2 THE BATTALION all are of the highest class. Several lecturers and singers of world wide fame will appear this year. These entertainments will be scattered throughout the year and several will come during the winter when no athletics are in progress. The first number is the only one which will he given on Saturday night, the others being scheduled for week nights. The cadets, Campus residents and Bryan people can look forward with great anticipation to this and the other splendid numbers. TEXAS BRANCH AMERICAN SOCIETY OF AGRONOMY FORMER AT A. AND M. Last March when it came time to discard the agricultural assembly, a a compulsory assembly for agricul tural students, due to the fact that the A. H., Horticultural and Agricul tural Engineering Societies were al ready formed and working, thereby making these members attend two as semblies. At a joint meeting it was moved and passed that the old assem bly be dissolved and the work of the respective departments be carried on by a local unit of that department. The Agronomy men thus thrown on the cold world were kindly asked to participate with the already function ing organization. This was declined, but with thanks for their invitation. The men pursuing work along Agron- onmy lines and realizing the broad ness of the field and how utterly de pendent plant and animal life is up on this very factor decided to make an honest effort to formulate and per petuate an organization that would properly conduct the work and main tain connection with the fieldmen in Agronomy. Men of authority and keen insight in Agronomic lines will be brought here to furthei^the work orBfcr society. Lime was accomplished, apparently, in the two months left us last year. It consisted mostly in getting data and securing information about the workings of the National Society and how they would effect us. The com mittee reported favorably and at the election of officers Tuesday night Mr. J. A. Sanders of Mansfield, La., was elected president; J. S. Daniel of Cor sicana, vice-president; secretary and treasurer to be elected at next meet ing. Program committee consisted of K. L. Kirkland, L. C. Jinks and T. Hensarling were appointed as was the refreshment committee composed of C. W. Sherrill, J. C. Miller ahd W. P. Patton. Meetings were declared open and an open invitation stands for any one to attend the meetings of the so ciety. The meeting closed after a few timely remarks had been made by C. A. Woods of the Agronomy Depart ment. HIGGINBOTHAM RE TURNS TO A. AND M. (Continued From Page 1) his idea of taking medicine and come to help the Maroon and White to be the Southwestern Champions again. That is the kind of men that A. and M. puts out. It is these men that save the Maroon and White from many a defeat upon the gridiron. Higgin botham, who has always been a thorn in the side of his opponents, will be here to help drive the thorn in a lit tle deeper. His presence on the Cam pus puts new spirit into all of the student body. When the old team goes on the field to play Rice, Oklahoma A. and M., Baylor, and Texas, the entire Corps will be supporting them with the victory cry of: “REMEMBER KNICKERBOCKER!” Conceit. She—“This is the first time I’ve