THE BATTALION HIE GRID-GRAPH SCORE BOARD PORTRAYS GAME (Continued from Page 9) orables the matching of the confer- o-ce teams as to strength and the final outcome in the conference games The Grid-Graph machine and the Electric Score Board are now owned ' 7 G. C. Wolfe, but it is reported that the tentative plan as present is for the Athletic Department to take it over next year for the benefit of the 'ntra-mural athletic funds. In case the Athletic Department cannot take charge of the devices next year, they will again be operated by some stu dent working his way through College so that the practice of reproducing ’ootball games in this manner will be kept up. Below is shown the schedule of games to be reproduced on the Elec trie Score Board during the remain ing season: October 18, Texas-S. M. U. game, Assembly Hall. October 25, A. and M.-S. M. U. game, Assembly Hall. November 1, A. and M.-Baylor game, Bryan. November 8, Texas-Baylor game, Assembly Hall. November 15, S. M. U.-Baylor game, Assembly Hall. Army-Navy game, the time the Freshman enters until he leaves with his diploma. This ! intramural program will help make better A. and M. men and consequent-! ly add to the prestige of the graduates of this great institution. FARMERS FACE NEW OPPO NENTS ON KYLE FIELD (Continued from Page 9) November 22, Assembly Hall. November 27, game, Bryan. A. and M-Texas E. DEPARTMENT TO START INTRA-MURAL PROGRAM (Continued from Page 9) •*• **'■' F - X ■“ ■IT — [ mensity will be given in the follow ing paragraphs: An all-sports manager has been selected in each battalion and the casual company. He is to have charge of the athletics in his particular or ganization. Under him will be assis tants who will direct the activities in each company. A form of question- airre has been furnished these mana gers and these are to be given to each man in school for him to fill out. In it the individual is asked to check the sport or sports in which he is inter ested; there being eighteen of them listed and are as follows: Basketball, baseball, boxing, cross country, equi tation, football, golf, hare and hound, hand ball, polo, rifle shooting, socce* swimming, tumbling and pyramids, track, volley ball, tennis, and wrestl ing. The results will be tabulated and if a sufficient number desire a sport, it will be offered with equip ment and other facilities for playing. The intramural basketball will be gin within the next week or ten days. The plan is in this sport to have at least three leagues, maybe four, there by making it possible for each com pany to have a team, this givii^; each battalion an entry in each league. The winners of these leagues will play another schedule and the winner of this will consequently be the intra mural basketball champions of A. and M. A similar method will be used in each of the other sports. The importance of this program cannot be over emphasized, for it will give the student the opportunity to develop his physical being, as well as furnishing him with an opportunity to use his spare time in a beneficial way, besides teaching him to think as well as act quickly, and last, and perhaps most important, the value of clean play and sportsmanship. A. and M. is a man’s school and only the real he-men survive the weeding out process that goes on from This year they meet the Texas Aggies for the first time and with a record that bears only one blemish; a 10 to 7 defeat handed to them by the Uni versity of Mississippi eleven. And when the fact is taken into consider ation that the football team of Missi ssippi University is on a par with Vanderbilt and other leading South ern Conference teams, then the week end opponents of the Aggies are boasting of a team this year that ranks among the leaders of the South. From all reports as to the strength of this team, the Farmers face a tough game Friday; a game that promises to approach the Sewanee- Aggie itlt of last week. ♦♦♦ *** +*♦ **+ ♦J* ♦$+ »*♦♦$►♦♦♦♦♦♦♦$► ❖ «£♦ * WH “Y” NOTES * ❖ * ^ ^ ♦♦♦ ^ ^ Why did a prominent Signal Corps officer we know return from Houston last week with numerous scars and scratches to remind him of a wild night ride? * * * Last week when a certain Spanish prof asked what the word “patata’’ in Spanish meant and then gave the additional tip that we ] 0 ^ s 0 f them in the mess hall why d d Keir Gibson blurt out, “Beans!” We say why? * * * Why did Cy Edwards announce in Dalas that it was Buck’s time to get a black eye in some hotel? You might call it passing the buck to Buck. * * * Why is a C. E. department? * * * Why did a certain young “shriek” we know carry a horseshoe in his nocket all during the dance at Lake Cliff Pavilion and when he tagged, why did he wave said token of lucck high above his head? * • • And now gettin’ serious and intend ing to dig deep—WHEN AND WHY DID GENE CARR START GIVING A. AND M. DANCES? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimrn NEW SHIPMENTS MILITARY GOODS RECEIVED THIS WEEK All sizes in Serge Breeches All sizes in Whip Cord Caps. All sizes in Poplin Shirts. R. O. T. C. Shields, all branches. Metal Insignia, large and small. Hat Straps, wide and narrow. Hat Cords, all branches. Herman’s Drill Shoes, all sizes. Brown kid Sneaks, all sizes. Try a Blitz Polishing Cloth to keep your metal insignia brigt. Only 25 cents. REMEMBER WE SAVE YOU MONEY ON YOUR MILITARY GOODS ATM* WALDROP STCO. * -t JU Headquarters for College Trade NEW OFFICERS ELECTED BY COSMOPOLITAN CLUB The Cosmopolitian Club held its or ganization meeting on Sunday, Oc tober 5th. Six foreign countries, China, Egypt, South Africa, India, Egypt and Mesopotamia were repre sented. The following officers were elected: A. H. El Nouty of Cairo, Egypt, president; J. de le Fuente of Mexico, Vice-President; D. Florice of Mexico, secretary-treasurer. The members wish it to be under stood that the impression that the membership of the club is restricted to students of foreigln countries is erroneous. The club is an interna tional one and a cordial welcome is extended to anyone who wants to be a member. M. H. JAMES DRUG COMPANY JAS. W. JAMES, Manager The Rexall Stores TWO STORES Phones 45—93 Business of Cadets and College People Solicited A man without mirth is like a wag on without springs, in which one is caused disagreeably to jolt by every pebble over which it runs. —Henry Ward Beecher. YOU ARE INVITED TO VISIT linSWELL’S BOOK STORE Headquarters in Bryan for EASTMAN KODAKS AND KODAK SUPPLIES, VIC- TROLAS AND RECORDS. All kinds of Drawing Instruments and Materials. Agency Corona and Remington Portable Typewriters. CADET TRADE WILL BE APPRECIATED UNIFORM TAILOR SHOP GET THAT NEW UNIFORM MADE BY US Why Do Our Uniforms Last the longest? BECAUSE THEY ARE THE BEST