The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 06, 1920, Image 7
V I TT—r T \H'.. THE BATTALION th«ir duties and importance to the P»«y. not to mention Mr. Winn's help ful work with the staff. Neither must it be overlooked that the cast which produced the eft-quo ted 'Free Speech' started the hell to roll in* and »ill form valuable material for next year.. Next year? •Certainly, if one can consider this short season the first year of the dub. For the efforts of the College players have not only brought about “The Arrival of Kitty.!' but have udhered in the arrival of the the large purse which is being hung u p- . r 1 \* Goodman will reader his “I Gave Her That” together v with three or four more of the latest hits includ ing a little ditty concerning the re capture of a cat. Mr. G. A. Gei.d will deal in some caricatures of a local nature that will singe their w^y aeross bis easel and accompany his demonstrations with the crayon with a line of patter that will appeal. The Cast Iron Quartet will sing a } 1 ’ A. and M. Dramatic Club^. Thanks to number of new hit* and John Mc- the friends aad supporter* to the idea Cormack Vandervoort wUl render next year will see a-streng develop- "Bye Lo.” „ ment of dramatic work at A. and M. The band and allied orchestras To Professor R. D. Brackett goes will be prepared to “whoop ’em up” the credit lor organizing and training with jazz music of the vintage of the cast far the superior productions 1320- It is to be a big night. A of the Club- In devoting his time and dollar's worth of entertainment will genius to (this work be has been ac- b* offered to student* for tweilty- tuated onlW by the desire to give to and to campus re»iden* A. and Ml the honor of a Dramatic officers of the College for 431 •Club with a achievement. record of ' creditable < '[ BEST TALENT IN THE COLLEGE TO , ARR AY FOR SHOW fhlrty-fivf rents. ■' A crowd of spectators at least? equal to that which generally mark'' the band concerts is expected to have the opportunity of attending this novel and pleasing entertainment. The show will he given in the An- | imal Husbandry Pavilion and will ’ begin at 7 :30 .o’clock. Invitation from rice - Artists Are Ready to Give the Fu«- niast' Exhibition Yat Saaa on This Caaiuas Enfincering Students oi A. and M. lavitod to Attend Engineering Exhibition nt Rico Institute A new high water mark for mk- _ , ■ j cess in student stunt nights will b * I J. C. Nagle. Dean of Engineering, set tonight when the A- and M. Col-1Is in receipt of an invitation from lege Band blossoms, forth in its an- President Edgar Odell Lovett of Rice nual program. Imported artist* who I Institute,, for representatives of the are to assist in putting this College’^ School of Engineering to he present I biggest Bight across, arrive herg to- at the engineering exhibition by the day. Those who know say that the students of Rice Institute on next offerings tonight are far above 'the Friday afternoon and evening, average and that thoiw wh« misf it! The invitation is addressed to the will "mike jt.P j ( - I Dean of the Department of Engi- Mechanics and i nr;H-ntefs we’-e nee ring of the AM and M. College, busy all day yesterday putting in the I and ie as follows: 1 ■ t ■ stage and scenic effects-for tonight's Mr. Dear Sir: attraction and Business Manag.’*-! I have pleasure in calling your at- Milrwr this morning pronouned* that tention to an engineering exhibition everything is ready. . f which students of the Rice Institute A*new feature that has jpst b^en are arranging for the afternoon and secured will be a fight to the finish evening of Friday, May 7th, 1920. between Bryan'* best blact^N white The young men who have uhdertak- i hopes. Promoters Knickerbocker en this enterprise would he very and Wilson ably assisted by Coacdt . gl^d 'If representatives of your es-1 A. Hunter of the College midnight tah»li*hmen^*rould be present at some | club of boxers, will stage a free for tinge during their show. And 1 am all battle royal that will eclipse any glad to join'-the.** gentlemen in their former attempt in this direction. A cordial invitation to you. i: DO YOU KNOW? That we have over 1500 ALL WOOL fabrics on display. 7 We can clothe you in a satisfactory way and not take all your money. 11 i. r I ^4, brandon & Lawrence: :: I >■»■»»♦♦♦ 1 1 I ♦ « f < 1 I l-l !■ .11 ■■■■■■■■ half doaen of Bnuos county Sene^ irambiax champloh.* w^ll enter the j lists tonight to fight to the end for Very sincerely yours. Edgar Odell Lovett. 'President. ♦ 1 Drink DELICIOUS ano REFRESH ING Quenches Thirst— Touches the Spot > The Coca-Cola Co. ATLANTA. <3A_ »cc’ WE APPRECIATE Your patronage and we will endeavor to give you quality and service at prices that are far below the prices of other lines of merchapdise. MAKE THIS STORE HEADQUARTERS } WHEN IN BRYAN. J. MJ CALDWELL THE JEWELER RRYAN, TEXAS J j ’ j- Hj- ft Wi