The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 12, 1920, Image 1

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Aggie Quintet Nears Conference
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Championship After Sue-
^ k cessful Road Trip
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r«blUk«4 Weekly by tke Studeet*' Akeocietion •( t ke A C ricultur*l end Meebeakcel ColUfe of T«
IX 1*20.
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rhaotpiomthip New Aaa«r<
»«r». At Prevent Tea at
ith four victories out of
|||red the Aggies are nea
ptonslttp of the stato la<t!
lae cod of thei> sac
trif>. St iff opposition has
etkCountered but this has been
come by aggressiveness and
work. All of the men have shown
exceptionally well only seven f
n> .pating in the play namely : W0->
llama. ('apt . McQuillen, Korbo*,
artung. DwyeY, Ehlert and Gouger.
is a resume of the games:
In the second and last basketball
game in Austin between the Texas
Longhorns and the Aggies, playe-i
there Saturday night the Farmers re*
pea ted their performance of Friday
came the strong opposition of
quintet 3 5 to S.- •
The farmers took the lead from
the start,'* evidently determine^ to
■she the victory mare pronounced
then the night before. They scored
tea points fay the end of the Amt
half as against two for the Long*
horas. Hard playing by the Long*
horns in the htst half could not'qvec*
comt -the trong opposition of the
Rough pitying was frequent
throughout. Forbes was put out oh
• - serial fouls. Gouger was suhati*
tuted and three personal foulf
were booked against him. Hartung
got ; three! personals and Dwyer one!
-TAp lineup was the same as for thC
first! game, with McQuillen and Wil*
ligMs as forwards. Forbes at centef
and! Hartung and Dwyer guarding.
McQuillen got two field goab^
b \ pr-rience Ns
md Equip Men
fitM j!
One Hundr.-d Men Reapondsd to First
Call and Elimination Was
• A- * ’ Necessary. d' IT
At present there is a great demand
for thoroughly trained jung men to
fl’i recltn*.. Xu usUka
what branch of engineering it is, be
it mechanical, efvQ or chemical. In
: this case we are more concerned with
\ the chemical part of engineering. It
is vary unfortunate that the College
does not find itaelf located in a part
of the country where the industries
are growing fast, this being mainly
an agricultural section of the state.
The industrial part would be of h»-
calcuable use to the Student for he
could then actually see and observe
the processes of manufacture, in pro
duction. It is essential that when
chemical engineer fills a position
such with some corporation, that he
can say that he is familiar with the
process. The chemistry’ department
of the-college realizes that fact more
and more every day, so that it has
started a Series at miniature plants
used in the industries. They are. Ml
the rear of one chemistry building.
toward the
fvi »••sm.
derful amo
to bu 11J up
Scerrleae Games Add Interest. Fin
als by Undefeated Teams W ill bn
l‘la> ed ia LMh.
taken a long swing
ixation of a poWer-
ch B^ofc 'm? a won
of material with which
Aggie delegation of
this sport, and he has already begun
the work of shaping them up.
The initial step was taken last
Monday week, when the call was
made for basoball matfartalj' One
hundred men answered the call and
signified their intention of beginning
training at once. This was rather
an overwhelming start and Coach
Bible was forced to make some kind
of an elimination. He decided to call
out only th> pitchers knd catchers.
Work this past week Mss had te do
with the battery only, and the least
force in the ranks of team aspirants
is here.
Daniels is the only letter man who
has stepped on the field so far to re
sume his old place on th*> mound. It
seems that there will he no applicant
with former service record as a rec
ommendation for a place behind the
Captain Jud Lewis U opt for his
fourth year with the infield. Lackey
and Rothe, both letter men with two-
year records on the infield are back,
and the outfield is showing up equal
ly as strong with Gufnes, Higgin
botham, Matthews and Glesen, all
letter men.
Thus it is seen that the task ahead
f. Enthusiast ir egewda
playaJ thaf M
Interest in Company Football is in
creasing rapidly
watched the
of this week.
The result* of the games on Feb
ruary 8, show that there was some
thing worth seeing. AB and the
Signal Corps played a scorelosa game
ending 0 to 0; the Casuals defeated
EF by a score of 19 to 7; OH forfeited
to the Artillery and the gaaqa be
tween CD I and Band) was post
The schedule for today is as fol
lows: I J
AB vs ArtiHefy, 5 p. m. oa the
Football fiefd-
CD vs equals, & p* m. on the field
ipdM§fik' ;
EF vs I land Band, 5 p. m. on the
Forbes threw two field and thred
frpd goals sad Hartung made the
scores with
two field
other fo,,
Ehlert was substituted for Forbes
a-i.l Gouger for Hartung. The Long
horns used four substitutes.
These games put the Aggies on thq
hsresruj for the Conference
pio ~ ~
all of
They are undefeated
The plants serve two purposes, one is
to train the stud^t, Um-other is to
experiment new processes, or perfect
old ones. The department, as well as
the Students are greatly indebted to
the kindness of cqmpauies who have
made possible the building of the
plants, by giving us very willingly
apparatus manufactured by them, to
be tried out by Us. Below a complete
description is given of
been done so feU. , Ip (
leges in the State have don* what the
Department of Chemical Engineering
is trying out. We sre proud to claim
to be the first. [[_ A
At the A. and M- College of Tex
as there is in operation s small re
fining plant built by the Senior Chem
ical Engineers and Mr. M. K. Thorn
ton, professor ef chemistry, for the
purpose of demonstrating the prin-
under which an ordinary plant
! nil-
that what has C 0 *** 1 BUble is the selection of a
' battery force capable of playing the
. . . ! game with experienced men In the
I infield.
A contributing factor toward the
accompli*mhent of this end is the
supplementing 6f ability with the ex
perience of Paul Sentell, who is as
sisting the coach in the construction
of this year’s team before nc
assumes his duties as umpire in the
Texas League.
Mr. Sentell is a man of wide ex-
Page 3)
perience on the baseball field, t
as a player and manager. Hu
(Continued on Page 2)P
GH vs Si goal Corps, 5 p. m. on the
Baseball iP*j L: . 0
Only can playing date remains or
the schedig; nfter today’s games.
The CatJfels and AB are the only
undefeated’teams to date in the
League, l^iey seem to have the edge
on AB fWjju the fact that they have
won all t|fcr games they have qagfigaa I
in so fajfevwhile of the three played
by AB has resulted ia a victory
and the^pther two have been tied.
These tfS teams will meet on Feb
ruary ijr
As WS'knnounced sometime ago the
im of the League will be
sweaters at the dose of the
hj;.! • ■? . ■
is will be made in the fol-
The Ward*
lowmgr«|ay: |
At th«* close of the schedule the best
players from each team wdll be choeea
and o^"*T>»ze.i into two teams. One
of thafiUdwill be placed stadet tke di-
| Ex-Captain
the under the direction of Cap-
two teams win then meet ia
the nta* future and play the dosing
A b^ sll admission to the game wiB
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