The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 06, 1920, Image 1

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Publi.h.d W«mU)t Wy Ik* •( Ik* A C ricultar«l and Mackanica! CoiUg* *( Taxaa
( ou.k<;r stvtion. texas. may h. 1*20.
Tk* Farm«ra Krm At Horn* Now Pro- Mrn
paring lor »k* Loot Tkroo Oam*a C
N«mt Wook
Named Amur*
toaful Final Kouiv
. [o4t PpM
of A. Suc-
f Date '
The Afcjnes returned to College
yesterday, morning from • Houston
where they j took two rongeeutlve
gnmes from the Bice Owl* Tuesday direction and
and Wednesday. The game on Tue*- Junior Clam give
day was scored f to .l.^and Wednes
day’s game was won by a 9 to
The following egeerpts accounting
Preparations are under way fi>i
toe final daw^dj of the .wegr. The
eorps and rttidenA body under the
t of the
this dance to Ov
* ! \
I! '
ton Post:
Tuesday’s game “was fast from
the start, bpth twirlers^ handling the
horsehide efficiently, each retiring a
goodly number of stickmen.’’
“Henderson in the bo* fbr the 'vis
itor* was the feature of the game.
He retired ten men, allowed but
tXhree hits and permitted only thirty
men to come to {fee slab in the en
tire nine innings. ite had Jdie ball
well in hand from the etart and tie
Owls were unable to connect with
the sphere.”
The score by inmngs: j !
tR. H. Tl
Rice - -.000 900 TOO 1—S—3
A. and M ,.002 002 000 4-—«—0
Second Gama
The second game on Wednesday
was wild. “The Aggies annexed the
final victory by a 9-6 count leaving
the Owls badly behind in the slug
ging. The game was featured Y by
the numerous long clouts garnered
off all twirletn. the Rice idaff being
departing graduating cfasa. At
called meeting recently by Jack &4a'
han, president of the Jtmior Clasn
the following chairmen of commit*
the games are taken from the HouA-i tees were elected:
Arrangement—W. W. Cox.
Decoration—“Hike” McConnell.-
Program Art Knickerbocker.
Floor—Bill McMillan.
Finance—Bill King.
Mort of these men have had ex
perience in perfecting plans for. 4 a
dance and it is a safe bet that every
man will find it well worth his time
to get that date ahd plan on being
here that night. No definite date
has been set ) as yet though it, 1 i»
usually given as a* climax to tfic
entire commencement and school
year. Last year,
everyone had departed
success everyone must lend
Assistance and presence. It is
contemplated to ret the date, eithe.'
Monday night. May 24, or Friday
night. May 21.'higher of which wopH
be entirely satisfactory and conven
ient. Regardless of Hte time,- good
music is -in sight. YouXpn’t beat
the hunch of girls who w
Everyope wiH be happy
— . . . |ju«t shows a joyous and wonderfi
Lewia on Hura aack for the vis- tirn ,. Bring her back for one more
Freahaiao Livestock Judging Team
of Six Mea to be Selected. Gold
Medals to be Awarded.
The committee appointed from the
Saddle and Sirloin Club to arrange
for the Freshman Livestock Judging
Coatert met Monday night -wRh the
instructors in the Animal Husbandry
Department to prepare rules govern
ing the contest and set a final date
for holding it. Saturdatr, , May 16
was the date finally decided upon.
The Freshman Contest has become
an annual event at A. and M
lege and great interest is s
manifested in it, not only by
Animal Husbandry students and stu-
J dents in the School of Agriculture,
but by the entire student body ah
well. The Frmhmaa Contest serves
First Intercollegiate Meet Afforded
Throng Something New la Sports
at ‘A. and >1
, Monday night. May 3rd. for the
first time in the history of Texas
Athletics, an Intercollegiate Boxing
and Writing Meet was held at Col
lege Station in the Stock Judging Pa
State University sent her best
boxers and grapplera to Collage Sta
tion Monday afternoon. Ten min
utes after their arrival on the 3:26
train every man on the A. and M.
and Texas teams waa ready to
“weigh-in” at the gymnasium. A
half hour later every man having
“made weight” (some with no mar
gin to rparel was in the Mess Hal
doing his best to Sbiag’s beef steak,
eggs and potatoes ia an effort ti
offset the effect of the two-day per
iod of starving off weight.
