The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 23, 1920, Image 16
16 THE BATTALION YOUR REGISTRATION IS NOT COMPLETE™ Come in and let us give you “the old wel come.” Even if you haven’t anything to spend but a “few minutes” we will be just as glad to see you. Then your registration will be com plete. Incidentally, we have such necessary ar ticles as: EVERSHARP PENCILS WATERMAN FOUNTAIN PENS GILLETTE RAZORS AND BLADES BIG BEN AND BABY BEN ALARM CLOCKS WE GIVE YOU EXPERT AND SPEEDY REPAIRING ON WATCHES AND FOUNTAIN PENS Park s Jewelry Store “Gifts That Last” P. O. BLOCK—BRYAN, TEXAS * * "9 . * CLASS OF 1921. J. E. Bloodworth, President of the Class of ’21, is connected with the Sales Department of the Ralston Purina Company, Inc. of St. Lr s and desires that the “gang” loo. him up at 4960 Washington Ave. when in St. Louis. W. M. “Corp.” Denny is with the General Electric Company at Schen ectady, N. Y. He writes that G. B. Miller, P. N. Vinther, and A. G. Har ding, all of t^e Class of ’ a '* t are to report to the same conip^ Tor duty and that they expect to ^Lm an A. and M. Club in far-off ^ few York State. We are informed on reliable au thority that F. R. “Rabbi” Bertsch- ler, ’21 is working for a nursery company near Beaumont, that his mail reaches him via a Rural Free Delivery, and that he spends his spare time in an effort to reform Ras Lan dry. Fred Brison, ’21 is now connected with the Department of Horticulture. His ambition is to guide erring ones through the mysteries of Vegetable Gardening. A. S. Legg, ’21, alias “Professor” is with the E. E. Department and warns all “Kaydets” to keep their lady friends away from the E. E. Building, as they might get “shock ed.” John D. Cape, ’21 writes that af ter spending the summer touring the West he has returned to San Mar cos to take up life and its attendant problems. The classes in Vocational Agricul ture in the Stephenville High School are being presided over by J. C. “P'ats” Dykes this year. S. C. “Chick” Evans, ’21, is con nected with the Extension Service of the College in the capacity of Boy’s Club Agent, and he has his lot with others in Bachelor Hall. We suppose that the Pink Boll Worn will soon be a matter of his tory, as D. D. Clinton, ’21 is now engaged in routing him from the Dixie cotton fields. W. C. “Bill” King, last year’s Jazz Master, is now with the Texas Nur sery Company of Dallas. S. R. Dunn is practicing Veteri nary Medicine in Bastrop, Texas. The Denison High School has se cured the services of J. A. Pierce, ’21, as athletic coach during the cur rent season. C. C. B. Warden, G. M. Davis, H. R. Matthews, and M. D. Wienert, have entered the army and are lo cated at Camp Travis, Texas. C. W. “Misery” Sherrill is Assist ant County A.,ent for Dallas County and has his headquarters at Dallas. Hit and Run. Jack: “I hit a guy in the nose yes terday and you should have seen him run.” Mack: “That so?” Jack: “Yes, but he didn’t catch me.” * * * First Flea: “Been on a vacation?” Second Ditto: “No, on a tramp.” WELCOME / To Students! CHAS. NITCH THE CAMPUS TAILOR CLEANING—PRESSING—REPAIRING Suits Made to Order. The Same Old Stand