travel ing up to Fort Worth, the Aggie Fish will play a pair of games with the powerful Waco High School quintet. These games will offer quite a test for the Fish. The first game will be played Friday night and the second one Saturday morning. In addition to these games, the Brazos County Interschoiastic League basketball tournament will be held on the Aggie Court Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. All these games will be well worth seeing. FRESHMAN TRACK PROS PECTS ARE BRIGHT Many Excellent Prospects on Our Fish Team. Coach Anderson is gradually get ting his fish track team organized and from the looks of things he will have the best fish track team in the history of the school. Some of the outstanding men who are now working out are: Hodge of Archer City, who won the 220 yard dash at the State high school meet last year. Ed Thompson of Cameron, who won the half-mile race the past two years at the A. & M. Invitation meet and came second in that event at the State meet. Simpson of Denton, holder of the State high school mile record, came third at the National Interschoiastic Meet at Chicago last GAME MARKED BY BRILLIANT PLAYING Capt. Punk Baker High Point Man. Nation Stars for Texas. The Texas Aggies rounded up the Texas Longhorns in their first bas ketball game of the season here Saturday night by a score of 36 to 35. The game was fast and abounded in brilliant playing. Texas roundly outplayed the Aggies in the first half, emerging with a 17-12 score in their favor. Our boys couldn’t seem to get going. But the second half was a different tale. Within three minutes after the second period started the Aggies had evened the count and from there on it was nip and tuck with first one and then the other in the lead. Captain “Punk” Baker was the star of the game, as it was his un erring eye which carried the ream to victory. He couldn’t miss a free year. Jim Killian of Alvord (brother j throw, as he sunk eight of them of our famous “Doc”), winner of the i without a miss. By dropping a couple mile the past two years at the A. & | of baskets at opportune moments he M. Invitation Meet. Bradshaw of Me- brought his total up to twelve points, Gregor, an all-round man who came tyeing for scoring honors with third in the high jump at the last State meet. Moers of Wharton, an unusually good weight man. Stranski, of Savanna, Illinois, a pole-vaulter who can do 12 feet with ease. Bowen of Lubbock (brother of “Sheik” Bowen) another good pole-vaulter. Shoemaker and Allen, who placed well up in the recent interbattalion cross-country race. In addition to these men, Coach Anderson expects about forty or fifty more men out when the season opens. Our 1928 track team ought to be Conference Champions. CONFERENCE STANDING W L Pet. Arkansas 6 0 1.000 S. M. U 3 1 .750 Texas 2 2 .500 T. C. U 2 2 .500 A. & M 3 3 .500 Rice 0 5 .000 Baylor 0 3 .000 THE AGGIE GOAL TOSSERS Player Fg. Clark, 21 Petty, 19 Baker, 5 Webster, .. 9 Davis, 8 Sikes, 5 Konecny, .....' 2 Ft. Tl. 4 46 4 14 4 3 2 2 42 24 22 19 12 6 Nation, the lanky Texas center. Clark of the Aggies and Brock of Texas were next in line with eleven points each. In the final moments of the game Coach Stewart hurried man after man into the game in a desperate effort to win but the Ag gies fought hard to keep that one- point margin. The victory gives the Aggies three games won and three lost in the con ference race. The game was Texas’ second loss and puts them in bad shape for conference honors. Summary: A. & M.— Fg. Ft. Pf. Tl. Petty, f 0 1 2 1 Clark, f 5 1 2 11 Sikes, c 0 0 0 0 Baker (c.), g 2 8 2 12 Konecy, g 2 1 1 5 Webster, c 2 2 3 6 Davis, f 0 1 2 1 Total 11 14 12 36 Texas— Stallter, (c.), f 2 1 2 5 Brock, f 4 3 3 11 Nation, c 6 0 1 12 Olle, g 0 0 4 0 Estes, g 1 4 3 6 King, f 0 1 2 1 Looney, f. 0 0 0 0 Patrick, f 0 0 0 0 Total 13 9 15 35 Officials: Referee, Sears; um pire, Boggess. T. C. U. FROGS ARE CROAKING/