Bring ysur Own Chick to the Barnyard Dance The Battalion Come to the Barnyard Dance and get homesick. Published Weekly by the Students of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas. VOL. XXIX. COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS DECEMBER 10, 1920. NUMBER 12 Y.M.C.A. GIVES A BANQUET FOR FOOTBALL MEN PROF. TEMPLE TON RETURNED FROM CHICAGO SENIOR STAFF ENTERTAINED BY i CAPTAIN TUTTLE WRESTLERS AND BOXERS COMING OUT FOR WORK LABORATORY IS BURNED WITH HEAVY LOSS STOCK JUDGING TEAM RETURNS FROM LONG TRIP Sqif&d and Their Ladies Entertained At Sbisa Hall By the Y Cabinet. Is Enthusiastic Over the Trip and Proud of Showing of A. and M. All Senior Staff Officers Gather at Campus Home to Welcome Wife of Popular Military Officer. Coach Jones Has Sixty Men Tak ing Daily Workout in the Airdome. The Mechanical Engineering Stu dents Are Put to Great Incon venience. Texas Team Wins One of Two Prizes Offered—Many Old A. and M. Men Met. Last Tuesday evening- the Y. M. C. A. through Secretary J. L. Lewis and Student Cabinet President M. G. Snell was host to the football squad and their g-uests. First on program was the Lyceum number by the Old Fashioned Girls at Guion Hall, af ter enjoying the numbers presented there they repaired to Sbisa Hall where a banquet was awaiting- them. Dr. Bizzell made the opening speech of a few words but with words that burned into the minds of evex-yone present. His txdbuute to the football squad was as follows: “Hei*oic in action, loyal in purpose, modest in victory, the only team in the history of Texas football that by their clean sportsmanship and teamwork brought mox-e praise in their single defeat than most teams merit through victory. To the Ag gie football team of 1920 every loy al son of A. and M. gives bountious px-aise.” This concluded his open ing remarks. Mx\ Ike Ashbux-n was toastmaster and after a few words of px'aise for the team aixd their splendid work called on Mr. D. X. Bible, Coach. Mi-. Bible responded by having all the men stand who had played their last year and were leav ing- A. and M. at the close of this session. He paid tx-ibute in a few woi'ds and closed with a desire that they take those pidnciples into bus iness life that they followed in col lege life. Mahan was next called and addx-essed next years team. His speech was chax-actex-istic of his play ing- a dxdve to a definite thought, that of winning and winning clean. Johnny Piex-ce who leads next yeax-s team x-esponded and expressed the desix-e to win all next year’s games especially T. U. Dr. W. B. Bizzell was next called and responded thus: Mr. Toastmaster, Fellow members of the football squad, ladies and gentlemen: In ex plaining' why he referred to the foot ball men as fellow-members he said that he had suffered the same agonies and delight, as they expeidenced, fx-om his box and that he was so -‘-s-oxe' and utterly worn out after 7 the Austin game that it was indeed a task to. arise the next morning. Mr. Ashburn next called on Sec. Lewis who expressed the pleasure of the “Y” in having the honor of en tertaining this wondex-ful team, clos ing his x-emax-ks with the famous old lines of: Teams may come, Teams may go. But in a vex-y real sense Our teams will go on forever-. Mr-. Ashbux-n then explained that he had px-omised not to call on either “Knick” or “Hig” but “Knick” being president of the Public Speaking Association should have something (Continued on Page 6) SPECIALISTS HAVE Machine Gunners and Auto-Rifiemen Fire 2000 Rounds at First Range Practice. The machine-gunners and auto matic rifle specialists went out last Saturday afternoon under Captains tie Rohan and Tuttle for extra in- sti-uction and px-actice in handling and firing these two auxillax-y arms of the infantry. About twelve spec ialists reported at the araxory and were taken out to the new rifle x-ange in an army truck. Rapid firing and the two-mill tap wex-e practiced on the machine gun. The single shot and automatic firing from the prone and standing positions were gone through with the automatic idfle. Much enthusiasm was shown by the cadets over the x-emax’kable exhibi tions put up by each ami. This was the first time on the range with these guns and the specialists wex-e made to x-ealize the power and efficiency of their pets. The accuracy and speed of these Browning pups wex-e remarkable. About 2000 x-ounds of ammunition were fix-ed. The spec ialists were vex-y much pleased with this sort of drill and are anxious for the next trip to the range. Professor Templeton was among those present at the International. He has returned fii*ed with zeal and enthusiasm over his tidp and the suc cess met with by the only animal sent up to the show by the college. This has been our fix-st attempt and it created quite a bit of comment on part of the best stockmen in Amer ica. Our calf won more money than five other colleges who had from ten to fifteen heads of cattle each. It is not a question of winning money but an advertisement of the work of A. and M. College of Texas and the progress of the state as a whole along livestock lines. Professor Templeton said he hoped that send ing- stock up to the Intex-national each year would be continued from now on and ui’ged that when