ever been kissed by a man.” He—“That’s sort of a slam on the rest of ’em, isn’t it?” ^ Y IKT 353 ’ S OPTICAL PARLORS ractical ex- you the Our fourteen years of pra perience enables us to offer best in our line. niently Buildin Located ing, Opposite Queen Theati BRYAN TIRE & REPAIR COMPANY H. G. Umland, Prop. Tires, Tubes, Gasoline, Oils and All Kinds of Vul canizing ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -* *** ********** ************ sfri »%■ »%• »%• »%• »%• »%• »%8 r%e »%• 9%8 ❖ 4* ❖ «§» 4* 4* * 4* 4» ♦ 4» ❖ 4» 4* 4» 4> 4* ❖ ■i* •i® *2* "J”® •J® *5* *1® *S*'‘S 0 •s® “I* ®2® •I 10 *■2* c o ? ’ c 4® *1® •‘l* *s* *1® <*g8 •jge •J* e-J® & o~o ®.T«3 •£« a|o oJ» ags c^a tj# c£« 9g. ❖ ❖ 4* 4» 4* 4» 4* 4* ❖ ❖ 4* * * ❖ * ❖ ❖ 4* 4* * t — T •J* 4» ❖ 4* 4* 4* 4> ❖ ❖ ❖ A PHONE 41 * THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BRYAN (SINCE 1873) College Business Solicited Upon the Most Liberal Terms RESOURCES $1,250,000.00 G. S. PARKER LUMBER BRYAN, . . .TEXAS t ❖ 4® *1'* ^X* ^X* B S* ^I 0 *^ <| ^ *1* *2° *1* ^X 1 * ^ 217 5th Avenue, New York Dept. W6. a. McKenzie WATCHES and JEWELRY Pathe and Claxtonola Talking Machines Cadets are invited to call and see our lines *X* *1* *1* +1* & X* -I* »!• *I # >1® *2* »X* *2* *2® *1* *I C4i I* *1* *1* *1* *1* *%* *£* *$* *%* ^ nr OTTH. Regulation U nif or m —FROM- A. M. WALDROP & GO. BRYAN S BIG CLOTHING STORE ^* e, X'**X* t X° f x* ®x® ®x* »x« ®x* ®x* *x* *x* »x* *x® *x* *x* *x® We carry a large and complete stock of military uniforms and equipment and our prices are lower than elsewhere. Serge uniforms, serge breeches, khaki breeches, wrapped leggings, Stetson hats, Mallory hats, O. D. shirts, O. D. cotton shirts, silk hat cords, R. O. T.C. chevrons, bath robes, slip pers, sweaters, trunks and bags, sheets and pillow cases, blankets, rain coats. College pennants and pillows, blankets towels, etc. *X*® , X ,a ®'X**'X B *l ;i *X ,o *l , **X , ** > 2 a *X o *X**X**X , * c f*®X a " > l** > S*"X* 1#. AGENTS IN BRYAN FOR Herman’s Army Shoes e I* , X*®S ft ®5 >, 8®®X p *X*®X® > X**X® ,> X* , S*»X*»X®*X* a X®®X* , X®®X**X®*X*®8®®X*®S* t X* o X*" , I*»l**X®®X**X*®X* , l®*I® 9 S*"l"®8**X®*X*®X* a S*®S*®S* > X > *S**IS^ M l 6 ^ , l®®l®®|f < i* ■»|»^9»j<»^^»»|t»|M^>»|>»|»»|>»|»»^»|»»|t»|M|i»jM»^»»|»»^ , »2Q«>|>»2®*2® t ^ , ® , X > ®X** > X ,,> X ,a ®X , * < X®®X ,> ^*®X*®S < ^® > l* > X i *^** > X <, * > X ,B ^ >6 X*^® > X ,,> X <> ®X**X , *®$ > ^ t ^*^® < Guy Boyett’s Store NORTH OF CAMPUS NEAR INTERURBAN HERE FOR THIRTY YEARS—OLDEST AT THE BUSI NESS BUT LIVER THAN EVER BEFORE Tobaccos of all Kinds STATIONERY Toilet Articles GIVE US A CALL AND TRY OUR SERVICE ❖ ❖ ❖ * 4* 4* 4* ❖ * 4* ❖ 4* 4* 4» ❖ ❖ * 4» ❖ * 4» 4» 4» * • , l®^®4® , J®4® , l®4*^®4®4®4® , l®4®^®^®4®®l®^ 0 ^® , i®4®®l®*I®^® , X®^®^®^®4®^®*X®4®4®^® , l®4®4®^®^®^®4®4®4*^® 9 J*®i®4®®|®®|®^*4»«J**|* E. F. PARKS & CO. BRYAN’S BIG FURNITURE STORE We carry an unusually large stock of high class fur niture, rugs, draperies and household novelties. We are large buyers of second hand furniture, such as is used by the boys at A. and M.—desks, dressers, chif- foneers, chifforobes, etc. If you have anything you want to dispose of see us. WE ARE ALSO PHONOGRAPH HEADQUARTERS