The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 02, 1927, Image 5
THE BATTALION 5 His FAITH unconquerable, his passion for work irresistible, his accomplishment not sur passed in the annals of invention, Thomas Alva Edison has achieved far more than man kind can ever appreciate. February eleventh is the eightieth anniversary of his birth. Wherever electricity is used—in homes, in busi ness, in industry—there are hearts that are con sciously grateful, that humbly pay him homage. HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL MEET ASSURED HERE (Continued from Page 1) be fifty cents so a season ticket will represent quite a saving if you care at all for basketball. There is also the psychological effect on the play ers themselves when playing to a big audience. There is no better way to show your intrest than to be there yourself so buy a ticket and see the fun. The various players will stay at the Aggie Land, the Y. M. C. A., and P. G. Hall. If you happen to know one of the fellows or there are any from your home town show him a good time. Nothing of course to interfere with his training, but take him around and show him the college and the college life. In other words don’t let him go away and say that the college bored him to death. There will be about fourteen teams here and in all probability there will be a club here in the college from the same town or district that some of these teams come from. So don’t forget to look them up and entertain them for it all depends upon the student body as to whether this tournament will be held here next year or not. ^g) New Spring Oxfords We’ve just received a shipment of new oxfords for young men in the new shades of tan and in black. The patterns are new. Good leathers and comfort and <| long mileage is built in every pair. $8.50 $10 1 $i/ll&cn 4 dn JBRY/JN. Y’ibiWY hV-~* GENERAL ELECTRIC Chas. Nitch THE OLD RELIABLE CLEANING, PRESSING, ALTERATIONS A SPECIALTY THE CAMPUS TAILOR DR. LAMAR JONES DENTIST Sscand Floor City Nation*! Bank <8. Buiklia* * Phones: Office OS; Residence 464 v X-RAY 4> BRYAN TEXAS «k ♦ ❖ ❖ THE CAMPUS BARBER SHOP For First Class Work. AH Kinds * Tonics and Face Lotions. *♦ Yours For Servic* ❖ J. F. LAVINDER * v$y ^ ^ tj* ❖ DR. W. H. LAWRENCE * * DENTIST * 4* Fourth Floor, City National 4* 4- Bank Building 4* 4» Phones: Office 348, Res. 558 4* 4* X-Ray Equipment 4$*4$»-*$+*{>+$**{* 4 $t*$+'^*$**$**$*'*$*<&*$**$ f THE M. E JAMES DRUG CO. 45 — PHONES — 93 HOLMES BROS Bryan’s Popular CONFECTIONERY STORE Where the Boys Get the Best Malted Milks on Earth Come to See Us Agency for King’s and Whitman’s Candies A Full Line of Drugs, Magazines. Candy |> and Cold Drinks ' V. 1 REED & POWERS Confectionery and Drug* h A