the px-esent seniors went out on ranches of their own that they would go to Chicago if it was at all possible so as to be in touch with the latest things in the livestock woxdd. He paid high txdbute to the herdsmen who cared for the stock at the show each year. Much can be learned from these men whose lives have been de voted to this business. Things that have never been found in text books. Px’ofessor Templeton has just x-etux-n- ed to us this year, but we can clear ly see that he has ambitions to fux-- ther our position in the livestock woxdd and we should aid him at evex-y possible oppoi’tunity. NEW i. S. OFFICE BUILDING SOON TO BE OCCUPIED Military Department Will Have Sep arate Building for Offices and Class Work. The new^Wo buildiL? ndmtManager Sullivan, the Administration Building will prob ably be occupied by the Department of Militax-y Science and Tactics dur ing the Christmas holidays. On the first floor there are four lairge, well lighted and ventilated rooms to be used for class wox-k, each arm of the service to occupy a separate room. Two additional class rooms ax-e lo cated on the southwest side of the second floor. The various arms of the respective branches will be displayed in the classrooms, each arm to be shown in built up form and in the torn-dawn parts, each part being properly labled to facilitate instruc tion. The southeast corner x-oom of the second floor will be used as an office for the non-commissioned personnel. The office of the P. S. M. & T. will be the opposite corner, where each of ficer on detail here will have his desk. All modern equipment will be used throughout and the efficiency of the department will be facilitated by the increased space and office" room. A small room on the south side lias been designated as the Departmental Library and will be well supplied with all government and other litex-ature relating- to the wide and various sub jects coming under the supervision of this depax-tment. The Military Li brary is a feature that has been long- needed at the College and will be open (Continued on Page 6) “WHO SAID A. AND M. DIDN’T WIN HALF THE THANKSGIVING GAME?” Monday evening at seven o’clock the officers of all the various staffs of the corps assembled at the campus home of Captain and Mrs. A. L. Tut tle in x-esponse to an unprecedented invitation by their host to meet his wife who has only recently come from their home in New Yox-k to reside at College Station. Captain Tuttle has been stationed at college as instnictor in Militax-y Science since the beginning of the ’19-’20 session and has been one of the most popular faculty members during all this time. Knowing evex-y officer and the majority of the underclass men in the corps as well as many civ ilian students, the captain rivals Reg istrar Friley in his personal knowl edge and infox-mation concei-ning in dividual students. Captain and Mrs. Hox-ne who re cently came to A. and M. where Captain Hox-ne is also with the De partment of Military Science and Tactics were among- the guests and officers of the R. O. T. C. bx-anches other than Infantry were given op portunity to meet this popular young couple who are vex-y enthusiastic about the college in all its phases. Captain and Mrs. Tuttle wex-e de lightful hosts with the ability of mak ing the students perfectly at home. Punch and cakes wex-e seiwed fol lowed by smokes. A most enjoy able evening was spent and it was only when the Cadet Colonel, Bax-n- es, x-eminded his staff of the morrow's classes that their departure was made. The appreciation of the ca dets cannot be expressed and Mrs. Tuttle enjoys a heax-ty welcome by those who have been fortujiate enough to meet her. With the social instincts so i en couraged,. the officers then proceed ed to Major Ashburn’s home whUre they ai*e always assured a warm wel come by the popular and respected commandant, at what is yet kmown Wrestling and boxing practice is on at great stiddes. More than sixty men are reporting daily for work outs and calenthenics conducted by Masuda, W. C. King, captain of the squad and the other vetx-ans of last year including Snell, Maxwell, Gard- nex-, Purdue, Roland Buckner and Ramsey who ax-e helping coach Jones put the new men into shape. The mode of instx-uction consists of prac tice in holds fx-om 4 to 5 and from 5 to 6 with Masuda taking the en tire class through a series of arm, shoulder and body exercises fitted to put a grappler into shape. When the squad emei*ges from the workout every man is di'ipping wet, and there is evex-y x-eason to believe that no one will fail to benefit from the phy sical improvement of the next two months’ training. The squad is fox-tunate in having two mats in place of only one as was the case last year. Both are placed on the Aix-dome stage. The following schedule has been announced by coach Jones: Exhibi tion bouts at College Station, De cember 24th. Novice meet for local champion ship at College, Januai-y 15th. Texas Univex-sity at Austin last of February. Oklahoma A. and M. about the middle of February 7 . Rice, S. M. U. and Baylor meecs are being sought for the first pax-t of Februax-y. Batchelor’s. Hea'vtV’ . the irf).. rmrife of MaJffrtlte^Uoach x 1 Vblt 4 SENIORS ELECT FAVORITES FOR 1921 LONGHORN as "HajcJielor's. i-ieayi'i,", tne 'J— e, and Coach Andex-son. Finding Major Ashbux-n out, the cadets made them selves at home with the Athletic! De partment and “salvaged” a box of most excellent cigars for which tuxey hereby tender thanks. After Caach D. X. cautioned hs colleagues to keep D.X. cautioned his colleagues to kjeep egation departed to “Px-exy’s” hcRne where again they received a wa?rm welcome by Dr. and Mi's. Bizzell, 4 :he mother of the President, Miss Elaine, and Colonel Clax-ence Ousley, a dis tinguished visitor. In the offing the pox-tly figure of the commandant was obsex-ved and informed of the “x-aid” on his domicile. Mi*s. Bizzell furn ished the surpxdse of the evening by hinting at a “dax’k seex-et” which Maj. Ashburn put out of consideration by some well-aimed remarks that cinch ed his reputation for diplomacy! Dr. Bizzell infox-med the officers that he was glad indeed to have such a visit, x-equesting its x-epetition, and stated that such a number had never before called on him without some request to make. This was a time; however, when the cadets wanted nothing, wex-e fxdly satisfied, and merely wished to let him know of iL Plans were later formulated fox- such visits to occur in the future with more regulaifity than in the past and even the college friends in Bryan will soon be honoi'ed by visits fx-om the officers of the cox*ps. Special University Co-Ed Rooting Section at End of First Half- 3-0 Favor A- and M. -Score Interest Keen To Know Winners- Printed Book Is To Show I the Secret, , . , y -. i ' At a meeting Satux-day in the \L M. C. A. chapel the senioi's elected the favorites for the Longhox-n. The results of the election will not be known until the annual appeal's next spring. The following were voted upon at this election: Best Giid Dancer. Best Man Dancex*. Most Popular Man. Most Popular Gixd. Most Military Man. Sweetest Girl. Wittiest Man. Cutest Giid. Each of these will have a full page in the annual and this poi'tion of the book is one of the most novel and at- tx-active features. HIGH SCHOOL BOYS TO HOLD MEETING HERE 550 Delegates From Throughout the State Will Convene at A. and M. Through Courtesy of “Y”. The Annual Older Boys’ Confer ence is to be held at College Station Jan. 28, 29, and 30, pux-suant to the acceptance of an invitation sent out by the local “Y” through Dr. W. B. Biz zell to the state secretary of the State Boys’ Work, Mr. Edworth. This was handled through state “Y” secretary Mr. L. A. Coulter. All ax-rangements for their stay here are in the hands of the local “Y” and due to the fact that there will be about 550 here, 100 more than last year, many details will have to be worked out for their en tertainment. The program will in clude addi-esses by strong religious leaders of the nation. Time will be allowed each day for an inspection of the vaxdous departments of the in stitution, also a time for i-ecreation and pastime. The work of caring for these boys will rest upon the “Y” and much good is expected as a result of these attending this eonfei'ence. The “Y” welcomes this chance to sexrve the school as well as the older boys of the state who in a vei*y short time will be taking the place vacated by the men finishing this and similar insti tutions. The wox-k of students in the De partment of Mechanical Engineer ing is not being seriously interferred with at pi'esent although they are suffering fx-om considex-able incon veniences as the result of the fix-e that destx-oyed the Mechanical En gineering labox-atox-y and machinery, tools and equipment to the total val ue of $75,000.00 last Sunday morn ing. However the arx-angements that have been made are only temporary and a vex-y serious handicap will be suffered at a later date unless per manent adjustments of the situation are made. The building destroyed was a very old, unsightly and cheaply constx-uct- ed one but was large and provided accomodations for px-actically all the shops of the Mechanical Engineex-ing Depax-tment. Its loss has been plac ed at only $25,000.00 but the re placement cost will be sevei-al times that amount. By far the greater loss fx-om the fire was from the dam age done to the labox-atox-y equip ment which has been an accumulation of a number of yeax-s, much of that lost being vex-y expensive and diffi cult to obtain. A thorough investigation of the origin of the fire is being made by the college authorities but so far no sat isfactory explanation of the cause has been found. President Bizzell stated yesterday that from all infox-mation bx-ought out in the investigation the fire could not be charged to cax'lessness or negligence of anyone and said the most px-obable explanation was that it ox-iginated from a defective wire or faulty insulation. He has asked the state fire mar shall to coopex-ate with him in detex*- mining the cause of the fix-e and i-ep- resentatives of the department are now at college for the purpose of making an investigation, i , The new building that has been planned by E. J. Fermier, px-ofessor of Mechanical Engineering will cost $100,000 and one that is adequate to house the labox-atox-y equipment necessary for the best instruction could not be constructed for less money. However no money is avail able at present and no