To the uninitiated this making
weight proposition does not mean as
serious a budinea* as it does to the
have it a I
theiF Assii
particularly vulnerable.
itors took a couple of two-baggem J round before closing the most sm-
v | and a tnpple off the offerigg* of tl* cessful year the College has experi-
Rice twirlers, taking a double off |fBnc( . d in ' thf , ^ d^.de
Melton, a triple from Ratcfiford and — — -
another double from Henry.
it i ;
marked by the * -
L ] ' < | I
“The game was
substitution of men on both side*, j
Arbuckle led out with Mel
box and after giving sev
Company A Fish baseball team
Iton in the now claims the campus champian-
*n binglcs ship among the Freshmen. After
in five innings he was taken out for five victories out o? six games play-
Ratchford, who had a bad session in ed we feel that this championshin
the sixth, allowing the Farmers to falls to us. By defeating Compjwiy
bat nround. giving four hits and fonr | C. Signal Corps last Sunday in a
fast game with the score of 7 to 3
runs in one inning.
Sprague was taken out ia the mid
dle of the ninth, and Henderson
(Continued on Page'3)
we have eliminated all regular Fish
teams; bat we are prepgtud to meet
| any dispute as to our standing.
as a training school for the material
that will constitute future Interna
tional Teams from this school and
the success of our teams in the past
more than justifies this contest.
This y«nv. instead of selecting, v
only one high man in the conteat a.« bo * er or "reotler who forward
with anxiety to the time -when he
has to con^e down to the weight limit
of his class. f * . .
At 8 p. ni. the College Band en
tered the wdpt end of the Pavilion
with several hundred -students and
put pep intcl everyone praaafft.'i ' .
The bouts started as 8:30 with
“Woodrow” WilsoA as caretaker,
Mcl.owry and Maxwell as timekeep
ers. Knickerbocker and Martin and
Smith as seconds and Messrs. “Duke”
ornton and Lamar Bethea hs
ges. Mr. Irving of the Bryan
Country Club acted m0st efficiently
as referee and deserves a great deal
of credit foj successfully handling
the hary - job of refereeing a square-
ring meet bffwosn rival collages.
The openiag bout wg* in the 115
pound class wrestling. J. Hum
phrey, A. and M.. took‘the offensive
against A. G. Nash of ^tpte and su*-
__ _ ,1, BM
Nash worked out of Humphrey’s half
Nelson and wrist pry only to be
thrown to H*e mat retry time he
tried to get on his fept Humphrey
held the offensive fol six minutes
at the end of which time he lock. I
his legs around Nash’s Waist and
11 ' i
, - * , 1 has been the practice in the past, the
ed. In order t.i , ... _ . T7 ^ ‘ 71. .
six high men of the contest will |Bu
selected ito constitute what is to Un
known as the Freshman Livestock
Judging Team. While this tetim wfil
never have- the opportunity of con
testing with other teams it will be no
small honor to win a place among
the six beat livestock judges in the
Fl Ml»mnnvjfjlaas. Each member of
this tram ia to be awarded a team
medal which is to be of gold and of
same deaign as the medal tha^
awarded to the high man in
past Kreshman contests. These
medals are being awarded by A. M.
Waldrop Co.", rand on A Lawrence,
J. M. Caldwell. C|ias. Nitch. J. F.
Caaey and J. F. Laviqder. Classes
in horses, beef cattle, fhqxy cattle,
sheep and hogs will be judged. It is
the plan of the committee to'son-
duct this context as nearly like the ^ ^
International Contest at Chicago as ir^ n r to the mat
possible. The contest will be gov
erned by the following rules:
I. Eligibility.
enrolled stu-
101 and A.
(Continued an Page §>
1* Aifff rugularly • e<
dent who has had A. H.
T f°
* . 1 1-