The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 29, 1920, Image 5

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• .1
La*t Monday night the S. V. D.'a j; |
. _ were asaembled in the annex of the
- u... . citedly around the Festal board
fecently improvised from a
table. The cause of all this excite
ment was very’ much in evidence, a
capacious box filled with oodles and
— f 1 j | Robs of the moat delicious Oats, truly
The members of the Senior Clam • *'* ht 1or non **** the ▼*t«rans
T. M. C. A. Gives an Informal Socidl
* to the Senior Class and Number
' • of Bryaa Girls.
aw « *
Library !!
and some of the Bryan girls were
present nt an informal social given
by the Y. M. C. A. Tuesday night fob-
lowing the basketball ' ga|ne. Al
though many of the men were ex
hausted after their strenuous efforts
iff the irame, the lively music furnish
ed by the College Band soon revived
them and gavf spirit to everyone
Following the general introduction
the entertain mem committee -under
the leadership of Boren and Smith
started a number #f games which
caused considerable excitement among
both the contestants and onlookers.
In the marshmallow eating contest
Jack McManus so carefully judged
the eating ef hie side of the marsh
mallow that he almost succeeded in
arriving at the string at the same
time as his opponent, Mias Mary
James. Archie Wayland also used
some great headwork in the same
contest. He kept getting lower and
lower as the marshmallow disappear-
of many moons of Sbisa's chow. The
bspc upon being opened revealed a
tasty collection of the moat luscious
dates prepared, as each one allowed,
to please his individual taste. And
cake, to try to find a suitable adjec
tive would involve much speculation
and selection so suffice it to say that
it was the kind that only mother knyw
how to hake. And since we are tae
recipients of such manifestations on
0. I. A.’s part it behooves us to heart
ily indorse the statement so recently
made by the Battalion, that the
Sweetest Girls are the girls who so
pleasantly remember us with such
boxes of luscious eats.
Mr. Mayo was Toast-master (pro
tem) and a jolly life he lead us. It
almost brought back the spirit of the
wbolr trip but one thfhg was lacking
and they sent their silent represen
tative. It was an expressioh at cuM-
nary art carried to perfection. And
were wd to attempt, a manifestation
of our appreciation it would Involve
ml, in order that the string would fall »****€. I. A.- for no one would
try to express his appreciation in
mere words
into his possession, bat! his partner
Miss Willie May Lollard anticipated
bis tactics so th^t the end ef the game
found each opponent on the floor and
the contest was called a draw.
The ribbon contest was won by
Frits Mgrray as he aadTiis "partner
showed the greatest skill in catting
a straight line without injuring the
side of the ribbon.
In the apple contest the girls wrists
were tied and they were then blind
folded and told to take the apple off
of their parser’s head and replace
it. This resulted in many close fin
ishes as everyone worked hard to
win. Miss James was the winner due
to the cooperation of her assistant,
Mr. Wayland. •* \ r y
Refreshments were sgrved towards
the close of the -veainjr. About
•evenly were present. Mrs. Kyle was for Ute occasion and with
the able assistance of Mias Kyi* and
Dean Kyle saw to R that everyone
thoroughly enjoyed the evening.
A Ntdrttajh
Sergeant: (To new Rah) “Fresh
man. do they raise macaroni in your
home locality 1 ”
Fish: “Yes, sir. 1
Seargeant: “What kind of trees
does it grow on? M j
Just I To Call
\ \ ' 7 j
If bur Attention
l 1 /
need of a smoke
and Cakes, and other
thing to eat.
<;i y
Cards were found that gave con
elusive evidence tjtot the following
were responsible for the very pleasant
surprise: i Misses. Mamie Walker,
Katharine Curtis. RutlvXaird. Char-
leen Hogue. Mattie Bounds, Bernice
Scow. Ruth West. Majrtin*, Ifcirris.
Gertrude Garter, Ray Job its ton, Emma
'Cartor, Willie Bigham and ►leet
Stalky. After deciding that h vote of
thanks waa in order and coming to
the solemn conclusion that be it ever
in our power to retwrn the favor- so
tm—itly .enjoyed by us that not one
would hesitate especially after being
so royally treated thruout the trip. '
Thirteen is a lucky number as the
following named men are willing to
admit. If m doubt as X F. Mayo,
then J. C Horger, S. G. West, H. S.!
Kerr, R. H. Maxwell, p. D. Clinton,
T. Hall, W. E. Jlurrah. W. B. Mur
ray, W. D. Sealei and if any further
dope is needed C. C. B. Warden will
be pleased to expand and expound on
that subject so near and dear to every
masculine heart. A good time waa
had by all' and the meeting was
brought to a close to meet again in
sectional conferences in the various !
rooms of the! h^ark for further con
Sultation and plao of action. Ex
pressing our appreciation in our hum
mm \
j. -2
The S
“The same as vermicelli, ble but heartfelt way we go but we
i V W IfMOm* -
We call the attenti<
cadets to our
\ \ i H a r* (Wm
Also Served
the Camptis residents and
on special dinners,
F. very speck of fat can be
some way; if not for drippings, it’
do for the soap fat can.
I W«
j >M
* 1 ■
Upper Classman: (To now Fish) |
“Fish, why haven’t you got a white
stripe on your sleeve; don’t you ex
pect someone will bo mistaking you
for a Senior?”
Fish: “I wouldn't be surprised
all air, if they didr -
A Scone from
’ t
Lady” at the Lyric Theatre, Matinee and Night, Saturday, January Slot.
ft V*
“Oh, wad soiqe power the gif tie gie
To see ourselves as libers see ^
Metkinks ’twould so reduce our
That we could have our little vests
Wrapped twice around and stfl) ao
That they would button In the hack.
—California Untvomity Pelican.