appropriation has been asked for that pux-pose. The destx-uction of this building en tailed the loss of cai-penter shop benches and hand tools, value $5,- 000; pattern shop benches and hand tools, value $2,500; power wood working machinery, including also motors, grinders, $4,500; small tools for cax-penter shop and pattern mak ing shop, $750; sheet metal equip ment, $500; machine shop small tools including various taps, dies, micro meters, guages, vises, $4,500; metal wox-king machines x-eplacement and repairs, $32,500; lumber and other wood room and finishing supplies, $3,000; machine shop supplies, $300; air meter, $500, making the total re placement and repairs estimate $54,- 200. The steam laboratory, a small brick building adjoining the main labox-atory on the east and which contained most of the machinex-y and supplies used in the insti’uuction of seniors was saved. The fire alarm was sounded by the power plant at 4:45 but Px-esident Bizzell and a few other students were awakened and on the ground a few seconds befoi-e that time. The alax-m was turned in by Ben Garx-ity, a student rooming in Austin Hall, in a corner room nearest the burning building. After the fire he humorously stated that he had been sleeping with one eye open watching the water tower to detect any State University sympathizer who might attempt to paint the score of 7 to 3 on it. He also won the place of yell leader for next year by his vocal demonsti'ations in spread ing the news of the fire. Students answered the alax-m promptly, but as the fire stax-ted in the cax-penter shop where there was much dx-y lumber its progress was so fast that the supply of water that could be poured from the hose lines was inadequate to check it. Much commendation is due them, however, as well as other college officials whose hei-oie wox-k saved other cost ly buildings that surrounded the scene of the fire. The Main Build ing, Electrical Engineering Building, Mechanical Engineering, (main) Building and the Textile Engineering (Continued on Page 6) The stock judging team has finally returned to college after being away for neax-ly three weeks. However, they did not all come back at once for those whose homes were near the x-oute of travel had to go home and start propaganda rolling until the 22nd of this month. Lewis went to C. I. A. to dx-own his troubles and it took him thi-ee days to succeed. Well back to our wanderex-s. On leaving here the team went to Miss ouri Univex-sity and worked over- the stock there. According to Coach Stangel, the A. H. staff went out of their way to make things pleasent fox- the team dui’ing their bx-ief stay. The students entertained them at the agx-icultural fx-aternity home “The Fai*m House.” It was hei-e that they met Tom Moore, a'former student of A. and M. in ’16 and ’17. He is doing well up there and is well thought of. From here the team went to Ames and repeated the wox-k there. Ames has one of the best equipped Animal Husbxxndry Departments in the U. S. and the boys spoke well of this place but it made them think still more of old A. and M. Leaving Ames a tx-ip was made to the fax-ms of Mi\ Ex-- vine, famous Pei'cheon hox’se bi'eed- er. It was here that the team saw Alfred de Breight, one of the most famous stallions in the woxdd. Mr. Ex-vine showed the team around and (Continued on Page 6) SENIOR CLASS OF FICERS ENTERTAIN ED BY STRANGE W. T. Strange Was the Genial Host and His Efforts Touched The Spot. The officers of the Senior Class were entertained at the home of Mx*. W. T. Strange, Class Historian, Sunday, Dec. 6, 1920. After listening to an able address by the Rt. Rev. P. T. Ramsey of the Methodist church, the men re paired to the home of Mr. W. T. Strange, where a tasty and bounti ful dinner was spread. The occasion was made all the jollier by the pres ence of Mr. Strange, the father of Tanlac, and it is easily seen that a goodly portion of our ?????? man is heriditary. A dinner such as is the hope and aim of evex-y A. and M. student who sits long before the dishes pi*epared in Sbisa Hall, was placed before us and (Continued on Page 6) FOOTBALL IS NOW ENGAGES THE BATTALION Coaches Chosen and Practice Begins in Earnest—Much Goo dMaterial On Hand. Dux-ing this week the several Bat talion football teams have been get ting into shape for the games that ax-e to be played for the championship of the cox-ps. Company meetings were held over the campus Sunday and coaches were assigned to the various organizations. The Athletic Council has worked out a schedule whereby each team is to meet every other team in a regular game before the close of the season on Jan. 23x'd. Then the all Battalion teams will be chosen, one team to be coached by Mahan and the other team by Pierce. The Battalion team system pei*mits better- teams and coaching than the former company system when the cox-ps was smaller-. This form of sub-teams on the campus permits every individual to have an opportunity in football, thereby giv ing the Athletic Council and coaches occasion to obseiwe a large number of the students in action. Many excel lent football men for the varsity have been discovered and developed in the company teams of the past. An in teresting season is promised this (Continued on Page 6)